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Making sore losers . . "SORE"!!


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I come into our den at home to see my 6 year old son fighting with some guy named "486natas" (numbers might not be correct), and he beats him . . My son types "GF" and this jerk tells him to "Suck my(a part of his anatomy)" . .

My son is gifted and can read, so I told him not to read that . . quickly . . Then he went over and challenged this guy again, and when my son bowed he glanced him with a DFA . . and then finished him off . . . then he writes . . well something I can't repeat . . too many filters. So, I press "T" and type in "Please try and not use that level of language. I am a father watching my six year old stand toe to toe with you."

He says "Bullsh!t!" . . Then I tell him if he won't stop then I will jump in so he can see what real losing is . . so he starts in and I ask my son to leave . . He does . . but stays to watch, but not read . . :D


I go in with a handi-cap (no throw) . . I call this a handi-cap because he DFA's A LOT . . and it's a no force no throw server.

I take him and his friend on one at a time . . we fought 4 fights each . . I won 3 of the 4 against both. And then they get pissed and try and double team me . . I excel at multi-playing . . I ripped them both apart, and I must say . . made me feel GOOOOD . . especially since this is the first time I used Dismember, and I really ripped one guy in half and the other's head flew OFF!!!!!! . .

Just thought I would share . .

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that's the kind of ass beating that brightens up your day. every once in a while i'll be in a server where someone constantly talks ****, and it just get's damn annoying. i fix that problem pretty damn fast :o

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yes, always fun:)


i was on a server...last night...or wait...it was today...morning:D


there was one guy using DFA constantly, but he would respect when your saber was off if you ran far enough


so i told him, if my saber is off it means i am going to type, not use it to bug you



then everytime he used DFA i would make a remark such as




"1 DFA, 2 DFA...kind of like counting sheep...both put you to sleep"

"did you really think that would work?"

"are you that dense that you can only use one move?"



plus my classic taunts from the matrix


"you're faster than this"

"don't think you are, know you are"

"i imagine you're feeling a bit like alice right now...tumbling down a rabbit hole"

"come on! stop trying to hit me and hit me!" (said that one a lot!)



every time he used dfa i would use whatever move i felt like at the time....you could say i was playing with my prey (like a cat) because i took a long time to beat him, just driving him mad


afterwards i said "gotta love playing with your prey"


then it was onto the next fight...the person disconnected and i said to the person i was playing "think i overdid it a little?"


then everybody left the server...i was working them all;)

8 kills in a row...didn't have time to get the others...they left




BTW: this was on Darkside Duel 4 1.04

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Hey I like that guy the talked the s**t. Sometimes I do that, but I usually have a good reason to. The difference between him and me is that I can back up the trash I talk. Obviously, if someone told me a 6 year old was present I wouldn't say anything bad. It would be even worse to get beaten by a 6 year old. I don't know why a 6 year old would be playing b/c in nearly every server there is someone using bad langauge.

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Originally posted by Dark_ZONE

I come into our den at home to see my 6 year old son fighting with some guy named "486natas" (numbers might not be correct), and he beats him . . My son types "GF" and this jerk tells him to "Suck my(a part of his anatomy)" . .

My son is gifted and can read, so I told him not to read that . . quickly . . Then he went over and challenged this guy again, and when my son bowed he glanced him with a DFA . . and then finished him off . . . then he writes . . well something I can't repeat . . too many filters. So, I press "T" and type in "Please try and not use that level of language. I am a father watching my six year old stand toe to toe with you."

He says "Bullsh!t!" . . Then I tell him if he won't stop then I will jump in so he can see what real losing is . . so he starts in and I ask my son to leave . . He does . . but stays to watch, but not read . . :D


I go in with a handi-cap (no throw) . . I call this a handi-cap because he DFA's A LOT . . and it's a no force no throw server.

I take him and his friend on one at a time . . we fought 4 fights each . . I won 3 of the 4 against both. And then they get pissed and try and double team me . . I excel at multi-playing . . I ripped them both apart, and I must say . . made me feel GOOOOD . . especially since this is the first time I used Dismember, and I really ripped one guy in half and the other's head flew OFF!!!!!! . .

Just thought I would share . .


Good to hear, its sad that a kid cant even play the game without some nimrod showing his large vocabulary like that. The worst thing about this whole thing is that the mouthy Pr**k was problably only a couple of years older than your son. Gotta love parents teaching there kids how to be respectful.

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Originally posted by sean_t_99

Hey I like that guy the talked the s**t. Sometimes I do that, but I usually have a good reason to. The difference between him and me is that I can back up the trash I talk. Obviously, if someone told me a 6 year old was present I wouldn't say anything bad. It would be even worse to get beaten by a 6 year old. I don't know why a 6 year old would be playing b/c in nearly every server there is someone using bad langauge.


Look, I don't mind any one talking SH!T . . especially in an online game, but most true online gamers will acronym in text messaging format. BS=BULLSH!T . . FU=FnCK you . . and STFU=shut the f*** UP . . and so on. That's all I was really looking for. It took him more time to write that stuff too. I would think playing would more important then typing . . :D

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I agree with you. I use thos acronyms sometimes. The guy you are referring to may have binded what he said to keys so he disin't have to type them.. I have phrases binded to save time. In case anyone would like to know how to do this here it is:

1. Open the console

2. Type /bind x say Good Fight

This will maker you say good fight when you press x. You can replace x with any key and it will also work. You can also replace good fight with any phrase.

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i just had an experience with a sore loser...right...now:confused:


it's a FF server...saber only duel


one guy comes on, total force whore and beats me twice in a row (ok, i was rusty...hadn't played in about a week) and light wasn't a counter because the server had disabled heal, making it so that he could drain me to death and i couldn't heal...so the two sides were imbalanced


after the third time i figure out to grip him right off the start (he did it to me ever time), did lotsa damage because he invested all his points into dark side powers, then i kept on draining so that he couldn't use HIS drain, and i had to admit that i used a bit to much force in that round...but if i didn't he would have drained me 24/7 if that's what i did all the time i'd consider myself a force whore, but it was really the only possible way to beat him because i had already tried absorb, and his ping was better than mine so he could kick me quite a bit too


but i kicked his ass the third time;)


right after this fight i fought a guy going by the name of Kyp Durron

right away he says "NF Whore"

me, not realizing he's asking to play NF because i didn't know he was talking to me, i used force grip somewhere along the lines of the duel...he flips out on me:eek:

he explains...so i agree to NF, and eplain that using force was the only way to counter a guy who used only force...he sounds skeptical on this but accepts it and we play NF

he does a saber throw...and i'm like.."i thought we said NF"

he says "Saber throw isn't force" so we get into an argument about this..me eventually winning:cool:

i kick his @$$ in the NF round and he goes "FORCE WHORE"

and i just kind of ignore him and move onto the next person

when i fight him again he's like "NF, NK, NT"

i have no problem with this so naturally, i agree


we fight....and i beat him with all my health except 1 shield...medium finisher man


again, no force we fight again...he uses a DFA and i dodge it...we fight a bit more then i do a DFA....i kill him and he goes GAY


i'm like WTF? you used DFA too.....it's not my fault i dodged it and you didn't!


then he left the server


it was kinda funny

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The things happening these days on servers... I don't know, if I should laugh or cry. People talking nonsense, bad vocabulary, even worst game play... Raven should make a filter for these things :) The only problem with this is, that they would have to filter a lot of words.

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I had quite a good experience last night. I go to this one server and there are about 4 people there. This one guy is winning and all he is doing is dfa and kicking everyone. I guess most of the people were new and could not do anything. So, I think, no problem, I can do this.


Right off the bat, as soon as I am up he kicks me and then dfa's me and I'm dead! I just freaked out, I know I can beat this guy. So I wait and he beats 2 more people and then I'm up again.


And he does it again, tries to kick me then dfa, but I sidestep and do a med slash and the fight is on. He keeps trying the kick and dfa move and I just keep sidestepping and slashing, and I win. He dies and immeadiately disconnects. I hate that, I wanted to play him again and see if he was really any good and he leaves.


Anyway, it just felt good to win and know that I was using some (I said some :D) skill, and not two moves over and over again.





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I had quite a good experience last night. I go to this one server and there are about 4 people there. This one guy is winning and all he is doing is dfa and kicking everyone. I guess most of the people were new and could not do anything. So, I think, no problem, I can do this.


Right off the bat, as soon as I am up he kicks me and then dfa's me and I'm dead! I just freaked out, I know I can beat this guy. So I wait and he beats 2 more people and then I'm up again.


And he does it again, tries to kick me then dfa, but I sidestep and do a med slash and the fight is on. He keeps trying the kick and dfa move and I just keep sidestepping and slashing, and I win. He dies and immeadiately disconnects. I hate that, I wanted to play him again and see if he was really any good and he leaves.


Anyway, it just felt good to win and know that I was using some (I said some :D) skill, and not two moves over and over again.





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Foul mouthed dorks usually get an msilence and a warning for the rest of the round at the server I usually play, hehe...


And yes, they do get on my nerves sometimes... But I was raised to be polite, even to those with clumsy tongues. :)

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Originally posted by Vulkan

And yes, they do get on my nerves sometimes... But I was raised to be polite, even to those with clumsy tongues. :)

I've been raised to be polite too, so when people tick me off, I usually sidekick them over a ledge to 'vent my feelings'. ;)


I was in one FFA server and this guy would lightning kick you about 5 times and try to DFA you. Real annoying, so next time when he leapt to kick I pulled him then medium finishered him when he was on the ground. Result? He flamed me saying I was cheap. :rolleyes: Still, it was alot of fun doing that. ;)

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Man I love u guys! I'm always playing on the same server TFFA..(what? I like the server, ok? lol) And this guy, Puffkin or something that, is ALWAYS talking #### to me! I'm not that great of a player, well I'm alright, but I don't have any special moves or anything. (I can't even DFA). Anyways, one night i was playing on the red team while he was on the blue. And I admit i was using the lunge a little more then I should have, but they're easily avoided. Anyways, so he started shooting his mouth about my lunges. But he didn't want to admit that it wasn' the only move i was doing. But that's besides the point. Well, unfortunatley he was able to back his mouth up with his skills. So he was pretty much a Double Threat Guy...But he was also a DFA semi-spammer. We both got kills off each other but more him then me. (There were other team mates running around and helping out...remember this was TFFA)


I saw him again today and he saw me to the lunge TWICE and he started up again! (Once again he was on the other team) So I was trying to hold my own with our argument and he didn't even want to admit that I beat him a couple of times before. I was like..WTF?! I admitted that he beat me good, and he had his head so far up his "rear-end" that he couldn't even admit a simple thing. Luckily for me I knew this guy that frequents that server too (a DFA spammer, lol) backed me up (even though he was on Puffkin's team). My "friend" backed me up cause the night before I was proving my right to hold a light saber..lol...


Anyways...why the hell do idiots ruin a simple and friendly game by thinking they're better then everyone else?! It pisses me off! Ok anyways, just wanted to say I totally agree with what ALL u guys have said!

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Operation_JeDi first off there is no such thing as "using a move too much".


If he can't avoid it, it's his fault not yours.


What you just encountered is quite common I am afraid.


Certain people are going to complain no matter how you beat them.


Actually, it is refreshing to find players like yourself who are polite and want to learn.


If you ever want to learn some stuff stop by the QuakeSh1t 1.04 Full Force duel server, I am there almost every day and would be happy to show you how to kick ass and take names.

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Originally posted by Operation_JeDi

Anyways...why the hell do idiots ruin a simple and friendly game by thinking they're better then everyone else?! It pisses me off! Ok anyways, just wanted to say I totally agree with what ALL u guys have said!


its not just a game to some people, its power. whatever happens in the game, they take it personally. if they win they'll make sure you know it and know that they are better than you. once you start beating them they'll take that personally too and yell and scream and try their best to make everyone believe that they're still on top. what else are they gonna do? what else do they have?

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