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Anakin Skywlaker Hilt W.I.P.


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Hey alaris on the jedimod hilt selection (which is jedimod 1.1). You need to have the texture file named differntly, so when you compile it name the texture "anakinsabertexture.jpg or tga" or whatever. So it doesnt conflict with other "saber.jpg" files. Also can you rerelease a pack of your hilts to work with jedimod? Heh ive spent all day trying to crack it. But only way is to recompile and stuff. All you'd need to do to rerelease em is recompile with diffrent texture file names. Heh. Nice model keep it up man. On a side note, make sure you have it in "models/weapons2/saber_anakin" and a texture in "models/weapons2/saber" Thats how i did it. Works. Or you could just put the glm in both folders, but that'd be a waste wouldnt it? Heh.

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I will release the hilt all by its lonesome on jediknightii.com, and jk2files.com with its own hud images (thanks to tchouky).


ALSO, I will contact the makers of the multiple hilt mods to see if they want to include my hilt in their next release (they'd be crazy not to right? :D )

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Alaris, if you want, ill post it for you on my hosted website. Im on all day so as soon as you send it, ill post it right away. It would be a quicker route before you send it to JK2files and Jediknightii.net. Just send it to Bakers8er@Yahoo.com


Thnkz and keep on makin hilts, you obviously have a talent :D

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Its a hosted site, nothin special . i just use it to post my WIP pics( i have 1 up) and anything anyone else needs seen. If you want i could give you the sites name if you wanted to register for a free web Host. It only host 5 mb worth of stuff though

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma


im reminded why i took absense from this board for so long

the losers who have nothing better to do then flame people who are just having a good time joking around


really i'd take a look in the mirror before you go accusing other people of having pointless lives. llama.


Yeah, whats even worse is he's a newbie ;) . Oh well, dont ya just hate newbies that try to correct people? -_-. Ulitu is very psyched about the model. No biggie, no pressure. He's been bugging even my friend to make an anakin hilt. And now that alaris did one (mighty fine one at that) hes over excited. Great job alaris. Hope to see it soon, along with updated versions of your other sabers for jedimodv1.1.

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma


im reminded why i took absense from this board for so long

the losers who have nothing better to do then flame people who are just having a good time joking around


really i'd take a look in the mirror before you go accusing other people of having pointless lives. llama.


nothing better to do ? I do enough things to keep me busy 20/7 thank you very much and I'm looking in a mirror, still saying you have a pointless life


now if it was a joke, that's a whole different story, now isn't it ?


still, wanting this 3D model (that can be made out of a 3D box) so bad that you're about to go nuts if it doesn't come out is kinda bad, this isn't a naked model girl or $10000000 check, so yeah, I still think you're the lame one


and who said I was flaming you ? that wasn't even close to a "flame" (kinda stupid word if you ask me), a low level diss maybe but not a flame ;)


and Tap[RR], who are you calling a noob ? I'm the one who worked with Dest on JediMod 1.1 (JediMod 2.2 stole everything and just added 2 new things <####ed up saber damage> <force while dueling>), with Keto on Kronar, multiple skins, some sounds, I got almost all the available sabers to work 100% (not all the sabers, some of them I don't like so they're not in), some scripts, I've helped many people, working now on the upcoming JediMod 1.2 and that's only for JK2, I do a lot of TC and mod work on many other engines and what can you do ? you can't even make a "proper" ####ing hilt edit that's compatible with JediMod/hilt selection mods, #### off NOOB

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and alaris, never mind about the hilt selection image, I'll do that, just make sure to get that cool saber released ^_^


here is some examples of the images I have (I did black-red for evil/sith and blue-white/blue-black for jedis/good) (and some extras like green bg for yoda plus each icon has a different bg style, not just basic and simple colors)




the icon images will be released ONLY for JediMod official and not the fake JediMod 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 JediPlus


looking forward to your reply (hopefully with a link to the hilt, the pack can be done faster that way :))

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Originally posted by remark 666


nothing better to do ? I do enough things to keep me busy 20/7 thank you very much and I'm looking in a mirror, still saying you have a pointless life


now if it was a joke, that's a whole different story, now isn't it ?


still, wanting this 3D model (that can be made out of a 3D box) so bad that you're about to go nuts if it doesn't come out is kinda bad, this isn't a naked model girl or $10000000 check, so yeah, I still think you're the lame one


and who said I was flaming you ? that wasn't even close to a "flame" (kinda stupid word if you ask me), a low level diss maybe but not a flame ;)


and Tap[RR], who are you calling a noob ? I'm the one who worked with Dest on JediMod 1.1 (JediMod 2.2 stole everything and just added 2 new things <####ed up saber damage> <force while dueling>), with Keto on Kronar, multiple skins, some sounds, I got almost all the available sabers to work 100% (not all the sabers, some of them I don't like so they're not in), some scripts, I've helped many people, working now on the upcoming JediMod 1.2 and that's only for JK2, I do a lot of TC and mod work on many other engines and what can you do ? you can't even make a "proper" ####ing hilt edit that's compatible with JediMod/hilt selection mods, #### off NOOB




Actually, no. For one, look at your registered date, newbie. Sorry working on mods or models (bet you only beta tested, which is hardly work) doesnt give you experiance on the forums. So you #### off. Now.. even if it did in your eyes, ive worked with adonai on some models. So another disappointment to you. Jedimod 2.2 sucks i agree with you there. And i got all th available sabers to work 100%, just didnt feel the need to release it to jk2.net, im a texture artist, i draw constantly. And im sorry man but your insults are so assumed. Dont you know assumption is the mother of all #### ups? So that being said, shut up sit down and get your ####ing "facts" straight, newbie.

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