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Matrix Subway Duel Map!


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Originally posted by lexx

yeah, it does hit you, read the read me! :cool:


lol, i never read readmes, just manuals.....:cool:


heh, i can just imagine a FF duel server with it running.....let the push/kick wars begin;)


but it sounds like a sweet map, will be interesting to play it (especially with all my matrix taunts:cool: )

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Originally posted by lexx

Check it out!




As if this Beta version isn't good enough, the final version will have subway sounds, matrix music and a moving train!


HAHA, I just knew it:D You were the 1st one I thought of when I found this map:) It's really well done.

Sorry I couldn't join you at hermes,

tried like 10 times but "server full" :(

We will meet again I'm sure ;)


btw: great "bum" ...as always :D

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


lol, i never read readmes, just manuals.....:cool:


heh, i can just imagine a FF duel server with it running.....let the push/kick wars begin;)


but it sounds like a sweet map, will be interesting to play it (especially with all my matrix taunts:cool: )


Well it is a Duel map not ffa but I see what ya mean! ;)


Here are some quotes for your perusal...


Morpheus: "What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you're talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain."


Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?



Oracle: I would tell you to sit down, but you won't. And don't worry about the vase.

Thomas "Neo" Anderson: What vase? [Neo knocks a vase over, which shatters on the ground.]

Oracle: That vase.

Thomas "Neo" Anderson: I'm sorry--

Oracle: I said, don't worry about it. I'll have one of my kids fix it.

Thomas "Neo" Anderson: How did you know I was going to break it?

Oracle: Oh, what will really bake your noodle later is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything to you?



Oracle: You're a nice boy. I can see why she likes you.

Thomas "Neo" Anderson: Who?

Oracle: Not too bright, though.



Agent Smith: Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? It's the sound of inevitability.



Cypher: I know what you're thinking, 'cause I'm thinking the exact same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it since I got here: Why didn't I take the BLUE pill?



Morpheus: Stop trying to hit me, and hit me!



Agent Smith: Never send a human to do a machine's job.



Neo Are you telling me I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus No. What I'm telling you, Neo, is that when you're ready, you won't have to.

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Beh you call those quotes good?


*Gorge in tina are in the park*

Tina:Your probably wondering why i wanted to see you again.

Gorge:Well you know,it's understandable.

Tina:I'm glad you feel that way because since my father's breakdown i've become really sensative to the warning signs.

Gorge:Warning signs?


Gorge:What?What are you talking about?I'm not the one with the problem, Lloyd Brawn was in the Nut house, not me!

Tina:Again,Takeing pleasure in the misfortunes of others.

Gorge:All my friends do that!

*Woman on a horse rides back

Tina:Gorge i'm only trying to help.I'm concerned. Gorge? Gorge are you listening to me?

Gorge:See that woman on the horse? She stole $20 from me!Yeah i might have gotten it back but Loydd Brawn interfered.

Tina:So again it all comes back to loydd.

Gorge:Hey! Hey you! Come back here! Don't gallop away!I'm on to you!


*Later on the street as Gorge's car is beign towed*


Tina:So your saying my father should pay for this?

Gorge:You saw him! He was fiddleing with the engine! God know's what he did there! in there!

Tina:And i suppose Loydd Brawn had something to do with it too?

Gorge:No Not loydd Brawn but the cashier!

Tina:What cashier?

Gorge:You remember the woman on the horse? she wanted my spot!

Tina:To park her horse?

Gorge:No she wasnt on the horse!

Tina:So your car caught fire because of my father and the woman on the horse?

Gorge:That's right. And him! *Points to florist across the street*

Tina:That man with the flower?

Gorge:Yeah yeah the Flower guy.Listen i know this all sounds a little crazy but-

*Car pulls up with Jerry wearing glasses*

Gorge:I can't belive it that's jerry seinfeld!


Gorge:Jerry seinfeld my best friend he can explain all of this.Jerry! Jerry!Over here Jerry!It's me!Jer Where are you going?

What are you-

*Jerry says nothing and the car drives off*

Tina:That was your best friend?

Gorge:Yeah Yeah he doesnt wear glasses.

Tina:But that man was wearing glasses.

Gorge:I know don't you see? He was doing it to fool Loydd Brawn!

*Later on the street Gorge is dressed like a king*

Tina:Oh my god!

Gorge:No no Tina! It's not what you think! This isnt mine! I got it from the Institute!The institute!! Tina!! Tina!! TIna!!

*scene ends with Gorge chasing Tina down the sidewalk*


I must say that's the funniest running discussion i've ever seen.


Now not to seem completely off topic...uh...Matrix #1!

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Originally posted by livingsacrifice

That's a hard post to follow:rolleyes:


I can't wait to play this map, who has it running? I have tried to get into Hermes for days and now it won't show up on the server list again...:mad:


Where is everyone? Is this thing on? Hello?





Well I was there today! Try "get new list" instead of "refresh". It is there, I promise you! :D

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