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How to disable auto aim?


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I'm really annoyed by the auto-aim function in the game, with it, I can't aim properly. I finished MoHaa with only the sniper rifle, only headshots, so my aiming's not bad, at least better than the auto-aim. Now the supposed-to-be-userfriendly function is driving me nuts. How can I turn it off??

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Sorry ... my CD is in my *other* Dell laptop (the GeForce 4 one, not the Geforce 2), so I can't check ...


... but ***is*** there an Auto-Aim function in JKII? I know there was in JK1 - when I first started playing, in the Doom 'arrow keys and ctrl fire' mode, it was very useful ... but in the mouse and WASD mode, it is actually a detriment. I know in JKII there is a 'smart crosshair', which does the Green/Red/Blue thing, and seems to slide a bit at times, but you still shoot where you aim.


Actually, bringing up MoHAA, which I am about to finish again, I find the locational damage system *much* worse than JKII & SoF2 ... but better than RtCW. So in JKII your care in aiming is better rewarded.



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NOnono, I mean when your crosshair moves over something, it automatically moves itself to it. It's like an userfriendly fix for beginners, and I can't find any way to disable it in the options.

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  • 1 year later...

I got the exact same problem. I cant aim properly cause whenever I move the mouse around the crosshair snaps itself to the surroundings. It snaps to all the edges, like if its near a wall-edge and I'm aiming near it it will snap to the wall and so on. Just like auto-aim but it doesn't snap to the enemys but to the surroundings :(


Not at home now so I dont know if this last idea with "cg_dynamiccrosshair 0" works, and I dont know either where to enter that?


Please help, cant play the game like this :(

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You are correct about CG_DynamicCrosshair 0.


As it says in the Raven JK2 Top solutions faq, just type that in in the console.


Don't know how to bring down the console? Hold shift and press tilde (that's the ~ key to the left of '1' on most keyboards).


You can also edit this into your cfg file to save time.


As with any console command "1" turns it on, "0" turns it off.



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the command is indeed cg_dynamiccrosshair, but you don't want to do that.


Basically it adjusts your crosshair but NOT your weapon so that instead of having a jumpy crosshair, you have a steady inaccurate crosshair.


The chair/pov was apparently modeled with realism in mind, so when you move to a different depth with your crosshair, it 'jumps' the way it would in real life. Personally I think it's stupid and incredibly aggravating. Thank goodness you don't use guns too much in this game....

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