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yoda model 90%

Twisted Vertex

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Originally posted by bobafett101

I just saw the pics and It 's way better than Kinja's. ;)


hey hey steady on. dont be hasty


dont say something youll later regret



i am finding this extremly hard to believe


where are these pictures of which you speak?

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If it DOES look better than Kinja's, it probably won't have quite as much hype, since it hasn't been discussed until now.


I guess what'll determine who gets more downloads will be which one's finished first.


Personally, I'm gonna download both. Then I can make a JediMaster level bot match of This Yoda vs Kinja's Yoda.


Whoever comes out as the victor will be the ultimate yoda :D

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Okay, ignore my above post.


That's $hit.

This obviously was just a prank and isn't supposed to look good (if I'm wrong in this assumption, you obviously lack any skills in modelling whatsoever), but it was the lamest, most idiotic, retarded prank ever.


Maybe it would have been funny to your fellow 5 year olds, but it's just stupid to the rest of the world.

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Oh my god that is too funny. That is the most ****ED UP RETARDED version of yoda I've ever seen. I seriously hope this is a prank!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh god I cant stop laughing someone help me I think I'm blind now oh christ I'm having a heart attack from laughing to much someone call 911!!!!!!!!!!!HELP:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :explode:

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