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Should we ban script users from our servers?


Should we ban script users from our servers?(especially lunge scripters)  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we ban script users from our servers?(especially lunge scripters)

    • yes
    • no

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hey guys i found that a lot of people use scripts in jedi outcast especially the easy to use lunge script. you can tell if someone is using the lunge script by seeing if he stops before he lunges because if he keeps pressing forward and tries to lunge then he will always do a roll, but not for the script users. This is a way to tell if someone is using a lunge script or not.

Should we ban script users from our servers?

1. yes


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First of all, with enough practice, you can lunge while running WITHOUT a script, I can do it most of the time.... It's all about the timing


And it's not for us to decide, ask the people on your server... and if everyone on your server USES scripts, then if you want to kick them out, you might as well shut down the server


But...PLEASE do NOT ban someone for lunging while running, because you can do it without a script, you don't always roll

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Surely if you say it's okay to script a lunge, then it's also ok to script a jump and DFA, then it's okay to script a whole series of moves...then four DFAs...then a ten minute duel with a little victory dance at the end.... okay but you know what i mean, if you say move scripting is okay then where do you draw the line?

If i'm dueling someone and they do a DFA or a really impressive move or something i wanna think that they've beaten me (or taken loads of health off whatever) because they got their timing right, they saw the right opportunity, they had some good luck, they judged well what i was gonna do, they managed to get the buttons all pressed in the right combo at the right time, not that they just kept pressing one button to do a series of moves, or that what takes me five buttons only takes them one, how is that fair?


I know we cant ban scripters from the servers cos you cant tell but it would be good for peep to have a conscience about it and not do it :)




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I really don't like the concept of scripts. (the move ones that is).


I know people say the moves are easy to do anyway, but the ONLY reason I see to use a script to do DFA or Lunge etc IS to make it easier. So therfore you have an advantage over the non scripter, even if the move is easy anyway, its still an advantage.


However, I can see why some people who are not so good may want to do it. I think what is worse is if you use scripts but say that you don't when asked. Thats just lame cos you'd only lie because you feel you need to hide that fact, and if you feel you need to hide it, then you shouldn't do it in the first place.


Anyway, I agree with Datheus, it depends on the people in the server, the servers I play on (NF saber only FFA centered on 1v1 combat) ppl hate scripters, so they should be banned somewhere like that; but a server full of people training, it might not be so bad.


Just all depends on what the general view is really. Nothing in this game is really "It should be like this", "You shouldn't do that". It is all dependant on the unwritten rules of the server, a code of conduct that you have to figure out for each server you visit, and respect that code, even if you disagree with it.

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Maybe it is just me, but whenever I go up against a script kiddie i win probably about 90% of the time. (so you know, I play on ff saber only servers, with duels enabled) When I go up against them, it seems all they do is try to dfa or lunge me to death. I get a laugh out of it because of sitting there repeating those dumb moves, all I do is quickly slide to either the right or left and put a saber across their back because they are still "in" the move.


Oddly enough, I rarely use any special moves. Basically I let my opponent come at me whether swinging wildly like a retard or doing something strategically. Then I wait for them to make a move, and based on what that move might be, I act accordingly. I don't need the fancy shmancy moves to win. With script kiddies i just let them wear themselves out. After playing me, they will probably start to get blisters on their finger/fingers they use for pounding on their special moves keys.


Good Gaming

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You could ban people from using scripts. But that would only ban the prople who use scripts in their cfg files. As a move is executed the server knows that it is impure and does not allow it to happen (this is an example I am not really sure how this works) BUT the game does allow for controlers/gamepads/joysticks to script moves. These moves work on servers that do not allow for cfg scripts. So all you have done is give companies like Belkin a sales boost. The bottom line is that people who use attack scripts will ALWAYs fins a way around the game engine or your server settings. Ban it if you want, but it will not fix the use of scripts. Only the inital software manf can do that.

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You forgot some of the bad things about scripting.


If you use a script sometimes you may get stuck doing the move and can't break away from the move when you need to and *boom* you are dead.


I have yet for anyone to tell me with very good reasoning why this is cheating.


For the most part I use scripting for showing off and not fighting.


Also there are somethings scripting can do that is no where near cheating.


1.I use it to change a saber color quickly so I am not left open.

2.In one player I use scripting to make a menu for the npc spawn code.

And beside all your player menus and setup menu are scripts too they are made so it's easy to use.

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One thing I haven't seen anyone address about this issue is people with physical disabilities.


I run a server and enjoy this game a lot and personally don't mind or care if people use basic scripts for this reason. Some people do not have the capability to press multiple buttons at once, especially rapidly. Now, I know some of you are going to say "then they shouldn't play it", which is bullsh*t and here's why.

This is a computer GAME; not a sport or a serious competition regardless of whether you think otherwise, time to grow up guys. Why shouldn't they be able to enjoy themselves just like everyone else who is more fortunate. They have paid for the game, it's their right to play just like the rest of us.


Even if they have a speed advantage with the scripts, they lose other advantages like being able to get out of the move if in danger. Also, the scripts do not instill intelligence or tactics upon them, they still have to use their brains for those.

And yes I realize that most people who use scripts don't fall into the above category, but people with these problems are out there and how do you know that the person your calling a lamer isn't one of them.

But let me say that just because you may have these problems doesn't mean you have the right to be a**holes either.


The people I truly hate seeing on my server are a**holes and people who are repetitive with moves. Granted a lot of the usual scripters are exactly like this, but so are a majority of the players I have encountered.

The scripters who really piss me off are the saber or model switchers. I don't mind if people use these but don't keep your finger on the button, pick one and stick with it for a while! These scripts I suspect have been the cause of many server crashes due to too many commands too fast. I'm truly getting tired of seeing the server crash with a command overflow.



I want to clarify what I mean by basic scripts, e.g. forward; jump; attack or crouch; forward; attack. Not a full script for kick; lunge; and dfa all at once. One thing that I do consider cheating though is manipulating the yaw speed above the defaults, there is never a legitimate reason to do this.


Well that's my opinion on scripts.

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Originally posted by blackfire

One thing I haven't seen anyone address about this issue is people with physical disabilities.


I run a server and enjoy this game a lot and personally don't mind or care if people use basic scripts for this reason. Some people do not have the capability to press multiple buttons at once, especially rapidly. Now, I know some of you are going to say "then they shouldn't play it", which is bullsh*t and here's why.

This is a computer GAME; not a sport or a serious competition regardless of whether you think otherwise, time to grow up guys. Why shouldn't they be able to enjoy themselves just like everyone else who is more fortunate. They have paid for the game, it's their right to play just like the rest of us.


Even if they have a speed advantage with the scripts, they lose other advantages like being able to get out of the move if in danger. Also, the scripts do not instill intelligence or tactics upon them, they still have to use their brains for those.

And yes I realize that most people who use scripts don't fall into the above category, but people with these problems are out there and how do you know that the person your calling a lamer isn't one of them.

But let me say that just because you may have these problems doesn't mean you have the right to be a**holes either.


The people I truly hate seeing on my server are a**holes and people who are repetitive with moves. Granted a lot of the usual scripters are exactly like this, but so are a majority of the players I have encountered.

The scripters who really piss me off are the saber or model switchers. I don't mind if people use these but don't keep your finger on the button, pick one and stick with it for a while! These scripts I suspect have been the cause of many server crashes due to too many commands too fast. I'm truly getting tired of seeing the server crash with a command overflow.



I want to clarify what I mean by basic scripts, e.g. forward; jump; attack or crouch; forward; attack. Not a full script for kick; lunge; and dfa all at once. One thing that I do consider cheating though is manipulating the yaw speed above the defaults, there is never a legitimate reason to do this.


Well that's my opinion on scripts.




First of all, there is no line here. Either it's scripting, or no scripting at all. No scripting equals = All keys that can be put through the setup menu are the only keys you should use.


You can't set you "personal line" were the line should be drawn. Some try to, and they fail. Make your own tournament with your own rules, I don't care. In proffessional tournaments the most recent patch make the rules. No bowing, no whatever. Most kills wins.


And it's pathetic to take handicapped people as an example to draw symphatizing votes to your side.

I know a lot of people that gone far in Quake1 playing with ONLY ONE HAND. Yes, that's right, only one hand, but still he could play even with the proffessionals (this is a swedish guy, and sweden are VERY good in Quake1). So don't bull#### about accepting scripting just because people are "handicapped"... Why should someone always win kick-to-kick-duel against me just because they use a kickscript and I don't? Yeah, that's right you heard me.


So If I can't win the olympics because of a handicap, I can use anabola steroids?

Yes, that is excatly what you are saying. I understand your point, but what you are doing is making a personal point of your view of were the line goes.


My point is:

Either you accept scripting and don't complain about people using a script that will win a duel in 1 second, or else you don't accept scripting at all. No gray-zone here. Black and white.


And to all those oppose... huh, well..

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Scripts for sabre locks are driving me mad!!!

I dont bitch ever, but ive started to because of these people that use sabre lock scripts, there i am clicking my mouse as fast as humanly possible and they knock me over in less than 3 seconds, then have the cheek to say "i dont use a script im just faster than you" Well if your just faster than me and im hitting the mouse as fast as humanly possible why do you beat me so quickly, if you are faster than me it would be a slow win not an instant one!!!


Ive never used scripts, and i dont want to, but as i fight more and more people that use them it seems that they will always have an advantage over me. I still beat them, and i love it, but them knocking me over with thier little script drives me mad. :eyeraise:


The best one i fought knocked me over with his script them gave me a heavy downward slash, i got up and swung again and got straight in to another sabre lock, which he won, but i kicked him as i got up knocking him down, i then delivered a heavy downward hack, but crouched at the same time so the saber stayed in him for longer, lets just say he didnt fight me again that night the bastard.

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Just go into the menu and set mwheelup to be your alt for your attack key. Then when you get into a saberlock just scroll up over and over. You will at the min hold them off, but will prob win. You can execute this command just as fast as a script if you set your key this way. Works for me everytime. Also if you can use push do so right beforce the end of the lock. Min it will do is knock him back if he is going to win and max it will do is to help you turn the tide in your favor.

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Originally posted by TheWhiteRaider

You forgot some of the bad things about scripting.

If you use a script sometimes you may get stuck doing the move and can't break away....


I have yet for anyone to tell me with very good reasoning why this is cheating.


Also there are somethings scripting can do that is no where near cheating.


Uh...yeah right...let me play with this superb logic a bit:



** so killing is okay if there is a chance that the gun might blow up in your face?


** so killing is okay, if you can also use the gun as a paperweight?



As for the "good reasoning", let me try:


Using scripts makes it possible to do MORE with LESS skill/effort (no need for timing or pressing multiple buttons etc.). If you get MORE doing LESS, you gain an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE.


If that didn't clear things up...I really don't know how to help you. :rolleyes:



Btw - if someone who is handicapped uses scripts, it is cheating... just like it is stealing if a little boy steals an apple to feed her sick mommy who is just about to starve to death.


Would you blame the boy? Perhaps not, but he is still a thief.





...poor boy, I hope his mommy will get better.. :(

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

Just go into the menu and set mwheelup to be your alt for your attack key. Then when you get into a saberlock just scroll up over and over. You will at the min hold them off, but will prob win.


Aaahh!! You clever bastard you!! :mad::p


Dunno if that could be called cheating...very interesting indeed :cool:

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Its not cheating or scripting if you can bind it through the regular game menu. If you tell people to hold on a sec before you duel most say ok, then just say you are ready and off you go! Then change it back when you are done. Everything in this game has a counter, you just have to think about it.


Any scripted move can be countered if you take the time to learn and experiment. With this bind you are doing the exact same thing as someone who has bound one key to +attack and the other to _attack.


If you think someone is using scripts just let them kill you until you figure out the best defense. I think the most obvious sign of a scripter is somone who uses pull all of the time in ffa saber only matches. This is a sign that they want you close so they can kick or lunge you to death.


Try out the mwheeup command in your next duel...I bet you will love it!

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

Just go into the menu and set mwheelup to be your alt for your attack key. Then when you get into a saberlock just scroll up over and over. You will at the min hold them off, but will prob win. You can execute this command just as fast as a script if you set your key this way. Works for me everytime. Also if you can use push do so right beforce the end of the lock. Min it will do is knock him back if he is going to win and max it will do is to help you turn the tide in your favor.


I tryed this a while back, either it didnt work too well or my mouse wheel res isnt very high.

Thx Maximus for the info about push tho, ill try it next sabre lock. ;)

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For Mero Vilul





I understand your point, but what you are doing is making a personal point of your view of were the line goes.


Ok, first of all you missed my point almost entirely and obviously didn't read my post very carefully.


And it's pathetic to take handicapped people as an example to draw symphatizing votes to your side.


What side? Where's the election?:rolleyes: All I did was state my opinion about the subject and throw a thought out that I haven't seen anyone discuss in this ridiculas fight over scripting. I never said that I was a scripter and I am NOT a scripter; I just don't bitch and whine about it. If I can't beat them, it's my own fault.


I know a lot of people that gone far in Quake1 playing with ONLY ONE HAND. Yes, that's right, only one hand, but still he could play even with the proffessionals (this is a swedish guy, and sweden are VERY good in Quake1). So don't bull#### about accepting scripting just because people are "handicapped"... Why should someone always win kick-to-kick-duel against me just because they use a kickscript and I don't? Yeah, that's right you heard me.


I'm glad for him, but not everyone is able to adapt as well. And as far as kick goes, it only takes one button already so I don't see why someone would need to script it anyways.

As far as help with winning against them, move out of the way.:p



So If I can't win the olympics because of a handicap, I can use anabola steroids?


First reread this part of my previous post:


"This is a computer GAME; not a sport or a serious competition regardless of whether you think otherwise, time to grow up guys. Why shouldn't they be able to enjoy themselves just like everyone else who is more fortunate. They have paid for the game, it's their right to play just like the rest of us."




Second, where in my previous post did I mention anything about tournaments? I'm talking about normal gameplay, nothing else.


You can't set you "personal line" were the line should be drawn.


Actually I can draw the line wherever I want especially when it's on my server.:p You obviously have. Besides I run a mod that changes the default game anyway.



No gray-zone here. Black and white.


This is an entirely new debate.:p


BTW, there was no need to insult me and it was uncalled for. I stated my opinion just like you and everyone else in this thread.

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