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Lunge Way Too Powerful In 1.04


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hey guys please do somethign about the lunge for your next patch. i mean, it is almost impossible to counter the lunge now. Even when you know its coming there is still no way around it because its impossible to counter. I THINK THE LUNGE IS REALLY KILLING THE GAME

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Blue lunge is FAT TOO POWERFUL in the standard game, its too easy to pull off instantly and its far too easy to spam, I run the DUEL SE mod and have tamed it a little, but yes its easy to dodge.


The techniques these guys mention above are valid and do work but it is tedious to fight these crouching fellas, it does tend to lead to people crouching for the duration af a fight.


Just keep an eye out for servers that are running the duel se mod and you may find they've tweaked it sensibly.

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Lunge too powerful? LOL. It is perfectly balanced compared to the red & yellow special moves. It is faster because it is the special move for the "fast" stance. It is still the weakest of the three special moves, as it should be because blue is the weakest of the three stances.


Countering is easy as has been pointed out; simply keep moving to the side & attack from there. I do this all the time anyway & rarely have this problem. Opponants are more vulnerable when attacked from the side anyway so your damage inflicted on them will be higher than from attacks facing head on. I call it "Slash & Dash", simple & effective.

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i dont know what your talking about, the lunge is the easiest attack not only to avoid but to counter, u can kick him back, u can roll to the right left or back, or u can go blue stance and when he does it roll behind him and hit him in the back

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The Red Stance lunge is powerful u say, ya, but then again it is the most devastating attack u could ever pull! :saberr:

It is a lunge where u leap at ur opponent with no record for your own life, and swing as viciously as u can with ur saber in attempt to slash them right in half. If any attack should be powerful it is this one. Then Again, in the Star Wars movies, whenever you get hit with a lightsaber it almost means imminent death, even a small, light attack, would kill someone.Technically all the attacks should do the same amount of damage depending on where u hit someone.But then there would be no incentive to use different moves. And BEsides, the Lunge is the most easiest thing to avoid. Odds are, you'll end up killing someone who does the attack on u, than the person doing it.

Thats just my 2 cents though, later, :holosid:

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lol....imo lunge should be stronger... right now it does 2 hits, 30-60 damage, kinda of weak if you ask me and it lost the aerial surpise when they disabled aerial lunge


most inexperienced lungers tend to stay crouched when trying to lunge, and anyone can see that a mile off and can be easily countered.


when some one lunge at you, you can:


sidestep, side kick, hope for a knockdown

strafe right+ attack on red stance

back pedal, sabre throw

do the yellow dfa

saber throw in yellow while running up and attack when his frozen for a quick 60 damage.

back pedal, lunge back when they are frozen.

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Honestly, this is freaking ridiculous. I sincerely hope RAVEN does NOT listen to this. I hope they leave the saber alone from now on unless the amp the backstab damage back up to where it was INTENDED to be. (read the manual, backstab was supposed to be a one hit kill) Force powers are even now. Which is good. Backstab is nerfed too much, which is bad. Now people cry about lunge after even it got somewhat tweaked. When will it end. Don't you people see the lack of populated servers? Each day less and less people are playing the game. Why? Because they're pissed that this great game has been torn apart by crybabies and RAVEN who listened to them. It's one thing to fix a game because people are hacking it to cheat, such as the case with UT and Quake and CS, but to continuously patch and change gameplay for the sake of a bunch of un-creative crybabies is just ridiculous. If a 1.05 patch comes out and they nerf ANYTHING at all, I'll take this game to EB and use it in exchange for another.

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I can't say I am surpised that there is a call to nerf yet another special move.


When will you people listen! I have told you ove and over again that nerfing is not the solution and that it will not stop until the only viable moves to use are basic swings.


1.05 = Nerfed kicks and nerfed blue lunge. (unless my anti nerf movement gets Ravens attention)

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