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Ok I am gonna decide to make a model of Watto. This is gonna be my first model, so im going to need help from like sithlord, or the Yoda team. I am doing some tutorials right now for G-max so im just learning the basics. If anyone wants to help, get me at andwa@lacrosse.com

or aim Andwa22

or ICQ 149017860

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Well, there's nothing really to say yet :) I think everyone is waiting for screenshots. We've had a lot of people say "WIP" for something or other, and then nothing is ever shown for it, so they're probably just waiting to see if this actually gets started :)

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Yes I agree Inbred, not necisarily on the method but thats possible too. But really Emon, you need to quit with all that, thats impossable talk. Didn't you at one point or another say that we would never get Yoda to work? If not sorry. But there were quite a few naysayers that said that, and I'm like whatever, its just a game., And theres a million ways to skin a cat. It can be done and I'll bet it will be done at some point. Don't know if this kids gonna do it or not, but someone will.

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This isn't an answer for your question, but I guess you need this info anyway. (I'm really not the one to tell these things to you, I don't know poop about modeling.) If/When you make an Ep1 Anakin model (or any kid for that matter), don't make him smaller compared to the other models. Just make him the same size as Kyle, Luke & so on. There's a scaling mod out there that enables making models smaller or bigger compared to their original size. The scaling mod is the secret to the Yoda models size.*


*Unless I've understood the whole thing horribly wrong and deserve a bunch of swift kicks from Kinja & co. on my ass.

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so your saying you want me to make a anakin as tall as kyle?

yea that would be a good idea to make ittle padawans like the ones in ep2(the ones yoda is teaching)

i would thikn it would be better to have him small, like the size he is in ep1

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Originally posted by bomberman_xc

could someone scale the yoda model down for me so i, along w/others, can play as him in SP at the correct height????




do you say that in every thread? try it out yourself first, instead of having poeple do it for you, i tried my self, and NOW i beg hahaha :p of course it didnt work.......

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Y'know, an EP1 Anakin would be an excellent idea. I had always though a kid would be a useless npc, but then I'd much rather have it than that horrid Raven Mon Mothma. And the kid model would be perfect for padawans ...


Even would be useful in some SP level scenarios...

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