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Kicking (Cheap or A useful Manuever)

Poll Cat

Which move do u think is the most cheap during a duel?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which move do u think is the most cheap during a duel?

    • The push on the floor and then spin slash (v. 1.03)
    • The swift kick to the face (v. 1.04)

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Hey Readers, within the first half an hour that i played version 1.04, I became aware of the sudden involvement of kicking during duels after I licked the bantha crap off another fellow jedis boot.

What do u think, is kicking a cheap manuever like the exctinct spin slash or is it a useful move that every competent jedi or sith should know? It comes down to this, which move do u think is cheaper, the old push down and spin slash :saberb: ,or the new swift kick to the face? Lets take a poll!


Hope I don't have to have ur foot in my face!

As BEN says in Full Throttle "I ain't puttin' my lips on that." :speeder:

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Maybe it's not cheap, but it's definitely overused. The same stunt over and over gets boring... competition reduced to the perfection of a single move... all of this is rather dreary and dull. There should be many ways to play effectively, not just one or two.

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Pfft. There are many distinct and different ways to negate a kick. I don't want to give away my trade secrets however, but I will say this: If someone's good enough to kick you and avoid being kicked in return, chances are they've played so much more that they'd whup you at straight sabres too. Since the double tap change in 1.03, kicking does take quite a bit of practice to perfect.

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Let me provide my $.02 here.


Kick is a good manuever, as it offers many counters to move spammers. Someone winds up for a yellow finisher? Kick him in the face to avoid damage. Red DFA spam? Kick him for it.


Problem with kick is twofold, though.

1) It makes people more prone to "bunny hopping" players.

2) Certain people enjoy spamming it.


So, what I would say here, should a fix ever be implemented, is add a higher force power cost for it, and make the cost required. That would fix the spam and leave it as a legit move, IMO. :cool:

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I think the kick is a very useful maneuver. It can clear you out some space and also deal a little damage to the opponent. My only problems with kick are the damage is too high and there isn't one for standing on the ground(like Darth Maul or Obi-Wan Kenobi).


There's nothing wrong with backstab either, the patch just cut the damage to 1/6 instead of in half like they probably should have. Basically, a hard slash to the front SHOULD do more damage than a backstab if both hit properly....unfortunately, only the red forward slash approaches the old backstab damage....There is something wrong with running around backwards looking for someone to backstab though...


Thank goodness for saberdamagescale though....

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if someone jumps in to kick you a quick solution is to backstep and then lunge. normally you will hit them for 50 damage or more and they wont get the kick off on you. even if they do the damage tradeoff is good from your point of view so just learn to counter the move it's not that hard to avoid.

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Kicks have always been a major part of my play style, even back in v1.02.

I prefer fitting them into combos but I do not hesitate in using them as a primary attack if my opponent has a weak defense against them.


The easiest way to get a person to "screw up" a kick attempt is to use a lot of feints; much in the way boxers use them.


You have to step in to bait them into the kick attempt, and once executed, a quick back+sidestep takes you out of harms way and into perfect position for a counter attack.


It's really no different than sidestepping saber swings in a NF duel; the attack just comes at a different angle.


BTW, a quick roll works great too.

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Kick is a great toll to use against the players that like to spin around you in blue stance. This drive them back and allows you some time to setup a good series of saber blows. I also like to use it when I am near long drops along with grip. Use grip first to see if that person is a light or dark jedi. If they are dark just toss them in but if they are light side then as soon as they turn colors give em a good kick. I also like to use kick in combo moves. Its a heck of a lot easier to saber someone when they are on the ground with no ability to defend from either side, or my favorite, roll over them and give em a red stance chop. Gets em everytime.


Also the problem with the backstab in 1.03 was not the damage, just the yawspeed spins. Adding in something like punkbuster to kick players using those types of scripts and adding in the push when you were on the ground would have been enough of a "patch" for me. Now backstab is nearly useless.

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i think kicking is very usefull.

it knock back enemys on the ground and makes some damage.


in a saberduel i kick four or fivetimes






"They will not have a chance against you"

(Lord Sithious to Darth Maul at Corusant in ep.1)

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Originally posted by Poll Cat

Hey Readers, within the first half an hour that i played version 1.04, I became aware of the sudden involvement of kicking during duels after I licked the bantha crap off another fellow jedis boot.

What do u think, is kicking a cheap manuever like the exctinct spin slash or is it a useful move that every competent jedi or sith should know? It comes down to this, which move do u think is cheaper, the old push down and spin slash :saberb: ,or the new swift kick to the face? Lets take a poll!


Hope I don't have to have ur foot in my face!

As BEN says in Full Throttle "I ain't puttin' my lips on that." :speeder:


Kicking is just another spam move. Its far to easy to pull off.


I play NF just to avoid it. There are to many players who use only kick.


It seems like no one can ever use a move sparingly in this game.


In a NF duel yesterday this guy kept jumping everytime I got close to him. He never even swung his saber.


I had to stop and tell him that kick whoring wasn't enabled, then he promptly got beat down. As would most kick whores.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Yeesh, last time I'm going to say this, I think it's about the fiftieth time... If someone spams a move, they're easier to kill than someone who knows EXACTLY WHEN to use it. Try spamming DFA. Hur hur. Try spamming kick against someone who knows what they're doing. Hur hur. I use both. Sparingly.


Still, if someone calls me (or anyone else in my presence) a "kick wh0re" for kicking them once or twice, I make it my mission in life to kick them to death each and every round. Nothing is more disgusting than an insulting whiner. I met a young lady(?) on Blueyonder calling herself Marilyn, the other night. Nothing but bile about the poor sod who kicked her once during their duel. When my turn was up, I made sure that the last thing that went through her mind the six times she came up the list, was my feet. Now SHE tried to spam kick each and every match. Her ping was the same as mine too... the difference was, I knew what I was doing. Make the effort to learn how the kick works, and you may never be kicked to death again.


/me nods.


You act like its a difficult move to perform, lol. The problem is its far to easy to pull off. You don't have to be that close to do it.


When someone spams kick they are not easy to kill. To kill them you must come down to their level and kick spam yourself. I refuse to do that, and its hard to hit some one with your saber if they jump everytime they get near you. I can do it but its a really lame match. Doesn't really matter since i play NF.


Spamming DFA doesn't work one on one but try going to a FFA game, it dominates.

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Yeesh, last time I'm going to say this, I think it's about the fiftieth time... If someone spams a move, they're easier to kill than someone who knows EXACTLY WHEN to use it. Try spamming DFA. Hur hur. Try spamming kick against someone who knows what they're doing. Hur hur. I use both. Sparingly.


Still, if someone calls me (or anyone else in my presence) a "kick wh0re" for kicking them once or twice, I make it my mission in life to kick them to death each and every round. Nothing is more disgusting than an insulting whiner. I met a young lady(?) on Blueyonder calling herself Marilyn, the other night. Nothing but bile about the poor sod who kicked her once during their duel. When my turn was up, I made sure that the last thing that went through her mind the six times she came up the list, was my feet. Now SHE tried to spam kick each and every match. Her ping was the same as mine too... the difference was, I knew what I was doing. Make the effort to learn how the kick works, and you may never be kicked to death again.


/me nods.

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You act like its a difficult move to perform, lol


lol Any fool can kick, but any fool can avoid that kick. If you can't dodge kicks, you need more practice.


When someone spams kick they are not easy to kill.


Yes they are. They're painfully easy to dispatch.


Quite honestly I'm sick to death of people complaining about force powers, sabre strikes and other moves, just because they cannot be bothered to practice the obvious counters to those moves.

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The counter to kicking all, is crouch. Someone comes to kick you? Crouch with light and lunge when they are in midair. It's very simple.


As far as a tactical method of attack, its great! People bitch about it because its just another way of getting knocked to the ground with no defense, such as the pull-bs. Everybody whines about what they can't avoid. You get knocked to the ground? You're gonna get killed. And ppl hate that.

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