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Who is the #3 jedi???????


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OBVIOUSLY Yoda is #1

Mace is #2...


(dont even try to argue)


who do you think is #3??? i bet a lot of people would say plo koon, but i think it might be ki adi mundi. by the way what ever happened to yaddle? also were there any jedi that came and went to the in between episodes 1 and 2 so we never got to see them????

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Obi Wan, definatley. I love the way he could manipulate people's minds. Plus I love how he cut Darth Maul in half. And could you imagine having to train Anakin, that alone makes him a great Jedi.


Anyway everyone's favorite Jedis:



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Originally posted by Old_Ben

Obi Wan, definatley. I love the way he could manipulate people's minds. Plus I love how he cut Darth Maul in half. And could you imagine having to train Anakin, that alone makes him a great Jedi.


Anyway everyone's favorite Jedis:




mines not on there :(

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Originally posted by Old_Ben

Obi Wan, definatley. I love the way he could manipulate people's minds. Plus I love how he cut Darth Maul in half. And could you imagine having to train Anakin, that alone makes him a great Jedi.



it couldnt be obi, cause obi was just a master, not a part of the jedi council

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Actually, Obi wasn't even a master. He was just a regular Jedi Knight, he never attained the rank of Jedi Master. Personally I think that Eeth Koth may be #3, but I'm just biased I guess :D


One of the reasons I think that Eeth Koth may be third, is because originally Eeth Koth was supposed to be the leader of the Jedi Council, not Yoda.


BTW, Eeth Koth is the Zabrak, the same guy that's in my Avatar.

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Originally posted by Reb Starblazer

Actually, Obi wasn't even a master. He was just a regular Jedi Knight, he never attained the rank of Jedi Master. Personally I think that Eeth Koth may be #3, but I'm just biased I guess :D


One of the reasons I think that Eeth Koth may be third, is because originally Eeth Koth was supposed to be the leader of the Jedi Council, not Yoda.


BTW, Eeth Koth is the Zabrak, the same guy that's in my Avatar.


dude, did you even pay attention to the ending of episode I? yoda says "confirm you the level of 'Jedi Knight' the council does." hmm maybe your right... No he is a master, cause only masters can have padawans

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Actually, Knights can have Padawan's too. I believe once a Jedi Knight succesfully trains at least one Padawan to knighthood, they are then granted the title of Jedi Master. I think that's how it works.


Or maybe there's some other way of determining when Jedi Knight becomes a Jedi Master. Either way, I'm pretty sure Obi never becomes a Master, as Anakin never really completes his training.

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i think this picture would explain it




#1 yoda sits next to #2 windu


they wouldnt let some low ranking jedi riff-raff sit next to yoda so ki-adi-mundi is #3


then it continues in this pattern


so plo koon is #4 and that guy to the right of mundi is #5.


and so on


so the two neares t the camera are the lowest ranking jedi council members

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Are you talking about strongest jedis in council, or strongest jedi in SW?


If you are talking about SW, this is after my opinion the three strongest:


1. Yoda


2. Qui-Gon Jinn


3. Count Dooku


If you are talking about strongest jedi in council, this is the strongest after my opinion


1. Yoda


2. Mace Windu


3. Ki-Adi-Mundi

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lol yeah, must be hard to fight when ur necks that far from the battle =P and as for the master/knight stuff in the jedi ways. u MUST be at least a knight to have a padawan you do NOT however need to be a master to train padawans. u can though. the rank of jedi master comes when you are ready, however padawans and civillians will call padawans jedi (name here) ex, jedi skywalker. and call knights (that have padawans) master (name here) ex: in aotc they called (even yoda called) obi wan master kenobi.



and obi-wan is #3 or higher in my opinion, but i cant say higher because were not supposed to argue with sexcellent.

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