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"Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?" Not this guy!

Darth Groovy

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This is a really horrible thing to do, but I have been a fan of the Shaft movies for a long, long time. I have both the new and old DVDS and claim no favorites, but I think Samuel L. is ace in the role of a lifetime. Needless to say I got exited when I saw this file posted then I saw it....and was insulted. This is one of many ways to let off some steam. Watta think?



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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

This is a really horrible thing to do, but I have been a fan of the Shaft movies for a long, long time. I have both the new and old DVDS and claim no favorites, but I think Samuel L. is ace in the role of a lifetime. Needless to say I got exited when I saw this file posted then I saw it....and was insulted. This is one of many ways to let off some steam. Watta think?



that dosent look like shaft

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