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Qui-Gon and Dooku hilt SKINNED.


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Me and my friend InFlames finally got the sabers meshed and skinned, he skinned the Qui Gon Jinn and i skinned the Count Dooku hilt. There is still some tweaking to do with the skins and all that junk, they are expected to be done late Wednesday or Tuesday. The hardest thing to do will be get the Dooku hilt compiled and in the hands right, because its bent so much its kinda hard to get in and fit right.


anyhow, heres the pics.










Tell us what you think. :c3po:

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well, i dont model, heh, i modeled the dooku saber, and the qui gon was model by my friend X, he is a good modeler.


i dont model but i wanted a dooku saber so i made one,i h avnt even had one hour of modeling experience.

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whats your email, icq, or aim Chrono?

because i do need help with this, i can get it in just fine, well fine when he holds it with one hand, then when you put saber out and he brings it to two hands, since the bottom half is curved the second hand dosnt even touch the bottom half of the handle

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don't bother with the obi model from scratch. I'll send you the GLM for the one I did so you can reskin it (or touch up on it).


As for the dooku problem, I think I know exactly what it is and I know exactly how to fix it. For a hint, download the saber I made from jediknightii.net and check it out in-game.

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