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Luke V`s Vader first duel !!!!!

rut-wa jodar

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According to the official Star Wars fact file Luke had his first Saber Duel which took place nearly 2 years after the battle of Yavin on a planet called Mimban.

Apparentley Luke temporarily defeated vader by using something called the Kiaburr crystal which enhanced his force abilities and allowed obi-wan`s spirit to temporarily possess Luke.


During the saber battle Luke ironically severed vader`s right mechanical arm, vader then stumbled into a well, which enabled Luke to escape. :lsduel:

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thats's totally rubbish - it probably says that under the EU part which is totally UNOFFICIAL. Luke got his ass kicked by Vader in their first encounter on Bespin - otherwise he wouldn't have said "Obi Wan has taught you well" because he would have known Obi-Wan couldn't train Luke inbetween the encounters becasue he's dead!

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Originally posted by techsurfer

thats's totally rubbish - it probably says that under the EU part which is totally UNOFFICIAL. Luke got his ass kicked by Vader in their first encounter on Bespin - otherwise he wouldn't have said "Obi Wan has taught you well" because he would have known Obi-Wan couldn't train Luke inbetween the encounters becasue he's dead!


Accually... EU is Official... If you want to write a book go ahead but you have to get GL to aprove of it before its printed... You should read the writer notes a little more... :D

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It happens in Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster. It's the first original SW novel, published in 1978 the year after ANH's release and before ESB. Luke defeats Vader because he's posessed by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi. It's actually a pretty great book; the best EU one I've read.


And the EU is not SW canon. Official yes, canon no. You can't just write to Lucas with your manuscript and he says he'll let it be published. He's delegated the production of SW novels to Lucasbooks, I believe, who only publish solicited works (i.e. they hire an author to write something... they hired Hambly twice). Lucas consents for SW books to be published, but he doesn't actually read them or give much (if any) input. Therefore, the EU is packed with things contradicted by Lucas' movies which invalidate them as a part of the SW canon. The SW books, as far as Lucas is conserned, take place in a parallel universe.



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waitaminute- just because it's in EU does NOT mean it's official. George Lucas CLEARLY said this in an interview when TPM came out. For example, there are many different rumors to Boba fett- who he was and what he did- in EU. all of them are 100% false. his name IS NOT jester mareel. he was NOT a stormtrooper. there are more examples of EU contradictions with the movies. and for the record, bespin is the first time luke and vader fight. the FIRST time- so no more of this crap by alan foster. there's a REASON why eu has it's own separate section from the official movies on starwars.com. Also, alan foster isnt half the writer micheal stackpole and timothy zhan are.

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the EU may not be as official as the movies but its the next highest up there, and there are alot of contradictions between movies and books but we'll pretend those dont exist, i liked splinter alot but it doesnt compete with the Thrawn trilogy, anything about Mitth'Raw'Nuruodo is gold! I jedi was also good, as for the discussion about vader vs luke well they fought a number of times, on Mimban, Bespin, the Tarkin battlestation (no not the deathstar and i didnt read this so i cant tell you more about it buts its in the official guide to starwars characters) and finally on the second deathstar. you may choose to believe that that stuff isnt important and doesnt follow the storyline but GL approved it so its ok.

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Lyger, I always thought that the 'Vader' he fought against on Dagobah was the dark side inside Luke - that's why his head was shown when the helmet exploded. Yoda said that the 'thing' in there was "whatever you take in". Luke took in fear and his guns so that was projected out to him as version of Darth Vader.

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