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NOT warez!


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Hi first of all i'd like to say this is NOT a warez request, I have bought the game, and I can do whatever I want to with the files on my hard drive, its not illegal, not against the law, not warez.


So here's my problem, ever since v1.02 my CD has been broken so I turned to No CD cracks, making sure that one was out before upgrading. In a lapse of stupidity I upgraded to 1.04 before waiting for a NoCd crack to be released, and now i cant play!!!


I'd be very appreciative if anyone knew where to get one? or even create one for me?

Again this is not a warez request, I payed for the game, the cd broke, i tried to get it replaced, I couldnt. I'm not going to go out and buy it again :)


Cya all


Anyone who helps me ill try and help back in any way I can

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Ah hell. The game's only $30 now? Eh, oh you meant rom. Yeah those're cheap. I think the kid meant his game CD broke. This is why I burn copies of my games after I buy em', and take REALLY good care of the ones that won't let me copy em'.

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JKII.net has a new file posted called AOJ Patch Commander that claims it allows you to switch between 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04. I have not tried it so I dont know if it works but it may be a solution. Here is what it says:


Readme is in the folder once extracted extract to JK2 folder, not gamedata, readme includes all the stuff you need to know Lets you play any patch version 102.bat installs retail patch 103.bat installs 103 patch 104.bat installs 104 patch


Maybe you could revert back to 1.03 if you have a no-cd for it. Anyway here is the link to the downloadable file:



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thanks kann but if I have to switch to 1.03 I still wont be able to play on servers as they'll be 1.04 soon :/

I hear its not that hard to make a no cd crack, I don't know why jediknightII.com doesnt host them, I suppose they are associated with warez, but they're not illegal.

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Call me paranoid... cause I probably am. I'm a little uneasy about copying games, since the government can find out anything from a computer. Usage records, logs, specific files, anything. Even if you delete something off your hard drive, the FBI can still find it, or so I've heard.


I never copy anything other than video and audio files I download off Kazaa or some media desktop. Of course, that's not much since downloads take me forever cause 56k is such shi.t! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

Call me paranoid... cause I probably am. I'm a little uneasy about copying games, since the government can find out anything from a computer. Usage records, logs, specific files, anything. Even if you delete something off your hard drive, the FBI can still find it, or so I've heard.


I never copy anything other than video and audio files I download off Kazaa or some media desktop. Of course, that's not much since downloads take me forever cause 56k is such shi.t! :mad: :mad: :mad:


lol you are paranoid.. Is not like the government as cameras, and they can monitor every1 single person in the U.S. I dun even think is possible that they can even know that your copying your games unless your start ur own black market and start sellling illegal stuff

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actually heres a little known trick for you, as long as you have more than one person who uses the computer in your household, all you have to do is get every person to deny it. Seeing as they cant arrest the whole household they drop the case, its been done lots of times. Think about it.

Obviously if your name is john or something dont keep your illegal files in "johns illegal files" or something, just keep it all open and make sure no one admits to having downloaded or used them, they cant prove anything :p

Also there are programs that can delete all traces of any files from your hardrive so that even the FBI cant find out if you've had them. Also the FBI wont just come to your house anyway, go figure.

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Oh really...? Maybe I'm paranoid, or maybe you're not paranoid enough! They could be monitoring this discussion right now... *shudders.*


Maybe I'll acquire on of those deletion programs when I need it. However, it'll probably be my friend who needs it. He's the one who'll be altering records and making that ghost sto... I've said too much!


*Takes a cyanide pill... nothing happens.*


What the... Prozac? Uh oh... I must have gotten it switched with that guy at the... oh geez. (Prozac taking effect) Oh well... I suppose he'll be fine, as long as he feeeeeeels the love. Meeeeehhhh...

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It's legal and your right to copy any software you BUY, for the purpose of making a backup copy. If you didnt do that when you bought it your out of luck unless someone makes a no-cd crack for 1.04


Games play better off the HD than from the cdrom anyway and why many like using them. Not everyone that uses a no-cd crack is using a warez copy of a game.

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Originally posted by finn_brice

Also a replacement CD is not an option as i threw it away after it cracked on one side, I need a crack or a whole new cd, and i think its plain wrong to buy a game twice :p especially as the patches coming out for it are plain crap :p


Does it say you need to send back the original? Sorry, I can't find my manual, I'm in the process of moving...

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I copy every damn CD I own, not to sell or pass out but there is nothing more frustrating than having to pay $50-$200 (WIN XP) for a replacement because my girlfriends damn cat jumped up on my desk at dug it's claws into a disk sitting there.


If backing up my stuff is a crime then I'll just have to live with the tremendous guilt of breaking the law...


If you really want to play it, buy it again, back it up and put the original away and use the copy in case this were to happen again.

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Honestly I just got my cd back, I let my sister's boyfriend borrow it and upgraded to v1.4 forgeting i was using a nocd patch. All is well tho. Got it back and finnally played jk2 v1.4. Its FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!


Shame about jump lunge tho. Oh well...




Anyway there is a no-cd patch out now so go to google and go on a scavenger hunt! Yee get no help from meeeeeee.

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

Oh really...? Maybe I'm paranoid, or maybe you're not paranoid enough! They could be monitoring this discussion right now... *shudders.*


Maybe I'll acquire on of those deletion programs when I need it. However, it'll probably be my friend who needs it. He's the one who'll be altering records and making that ghost sto... I've said too much!


*Takes a cyanide pill... nothing happens.*


What the... Prozac? Uh oh... I must have gotten it switched with that guy at the... oh geez. (Prozac taking effect) Oh well... I suppose he'll be fine, as long as he feeeeeeels the love. Meeeeehhhh...


LoL i think u must have had a tough childhood or u watch tooooo god damn many movies/tv

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

It's legal and your right to copy any software you BUY, for the purpose of making a backup copy. If you didnt do that when you bought it your out of luck unless someone makes a no-cd crack for 1.04


Games play better off the HD than from the cdrom anyway and why many like using them. Not everyone that uses a no-cd crack is using a warez copy of a game.


Yeah usually the warez people are the ones with infinite copies of the game on CD.

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If your cd is simply scratched or dirty, a high quality CD/DVD-ROM scratch repair kit (the kind with scratch repair paste, spray polish and those special cleaning pads) can run you $10 or less (try any store that carries music cd's).


I've brought back both music cd's and games from the dead using those kits, ones that otherwise wouldn't play or install.


In the future, perhaps you should take better care of your stuff (and/or not lone it out to people who will treat it badly).


Making one backup copy of the game you have legally purchased (and not renting it out of course) is perfectly within your rights, and perhaps a better idea. I copied my JK/MotS cd's after buying because they got such heavy use, I was afraid of them getting ruined, though that was before I realized how good the repair kits were.


However, if you are looking for cracks, I'm afraid we aren't allowed to post those here on these forums (along with warez), so look elsewhere....

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