Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Quite frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. All of you can be good as sithlord. But you gotta do a thing called READING. Yeah I know some of you absoultey hate it. I can tell, most of you won't reading anything below the 15th line. I even give you an added bonus, here is some books you can pick up at your local library. 3d studio max r3 Something about color theory Anything about 3d work...there is tons but they are old... You might even want to study paiting techniques, or various lighting Thats a small list, but I know you guys can take it from there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
superdude201 Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 You shouldn't just give up because a pair of a-holes cause that would mean u've wasted your time on them and if you enjoy doing it u shouldn't let them stand in your way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucko Mabri Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 musashi122. 3d Modelling takes time and patience to learn. You can't just pick up a book and read it and say. "Yipeee! I've earned 3d mdoelling and make high quality models. Though there are expections to this fact which only some people have. -Lucko Mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nucular_jedi_14 Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 ur an ass! if u'd been here as long as most of us u'd realize how much work SithlordII's done! until the #### off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyle_KatarnJedi Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 May the Force be with you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 I was only saying that you can read. The pros do it yeah. Thats how you pick up new techniques. Thats how you become familiar with interfaces. Thats how you become the best. I find it kinda of funny, Lucko mabri and nuclear jedi. I really don't EVER see you too contribute anything. I always see you where everybody is bitching. I also posted here to show, you don't have to rely on some else to make your models. If you have patience, and the will to learn, you can go far. I think your response have been rude, and immature. nulcear jedi, and luck I would love to see some of your work. Lucko mabri, what do you suppose is the best way to model, apparently it's seems having someone else do it for you. I think picking up a book is THE best way to learn, and Its free. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luuke Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 it's truely sad, that one of the best modelers is leaving! your vader-model will not let the people forget what you did for the comunity. thank you in the name of all polite and rational visiters of this forum. unfortunately it happens again and again, that some **** come and ruin it for all, it happens not only for JK2 but also for other games (like bridge commander). anyway, i hope you will make your way as a modeler and maybe when things cooled down a little you come back... Farewell, Sithlord-ii Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destroyder121 Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 im sorry to see you go sithlord:( .your decision.farewell sithlord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucko Mabri Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 musashi122. I see you dont come on the forums too much then eh? i have contributed many things and supported people *points at postcount* I think i wouldnt have many posts if they were mostly bitchin since kman would have deleted them eh? so you can go shove yer foot in yer mouth. -Lucko Mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 I still would love to see some of your work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucko Mabri Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Work eh? I have none and what does this have to do with this conversation? nothing. Stop trying to go off our argument. -Lucko Mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jo Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 *claps his hands until they are sore....* well said Lucko mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 So you just support right? maybe give a few pointers here and there. Well anyways, All I said was GO TO THE LIBRARY, its free and you might learn something useful. I then get 2 replies, one calling me an ass, and you saying thats no the way to learn. I ask for your work, becasue you seem to be the all knowing. Why must you hunt my posts down, and make it a point to contradict what I say. contact me on msn or aim musashi1101 aim handle MSN handle I would like to get this resovled. If we got more things resolved on this board people wouldn't be leaving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucko Mabri Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 musashi122. Read my orginal post...... Believe me i've tried modelling and failed. Due to i have not enough patience nor time nor did i get the knack of modelling. Look at sithlords work. Its of amazingly high quality. We have only a few modellers in this community who can model that good though i will nto state names. Sithlord-II was a great asset to the community but not that asset has gone due to bigheaded #######s like you. So do you have any more to add? if not i suggest you shut up and get on with your life. -Lucko Mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Bighead, #######'s like me, how so. I have done nothing but offer my service to people, and give them advice. I never critqued anybody, becasue I don't like low-poly artwork. Aside my from Yoda gag, which is nothing compared to the leaked model. I have really done nothing to upset anyone. I never really participated in flame wars, I chose to ingonre like MOST people should of done. I post in selective threads, only becasue I want to see an art community toghther. NOT consitantly fighting over models, and called people retards and fags. I really wish we could get this resolved, it seems your unwilling to do just that. That could be a very big problem. You see, Sithlord stated he left BECASUE the model community here is falling. I am stated already that I am ready to resolve this matter with, but you post yet another statment to keep the argument going. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucko Mabri Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Ok. I'll agree to keep a truce at this critical time of the modelling community. -Lucko Mabri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Vertex Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
T-Dogg Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 See you around. Testing the SP Vader for you was an honor. I'll remember you over the next Corona Extra or glass of Hennessy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fat_101 Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 COME BACK!!!!!! sithlord II i loved your work of art since before i even came to these forums, personally u are one of the best modellers i have seen for ..... well ever ...... u, kinja, boba, anval (? think thats right) and kman (sorry if i left anyone out) but vader, yoda, padme, and loads of others all with the best quality to rival or even surpass those who designed the game itself!! FATTEH p.s im sorry but if u truly go because of these ppl then u are just letting them win, but if not farewell ....... :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kranckor Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 I hope you reconsider, but if you decide to leave for good, farewell you will be missed And Midget Yoda thanks to you we can say good bye to Yoda I hope you die a horrible death, for making us lose such a great asset to the community. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t3rr0r Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Originally posted by Kranckor And Midget Yoda thanks to you we can say good bye to Yoda if kinja doesn't release yoda period, midget has already won... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
§ith Lord Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Sithlord-II, What can I say, you were the father of JKII model editing, but I can't believe that 2 immature brats ( Im sure that both of them are like, seriously, 12 years old) would get under your skin enough to make you quit what you love to do. You are a great modeller for JKII. Every model a peice of art. but you can't quit. you are letting them win. And ask yourself this question, How did the model get leaked anyway? you just have to be more careful. The reason this model was leaked was because it was highly advertised and had alot of hype. Did Vader 2.0 get leaked? no, do you know why? you guys KEPT IT A SECRET. and Vader 2.0 is one of the greatest JKII models out there. now if you just want to stop posting at this forum, completely understandable, go to polycount, or massassi, but to quit editing the game altogether is just stupid. and it would be the greatest waste of talent that this community will witness. Don't let a couple of 12 year olds laugh at you from their computer, rise up, start again, keep it a secret. and release it when you feel damn ready. -Sith Lord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El_graco Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 As ive said before BAN THE FUC*ING DIC*HEADS they are total W@nkers and tos$ers that they deserve to be stabbed through their FU(KING Chest OH YEAH AND I BET THEY ARE NO YOUNGER THAN 12 AND ARE STILL VIRGINS .... TOSSERS SITHLORD-II COME BACK YOU WERE GREAT Together we shall destroy the sith i mean hmmmmmm kill the FU(KERS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
§ith Lord Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Originally posted by El_graco As ive said before BAN THE FUC*ING DIC*HEADS they are total W@nkers and tos$ers that they deserve to be stabbed through their FU(KING Chest OH YEAH AND I BET THEY ARE NO YOUNGER THAN 12 AND ARE STILL VIRGINS .... TOSSERS SITHLORD-II COME BACK YOU WERE GREAT Together we shall destroy the sith i mean hmmmmmm kill the FU(KERS Are you over 12?? this kind of talk isn't going to get him back, and very immature. he is leaving the community because of posts like this. wish him farewell, dont piss and moan like a child. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xyphox Posted July 22, 2002 Share Posted July 22, 2002 Please Sithlord help finish the yoda model so we can rub it in Midgit Yoda's face. Otherwise he will be the only one with any version of the yoda model and he will have gotten just what he wanted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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