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Server Ettiquete?

Rad Blackrose

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Now normally, I am on the boards rallying for support for certain aspects of JKII, or raising some hell, etc. However, after a certain incident which happened today, I not only am going to lay out what I see, what I don't want to see, but I also want input as to what others do and wish others would be shot for in JKII.


The incident, you ask? It's almost the same reason why I left Counter-Strike. If you want a straightforward answer, follow this link in which the behavior matched after I literally murdered a llama to death.




Now, onto the point of the matter, shall we?


Q: Whining about deaths, cheating, etc when you are just being slaughtered.


A: Refer to link above


Q: What is your stance on bowing?


A: In all honesty, I don't care if you bow or not. Just know that if you don't bow, I won't feel sorry for playing dirty with you (along the lines of kick into slashing you on the ground).


Q: What is your viewpoint on people who brag about their skills?


A: They deserve to burn. And when I hand their arse to them, it brings a nice little look of satisfaction on my face.


Q: ASC or SC?


A: ASC all the way.


Q: Force abuse?


A: Depends on the force powers, actually. Today, I was on the FF JHQ server and this person intentionally abused the chat box command just to build up his force power, then force drained away. Leelink kicked his ass, thankfully. So, it really depends on 2 things, A.) the stage, and B.) the powers used.


I would advertise JHQ's guides here, but then the IRS would be on my arse.


Q: Move spammers?


A: DFA spammers are easy kills, light lungers barely exist anymore, yellow finishers deserve a good boot to the head.


I'll write more as I think of em.

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1-Have fun, and always remember it's just a video game, not a contest to humiliate people.


2-Don't be a prick. As in racial slurs, humiliating new players to the point where they give up and leave.


3-If I am better than someone, I'm sure they will figure it out by the # of times I kill them. No need for me to remind them.


4-You bow, I bow. You follow saber off = peace, I follow it. You break the rules so do I. No harm in that.


5-No such thing as a cheap opponent. If I can't stop it, I need to learn how to.


6-When new guys ask for help, give it to them. We all had to learn at one time just like them.



My personal rules. ^^^

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I hate people who spam dribble at you all of the time. I have only nine comments bound to my insult key (I use 100 in Quake and Elite force). This game is in some ways about honor. I find that the people who lack the mst honor spend most of their time dead. I will play by whatever the server rules are, but if my saber is down and I am attacked I will kill that person. I also hate any kind of racial slurs. My insults are of the Star Wars type "Your skills are no match for me" and the like. I usually follow them up with a lol bind so they know not to take it too serious.


Last knight I played with a guy that was a total now bowing spaz. After killing him 38 time (no joke) and winning 6 duels with hime I offered him some help. With just the two of us I thought I could pass a few tips on to him. He proceeded to try to kill me when he entered the imperial bridge where I was waiting for him. After that I lost my temper and killed him 15 more times and told him how lame he was. What a joke.


I play for fun but some people just do not get that it is only a game. I should have just left. Oh well. Just play for fun and we will all be betteroff and helping someone is ok in my book.

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