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Second Contest: Story!

Boba Rhett

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Okies. Sorry about that. I've been pretty busy. I was gonna finish it off last night, but I had a wonderful History test in the morning over 4 chapters and a little homework, plus the annual fun for all fest and I had lessons and I had to do some stuff for the yearbook staff, but I still found time to play a bit of NCAA 2003 :D . I'll get it up and posted this afternoon, first thing I do when I get home (unless a ton of homework says no, then I'll do it a bit later...k).

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Chapter 19: Mehicko


*As we find our forummers on the bus, they are nearly to the Mexican border*


"Hey Rhett! THat sign back there said something about a border with Texico being three miles down the road. I didn't know that Texico had claimed a country, though." said Sherack.


"Narh it wer a sihn sayin dat we ar onla three miles from dat der Mexico that we had'a beatin a good piece back. I think its one ov da smollest contries in dis worrld, because when da Lone Starr State done whopped somebody they done whopped 'em good!" said X-wing guy.


"Arf yip woof woof."


"Yeah, like Eets said, Repeat that bit in English."


"Yawl understan dat critter?"


"Doesn't everybody?" asked Rhett.


*At Mexican border*

*border guard walks up to the bus*


"Como Estas?" asked Rhett.


"What? Can't you speak plain English?"


"Um...yes. Can we help you officer?"






"THAT'S COMMANDANTE TO YOU MISTER! Commandante de border guards!"


"Ah, well...can we help you off- er...commandante?"


"Well yes...you can answer me a few questions...Do you have any alchoholic beverages with you?"


"Um...er...no sir." catiously replied Rhett.


"Well then. This is gonna be a tough one. We'll have to take your bus apart to search for bombs and such and we might return it to you, but probably not in one piece."


*Guards starts to call mechanics over*


"WAIT! What would you do if we did have any...alchoholic beverages?"


"Oh, well if you did...well then we'd probably confiscate them, get drunk, and let you pass if you promise to bring us more on your return trip."


*a tear falls from Rhett's eye*

"Okay! If you must take it from me take all of my precious!"

*hands four boxes of booze to the guards*

"Ey, Pedro I smell more enlightenment on board the bus."

"hand it over or this bus will be sent to the scap heap."



*three hours later Rhett wakes up and realizes the bus is moving*


"Wait...no...you guys didn't? no...NOOOO!"


"All we did was give the man the demon possesed bottles. I don't know why you would keep such things." said Sherack.




"Yes, he said there were lots of spirits in there."


"NOOOO!!! noooooo! NOOOO! noooo!" said Rhett while slowly sliding into dementia.


*with Eets driving them they made there way through Mexico*


*All of the sudden a beam of light appeared in the road in front of them. Then out of nowhere a flying suacer appeared!*


"WOW LOOK AT THE LIGHT!" the forummites said unanimously.


*Skiding to a hault everyone piled out of the bus and onto the street to watch the weird lights of the suacer. Then it stopped and just hovered over the road. A green light appeared at the bottom and slowly gliding down the beam of light appeared a green faced humanoid. It slowly walked towards the forummers*


"What is it?" asked Leon.


"An Alienias Greenaous." said Wraith 5.




"In simple terms a green alien."


"No it isn't! It's a greenish blue Alien! Can't you tell? Look at the hues more closely." said Tie Guy while grabbing the alien's arms and pointing to the color. "See it is a perfect and simple color of...wait...no...this can't be right..."


"It is." said Compa while taking off his mask. Revealing a Zorro like black mask under it. "You see, I've taken my forum identity seriously. I made this mask and this costume to better reflect my avatar. I want the world to know that I've looked the same way for the longest." said Compa while putting back on his mask.


"Why are you putting it back on?" asked Thrawn.


"I feel a bit insecure without my trusty avatar with me at all times."


"That out of the way now, how did you get a HUGE alien spacecraft?" asked Rommel to some snickering from Sherack.




*everybody slowly turned around*


"Erm...Artoo...please tell me that was you saying that...please." asked Wolfman.


"Nope. It was Chuckles...he's an oracle you know. He knows all and sees all and sometimes is all...but that's only after he eats Mexican." replied Artoo.

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Nice chapter I guess but too short, we never got to our destination, and Dana didn't wake up from getting knocked out. So whoever writes the next chapter Dana better wake up in it! :)

And if she doesn't.............................................. then that person shall pay a horrible price. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Story hog! :p


Check your PM's, Tie! ;)


I think Dark Tides will have plenty of Steam for the time being, even if it is all Tie Guy's hot air! :D


I did.



But anyways, the contest story had plenty of steam as well, but that died ratehr suddenly. And i wasn't saying i wanted to write it all or that i was going to, just that i would. ;)

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