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Yo y'alls...

i am the leader of the Arcosante PA ( http://www.xenotrout.com/xt/arco ), and i've been contemplating which world we should start on. On most of the sites i've seen, all of the descriptions are almost solely political, which is of little use to us. We plan to be a neutral PA, and i was hoping to establish a new town in a lush forested planet, rich w/flora & fauna, and avoid baren wastelands.

Any advice is more than welcome.

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Well, Corellia is a lush farming planet, think 'rolling hills, flowers and light colours'. Then, there's Naboo. You've propably seen it in those movies they call Star Wars. Don't know much about the moon, but it sounds like it won't be a barren wasteland. Endor, well... Endor lacks civilization and towns, and it will propably be impossible to build your own buildings there.

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Jungle forest type environment = Naboo

Woodland forest type environment= Corellia


(Ep I shows sweeping grasslands as well as jungle on Naboo however I havent seen this in screen shots.)


Bot both worlds will have major cities on planet so the need for space travel can be kept to a minum. Id aim for one of those two unless you really, really like ewoks.

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Eventually, yes.


We'll be starting on our own or in small groups when the game first comes out. Some will build up money while others will scouer the country sides on different planets in search of a good spot, locate mineral deposits, aswell as for their personal experience. :)


We are set strongly for Corellia, but who knows, maybe we find a much better location on a different planet which is just too big to ignore.


One never truly knows. ;)


But even though we start seperatly, we will always be there for eachother to call on for anything. Even after a town has been settled. That, hopefully, will never change.

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As a matter of fact, if you study biology, you are quickly taught that never are there a greater burst of growth in a forest than after a fire. As a matter of fact, it is a common habit to burn down grassland and even smaller forest areas in the springtime to make sure that growth will be good in the summer.

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it's true...all the ash & dead animals & whatnot make 4 great fertilizer/food for new life...


i think that, despite the ewoks, i'm gonna go for Endor. after looking at the other planets, & the descriptions for all, i think that Endor most fits my tastes

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As a matter of fact, if you study biology, you are quickly taught that never are there a greater burst of growth in a forest than after a fire.


The Australian bush depends on it. The seeds won't sprout unless there is intense heat on some plants and trees mostly in the bushland. However, don't get any funny ideas about starting bush fires because you would be shot on site. Lightning takes care of that part of nature.

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