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"And they say that a hero can save us, but Kyle is getting too old...."

Revan Bakr'

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Originally posted by ollyhills

Kyle is too cool to be replaced. and besides, kyle must be in his mid 50's, jedi go on older than that. Qui-Gon Jinn was just about 60 when he died. anyway. the point is that kyle is not too old to be a jedi. not by a long way.:duel:


70oku was like 70, and sidious probably in his 100's! in ROTJ

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I know this is also a cliche, but it could add a bit of a twist to the series.


DESANN LIVES! Yes! Desann is still alive! After all, it was never really CERTAIN that Kyle killed him at the end of JKII. I mean, think about it.


*The fallen Desann clenches his lightsaber in his fist, then his grip releases, as if he is dead. Kyle shakes his head and force jumps over the wall, cue the whole "Rebel arresting Reborn, Jan and Kyle kiss" scene, then the whole wrapup with Luke.*


Does that sound like a confirmed kill to you? Desann could have limped out of there and gone off to fight another day... suspenseful!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Kyle's not too old... what was Obi-Wan doing fighting Vader at his age? (60's-70's) or how about Dooku (80 something) or dare I mention YODA!!!??? (850??)


Kyle has plenty of sith/dark jedi/imperial remnant bashing decades left in him, if the other characters are any measure... ; )


Hes never fought against sith, just geeky jedi and then a loose canon from the acadamey, hes not really a jedi anyhow, plus Yoda, Dooku, Obiwan were strong with the force increaseing their vitality, and Kyle doesnt really practice the force


Hes done after one more episode

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I imagine lucasfilms has the final say in any plot development. Maybe they didn't want Raven to make any baddie last longer than one game. Here is a thought thou...Both "right hand" ladies have excaped in both JK games. So, that one blond chick from JK and tavion are still on the loose. Having Kyle hunt them down would make a fun expansion pack. :)


Razor Ace

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

DESANN LIVES! Yes! Desann is still alive! After all, it was never really CERTAIN that Kyle killed him at the end of JKII. I mean, think about it.


*The fallen Desann clenches his lightsaber in his fist, then his grip releases, as if he is dead.


g_saberRealisticCombat 10 anyone? :D :D


i made sure desann was dead. :-D:deathii:

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Kyle is not too old... Kyle rocks!


If there would be an expansion, it would be better if Kyle doesn't always fight alone. He should have a padawan, who always fights with him....



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Kyle is not too old... Kyle rocks!


If there would be an expansion, it would be better if Kyle doesn't always fight alone. He should have a padawan, who always fights with him....



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Age matters not to the Jedi. Mmm, yes. Kyle should actually get even more powerful as he grows older. And yes, he's flaky, not the best Jedi student in the galaxy, but that's what makes him interesting. He's edgy and a little bit off the rails, wrong side of the tracks. Hur hur. A cross between Ben Kenobi and Han Solo then.


I'm SICK TO DEATH of supposedly bad ass galaxy destroying villains that simply end up being disposable hero-foils.


A good point, but then again if you couldn't defeat the big bad guy at the end of the game, you'd feel a little bit cheated, wouldn't you. Anyone remember the old Quake conversion Zerstorer? hur hur. Closure at the end of a game is most necessary, but because of that the medium doesn't lend itself to contiguous antagonism. How many game villains have been ressurected from certain death time and time again? Kane from C&C... Shodan in SS2... Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat... Doh in Arkanoid, the list is endless. Games are episodic in nature and until someone releases a truly realised series of games with a consecutive and believable plotline, they won't be anything but. And such an undertaking would be a large affair. A project comparable to the LotR movie series, and requiring a similar leap of faith by financial backers.

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I don't think Kyle's physically too old, but he's had a long run in the Dark Forces series...


When I saw Attack of the Clones and saw Obi-Wan duking it out with Jango Fett I imagined playing a game set before then, set during the Jedi's battles with the Madalorians. How much would it rock battling against armoured figures with jetpacks on their backs?


:jango: vs :aobi::slsaber:

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A good point, but then again if you couldn't defeat the big bad guy at the end of the game, you'd feel a little bit cheated, wouldn't you. Anyone remember the old Quake conversion Zerstorer? hur hur. Closure at the end of a game is most necessary, but because of that the medium doesn't lend itself to contiguous antagonism. How many game villains have been ressurected from certain death time and time again? Kane from C&C... Shodan in SS2... Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat... Doh in Arkanoid, the list is endless. Games are episodic in nature and until someone releases a truly realised series of games with a consecutive and believable plotline, they won't be anything but. And such an undertaking would be a large affair. A project comparable to the LotR movie series, and requiring a similar leap of faith by financial backers.


Heavy Metal: Fakk 2 seems have been set up that way. The game ends about half way thru the story. Too bad it didn't sell very well. It was a cool game. :)

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Heavy Metal: Fakk 2 seems have been set up that way. The game ends about half way thru the story. Too bad it didn't sell very well. It was a cool game.


Ahh yes, that's the problem... As an analogy, if Fellowship of the Ring hadn't sold out, it wouldn't have boded well for the other two in the series... A shame as you say. The public don't appreciate quality in any of its forms. Music, television and film. Poor quality sells, as long as it's bright and colourful.

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Hames, tv, movies, etc. are getting too expensive to be able to just "try" something anymore. The problem is that producers haven't learned yet that they are better off trying something new instead of making the lastest series in a long series of game, tv, movie clones. :p

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I think if there was going to be another game in the JK series, it would be set in the NJO timeline. There would be a challenge but unfortunity not dark Jedi to beat up. It But then again, after that game you might rather go head to head against 1000000 Desann's than fight the Yuuzhan Vong army.

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I think that in the next JK. kyle should join the jedi academy, get a padawan, then leave becasue he doesn't like the force anymore; but take his padawan with him. Then, in mission, kyle will actually have some NPC saber help :) . In JK 5, kyle should die, and the padawan should be avenging kyle.

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In JK 5, kyle should die, and the padawan should be avenging kyle.


I'll just hope they MAKE a JK5.


Of course, at that point, it would be "Dark Forces 6: Jedi Knight 5: Jedi Outcast 4: New Jedi Order 3: Revenge of Desann 2: Jar Jar Strikes Back" :)

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Originally posted by razorace

Here is a thought thou...Both "right hand" ladies have excaped in both JK games. So, that one blond chick from JK and tavion are still on the loose.

Now there's an interesting plot twist! "Jail House Jedi Grrlz"!


Seriously, I was wondering when someone would mention that there was a rogue DJ still out there in either game. That'd be awesome, to see them team up and do a Dark Sisterhood that Mara's gotta break up (Or Jan, with Mara tagging along as the Token Jedi). Imagine being Jan, and being able to give orders to Mara in-game? "Mara, kill everyone." "But Jan, Luke's been teaching me that we need to embrace diversity and lo---*" (Jan's gunfire) "Kyle, I need you. My partner's taken a hit."

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We never got to give orders to NPCs in JO or any of them to my knowledge, even in the first part where Jan is working alongside you, its YOU who has follow HER orders!


"Kyle, meet me in the control room. Hurry, I can't take much more fire!" ACK!


However, I think that an order system would be cool.

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Actually Sariss (the blonde female Dark Jedi from JK1) IS dead.



If you take the light path (the one that continues in continuity with MotS and JKO) then all of the Dark Jedi were killed, period.


The only way that Sariss survives is on the light path.

If there was any doubt, consult the Dark Forces series books, confirmed kill!



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