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Were you always this stupid, or did did somewhere along the line did the moronic, and from the looks of it, illiterate powers take you over?


I said I prefer no force, because of the MESSAGE THAT YOU QUOTED.


Do you understand English? If so, is it your first language?


And also, the more skilled players are always found on the duel servers trying to hone their saber skills.


Your previous comment made NO sense, it seems as if you did not read any of my posts, just used the handy dandy quote function. Like I said, if you are GOOD challenge me, that is the nature of this post, did I ever say I like owning newbies in a no force duel? No. Did I ever say I stick only to nf duels? No. If you would like, I would be happy to play you whatever way you would like. Kick whoring, pulling, saber throw/pulling, or *gasps* no force SABER duel. You may choose the stance I will use, and I will only use that stance.


One more question: How would you get I only like owning newbies from my previous post? I said I don't like 20 minute chess matches with "good" players, that I END UP WINNING.


Your information is erroneous and your logic (or lack there of), is extremely FLAWED. PLEASE, before you post on a forum....PLEASE, PLEASE STOP being a total moron (I KNOW that will be hard for a lot of you.)

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Interesting try at by-passing the fact you said all I do is own newbies, and then made the comment, "Shows your age."


Nooooo, your not being confrontational. Not at all.


And elaborate on what? I think I gave you all the needed info in my previous posts.

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I didnt mention you being confrontational, i think confrontation is useful in a discussion but not when all you do is insult.


I was gonna say that i like the drawn out fights because i like to earn the kill, and i too perfer no-force, but occasionally go for quick FF Duel.

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Yo phantom.. If I were you.. If would not respond to icefox.. and let this thread die.. B/C basically you got "chat owned" (lol read that in a forum, and i thought it was pretty funny)... oh where was i... oh yeah... dont respond if icefox replies.. Otherwise you...well you know =P

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Why did you split so quick dude?

I just played you about 5 minutes ago in a FF duel on the duel_pit map.

I was the guy with the Desann model named "Jizz".


What happened man?

You went down faster than a $2 hooker. You didn't even land a single hit on me.

I was hoping to get a chance to bea...*cough play you again but you disconnected right after you lost.

What gives dude?

Unless this was that "Phantom" Rosco I ran into last time...


BTW, told you you're easy to pull+kick ;)

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

Why did you split so quick dude?

I just played you about 5 minutes ago in a FF duel on the duel_pit map.

I was the guy with the Desann model named "Jizz".


What happened man?

You went down faster than a $2 hooker. You didn't even land a single hit on me.

I was hoping to get a chance to bea...*cough play you again but you disconnected right after you lost.

What gives dude?

Unless this was that "Phantom" Rosco I ran into last time...


BTW, told you you're easy to pull+kick ;)


well maybe, he only plays TRUE NF servers... Since He Himself said, that he played a lot of nf games =P

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Rosco, huh?


My name is Rosco: The Prince Of Space when I play, obviously you ran into another moron whom i beat running around using my name...are you sure his name wasn't Rosco: Prince Of Gay or something? I have seen that recently.


Just to let you know, I havent PLAYED JKII today. Heh...


You are either, a) lying, b) saw someone impersonating me. Your name was, Jizz? Well, trust me, youd know it would be me, I would say something like, "Wow, original and witty name, shows class."


Anywho, the name is Rosco: The Prince Of Space, and I use the ugnaught model. =)


Thanks for the insults, maybe next time you can go against me instead of insulting someone who will probably never here it, lol.


Nice tirade, though I do say so myself. =) I find it hilarious your so quick to jump to the gun and try and "chat own" me on this forum, ahahahaha. It's cute.


Well, I will look you up "Jizz." Maybe you can actually duel ME.


Oh and by the way. Nice name. Thoughtful, and original.

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....you will NEVER earn the right to "Chat-Own" somebody if you continue to use the word "your" instead of either "you are", or the abbreviated form "you're".


Or "here" instead of "hear" now I come to think of it.....


(And I await the sarcastic response to my login name with child-like glee)

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Im usually at the infinite fragging duel server or some FFA server. But IMO the FF duels I have been in do not tend to be pull/kick or pull/slash. I tend to see a lot sabre battles, with combos and timing. Plus like Twins once said to me, "if you get pulled then you deserve to die". Gotta love absorb

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It's the same way with you every time.

You're just as self absorbed in game as you are in here.

And yes it was Rosco: The Prince Of Space.

Same non-aggressive counter attack play style as last time too.

No one is trying to "own" you, get your head out of your conceited ass dude.

Sometimes, believe it or not, people joke around with you.

Not all "trash talking" is intended to infuriate or upset, sometimes it's just "breaking balls", so to speak.




But then again it's always the same with your type.

It's all about "owning" and embarrassing people.

But God forbid you actually play someone who knows what they are doing and lose, and it's a tirade of insults, excuses and denials.


As for the name comment, as I have said before, I could give a damn about the whole "reputation" and "online identity" thing that so many others seem to take a ridiculous amount of pride in.

If I am in a server for more than 10 minutes I change my name at least 3 to 4 times out of boredom.

To give you an idea of how seriously I take this stuff, my current name is

"Erik Estrada is a great actor" ...

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