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I now know why you should NEVER play against bots on a downloaded map...

Lunatic Jedi

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

They hop around lilke idiots until they fall off the map and die! That's what happened to me in a bot match when I played the Naboo Reactor map.


Somewhat frustrating yet nonetheless hilarious.


"Its raining stormtroopers!" :D


This only happens on maps without bot routes (bot support)

Some of the maps do have bot support and play fine with them.

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Yeah, their behavior is so predictable.


*Run away backwards from player for about three minutes, suddenly charge player, get killed, repeat.*


Is it me, or is Jedi Master the easiest difficulty? To me, it seems that initiate is the hardest level. They seem to get harder the lower you are on the ladder. I think the developers got the bot difficulties switched!

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