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Is this game dead or what?


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9am-American time (dunno which state, ny i think)

Currently- 470 1.04 servers , 510 1.03 servers and 20 1.02 servers.

So it's pretty early not quite peak time yet (7 hours away ;) ) so no jk2 is not dead. :)

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Originally posted by NK_Zephorath

Actually 1.03 was not like this.

DO you have any idea how many people left the game? This commuinity is dying, whether you like it or not.

That's a defeatist attitude if I've ever heard one.


Besides, the community is still going strong. Check the Tribes 2 community. Everyone thought that game was dead, and now Sierra has opened up negotations with the prime members of the network on a possible Tribes 3, thanks to a few people who pushed for it.


All we need is to be faithful to JK2. Many people were and still are part of the JediKnight network. People still make levels and skins for the original JK. Which is nothing to say of the excellent modifications being produced by our own community.


If the game was dead, we wouldn't have patches. We wouldn't even have servers. The game is in a gray area now, because it was populated by brats who wanted only what THEY wanted, attacked each other in the game over tactics and then became hypocrites in their own right.


I think this game is still one of the best FPS games on the market. I have my own views, as likely do most of you. As long as we don't abandon the game completely, the game will still exist.

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Let's think about this.. the new patch has been out, HOW LONG??


Give it time. Every game has to have time to switch over. By all counts, the game still has lots of life left, if you check out the forum activity and mod activity on this site ALONE!


The server admins just need time to switch over and get used to the new options, and then it will be as vital as ever it need be.


Heck, the JK/MotS community was still hot as ever up until the very week that JK2 was released. Obviously, many have moved on since then, but that doesn't mean people don't still play it. Heck, even the original DOOM has had revivals of interest in the last 5 years or so. LEC released a new patch for Outlaws not too long ago....


So anything is possible as long as people still play a game.

; )

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A game isn't dead until every last bit of life has been removed.


It doesn't matter if all the "1337" players are leaving because of the new patches. It just makes more room for new players.


Once the servers are COMPLETELY empty, AND there's no longer any models/skins/maps being made, THEN you can announce the game dead.

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Originally posted by Daishin

That's a defeatist attitude if I've ever heard one.


Besides, the community is still going strong. Check the Tribes 2 community. Everyone thought that game was dead, and now Sierra has opened up negotations with the prime members of the network on a possible Tribes 3, thanks to a few people who pushed for it.


All we need is to be faithful to JK2. Many people were and still are part of the JediKnight network. People still make levels and skins for the original JK. Which is nothing to say of the excellent modifications being produced by our own community.


If the game was dead, we wouldn't have patches. We wouldn't even have servers. The game is in a gray area now, because it was populated by brats who wanted only what THEY wanted, attacked each other in the game over tactics and then became hypocrites in their own right.


I think this game is still one of the best FPS games on the market. I have my own views, as likely do most of you. As long as we don't abandon the game completely, the game will still exist.


Ok I don't think you understand what I meant. If the commuinity is to grow at all, something must be done. 1.04 won't attract new players or bring back the ones who left after 1.03.


Things are being done.


The JK2++ aims to make the game more fun by balancing force powers, speedng the game up, increasing saber damage so they are on level with gunners and more. If this doesn't help the commuinity then I honestly don't know what will.


Version 1.0 is being worked on and will be released soon.


Then you have things like the currently top-secret competitive commuinity website that is in development and will be revealed soon.


Ya know what else?

There's a JK2 IRC network that is also going to be made public when the competitive website is revealed.


Everyone on these forums who whine, bitch and complain are killing the game. It isn't about winning, its about fun.


Wiffle sabers and unbalanced forces are not fun.


I encourage everyone out there to stick with the game just a little longer, its only going to get better.


Thank you.

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Originally posted by NK_Zephorath

Everyone on these forums who whine, bitch and complain are killing the game. It isn't about winning, its about fun.

Spread the word, brutha! This is exactly the thing that we need everyone to realize.. which is never gonna happen.
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JK2 is dying fast. Most of the competative players left after 1.03, as did many of the of more casual players. The SDK was released to late to stop the migration of players to other games. 1.04 was also to little to late.


CTF FF is the ONLY active jk2 ladder on TWL (besides the sabs tourney) but it has what, 20 active teams? Gimme a break. CWT stopped when 1.03 came out.

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whats everyones problem? just cause a few l337 sissy players left is no big problem! what a bunch of wimps! GET WITH IT!! PLAY THE STUPID GAME!! ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD BECAUSE A PATCH COMES OUT!! DID ANY OF YOU EVEN THINK THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY WITH IT INSTALLED? what a bunch of sad losers, good riddens, and besides, there are still thousands of servers to play out there! just look!

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All the little whiney players that dont play anymore were 10 yr old nerds that cant fight, and abandon a GREAT fps game because they were good, but now they suck, becuase raven thought "hey why dont we make a good patch that would make the game more fair?" IF YOU DONT LIKE 1.04 PLAY NF!!

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Unfortunately, and I don't mean to bash the game, but I can see why it's dying.


It comes down to that most normal moves don't do anything and the only way to do anything exciting (due to all the nerfs) is just to repeat the same special move over and over again.


The game suffers from extreme repetition.


Ah well, it was fun for awhile during 1.02.


The game suffers from lack of support, even before and after 1.04.


The lack of in-game voice menus, admin options, and team friendly fire modes, interesting objectives, flag options, etc., basically destroyed any chance for growing competition.


Deathmatch only gets so fun for awhile until it really seems repetitive and meaningless.


Too many people have moved on. I'm heading that way myself. Back to Tribes 1/2.

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More like you can fly around, have full in-game voice conversation, use vehicles, be on infinite sized maps, do a variety of things, deploy equipment, defend generators, change armor on the fly, etc.


Tribes 2's engine makes Quake 3's look like a joke in comparison:




Gameplay movies:






I'm not pushing Tribes 2 in people's faces. You made a comment and I'm responding.

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