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It just hit me. I'm just too damn good at this game...(Or, maybe everyone else sucks.) But, I would really appreciate a good duel, seriously. I can't stop completely owning every duel server I go to....I'm not trying to be cocky, oh heavens no. Just wondering if anyone could give me a challenge. If you don't think I'm that good...ask some people on this forum who have "danced" with me. Ehh heh.


Well, I go by the name Rosco: The Prince Of Space...and I play every now and then...Please, CHALLENGE MEH.


-Merc out




[The Feet Shift.]


[A wry grin cracks upon my face.]


-Rosco: The Prince Of Space




(Official *ASC* Server pwned 4 times in a row 15/0,15/0,15/0, before I got bored.)


(I think that was the duel limit set at that time.)

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I remember going onto a server with someone only pull+kicking, because I never go onto force servers, considering they just turn into a 20 minute chess match of backing up and trying to draw your opponent in for a pull+kick. I recall winning that server, and the only pull+kicker there, leaving after I defeated them. I may be wrong. And you may be wrong.


I'd rather play on a nf server....but if you want to chess match it out, be my guest. (I would assume not one clear hit with a saber would take place, which kind of goes hand in hand with a "good" ff dueler.)


NF (Or just jump) is where the true skill is at. :D

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Originally posted by icefox98

Just confident. :D


-Merc out




Gee, glad to know someone remembered me, or at least my old sig/avatar. Do you guys use my "Merc out" as fodder for some IRC jokes or something? :rolleyes:


Think you're cocky? Just see me when I'm playing on a gun server and have a Tenloss ready; that's TRUE braggage. :p

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Hey, come on my server. I enjoy a good challenge. I almost always finish at the top of any FFA or Duel match force or no force. :D


I'll take on you and the homo ewok at the same time. :D :D :D

I'm usually on at night.


J/K! No sore winners or sore losers just have fun!!!


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Originally posted by icefox98

NF (Or just jump) is where the true skill is at. :D

Couldn't agree more. You actually have to get in close to your opponnent and work at kicking his ass. Though I'll also admit it takes some skill to avoid getting quickly fragged by some kid bitching the hell out of the powers. But NF duels are where the real quality saberfights are found.

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Originally posted by Elegy

Couldn't agree more. You actually have to get in close to your opponnent and work at kicking his ass. Though I'll also admit it takes some skill to avoid getting quickly fragged by some kid bitching the hell out of the powers. But NF duels are where the real quality saberfights are found.


Couldn't have said it better myself ;)


btw icefox98, catch me in the Darkside 1-4 NF SO Duel servers.

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There is "skill" required in a FF duel, but, a different kind. a kind of skill called patience. Usually, with two equally "skilled" FF duelers, they are at a stand still, just countering each other over and over, or trying to draw their opponent in for an attack by a series of moves consisting of moving forward, backing up. Moving forward, and *gasps* backing up. The winner of these fights is usually the person who gets so damn bored at this "chess match" as I like to call it, then slips up in his movement of moving forward and backing up and get pull/kicked down, and uh oh here comes a saber down on him. No fret. He has protect/rage! This will go on until someone makes another mistake and pretty much dies in one hit. GREAT FUN! Well, no. I tend to stay away from bull**** like that, because, I like to have FUN while dueling.

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I LOVE NF duels, that's what I play jk2 for. I'm in clan [jhq], so when you find one of us, our friends won't be far behind. Right now our clan server is down because one of our leaders is having problems or he doesn't know about the patch yet, but we hang around on other people's servers too so just locate us. We'll give you a good match ;)

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I paly both mostly FF (most of the itme leave tho if there's spammers, pissed at em now)


Anyhoo i jsut noticed you talk abotu artifex's server which was ff yet you don't paly ff.. weird. just putting in my 2 cents= 1 pence i think.

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Terminator: Have you played on Artifex's server in the last...year? I think everyone that has played on the server will agree with me, that the force IS DISABLED on that server.


Your facts are completely inaccurate....go onto the server and you will see. (Maybe Aritfex has two servers? Ive only seen one, though.)

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Originally posted by icefox98

The winner of these fights is usually the person who gets so damn bored at this "chess match" as I like to call it, then slips up in his movement of moving forward and backing up and get pull/kicked down, and uh oh here comes a saber down on him. No fret. He has protect/rage! This will go on until someone makes another mistake and pretty much dies in one hit. GREAT FUN! Well, no. I tend to stay away from bull**** like that, because, I like to have FUN while dueling.


By saying that it seems to me that you dont like playing decent players but like owning newbies??


Plz correct me if im wrong? :p

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