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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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don't make me out to be an ******* just because I fired back at someone. His remarks may have been true, but totally unneeded.


I do apologize for my remarks about the AOTC team, because I do wish them success. But where are all the "where's this and that" remarks for them?


I don't think I'm better than anyone else. ****ing shame on your for ever saying such a god damn thing. I was raised right, and for me to think I'm better than anyone else for any reason it out of the question in my conscience.


I don't think our mod will be the absolute be-all end-all of mods, but before you say we have nothing to show for let us come up with something.


Don't ever talk to me like I'm some little bastard who doesn't understand the english language again. I am fully aware of what my actions do to the reputations of anyone else, and if they don't respect me oh well! I'm doing this mod because I've always wanted to work on a mod team. If anyone insults the work of me or my colleagues I'm not going to swallow my pride in the name of saving face.


If you have something intelligible to apply to this thread, by all means post. But if you have nothing that is going to help us, please post somewhere else.

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Muahaha and I have been busy working on the graphical aspects of the mod, so we haven't had a chance to really get to it. So far we've managed to import the TRUE Star Wars style font into the game, and make a new...well I can't tell you it's secret for now. ^_^


Anyway, if you would like to know what my avatar stands for, go to the modeling forum. All of my works related to my avatars are posted there. That particular one is called the Timesaber and can be found on jediknightii.net

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Well here is my two Euro's. I personally could give two ****s what you think about us. I am not running a popualarity contest here. If you do like us, stop posting here, simple as that. I am not worried about our TEAM reputation being high, becasue I know that the rest of my team is mature enough to take care of themselves.


No, we don't need a website. We really don't even NEED to keep you informed. Sure its nice to have a little update here and there.




Anyways here is a KIND update from your negihborhood modeler. I am having difficualy weighting down my NEW skeleton for jabba, he seems to be have trouble useing up all the verts avaible to him. I am going to be starting th erancor model shortly, I have another matter to attend to at the moment. If you really must know, i am AT another forum, trying to figure out 3d photorealism.

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If you have something intelligible to apply to this thread, by all means post. But if you have nothing that is going to help us, please post somewhere else. [/b]


To be honest, I haven't seen any example from you where there is any itelligible talk in it. Pretty hard to do so without an example, but if all that stuff you just posted is considered intelligible, I refuse to post in that fashion.

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Hey UniKorn,


I know you love spending your time criticisizing this mod, but the thread really is for people to ask about the mod.


No one was intentionally trying to insult you. If you want nothing to do with us, fine.


Don't download the mod when it is finished and stop posting messages in this thread if you are going to act like a dick.

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Yes, perhaps a little too simple.


Because you know, every single mod team is the essence of perfection and NONE of them are human with any real flaws.


Oh, except for maybe Unikorn, who is so quick to point out everyone else's but his own.


Heh. Good. Don't post here, that's exactly what we want. We want help and questions, not flames and criticism on something you haven't even seen yet.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

crosis, your link in your sig doesnt work. id love to see WIP screens.






uhh, many have asked about that and recieved hell for it. Be carefull what you ask for here, read some of the other posts here, you'll see what i'm talking about. They don't seem to like people showing an interest in their mod.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

don't make me out to be an ******* just because I fired back at someone. His remarks may have been true, but totally unneeded.


I do apologize for my remarks about the AOTC team, because I do wish them success. But where are all the "where's this and that" remarks for them?


I don't think I'm better than anyone else. ****ing shame on your for ever saying such a god damn thing. I was raised right, and for me to think I'm better than anyone else for any reason it out of the question in my conscience.


I don't think our mod will be the absolute be-all end-all of mods, but before you say we have nothing to show for let us come up with something.


Don't ever talk to me like I'm some little bastard who doesn't understand the english language again. I am fully aware of what my actions do to the reputations of anyone else, and if they don't respect me oh well! I'm doing this mod because I've always wanted to work on a mod team. If anyone insults the work of me or my colleagues I'm not going to swallow my pride in the name of saving face.


If you have something intelligible to apply to this thread, by all means post. But if you have nothing that is going to help us, please post somewhere else.


Come on all he asked was if he could see some stuff from it and then when people say stuff u get in a stress. U should be happy people are taking interest in your mod not beating them of with a barge pole.

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o_o are you still posting about that? that was a dead issue as of last week o_o



and I don't mind people showing interest in the mod. What I do mind is people asking sarcastic questions in a snotty manner.


"Can you fix the broken link in your sig? I'd like to see some WIP screens, thanks!"




"Wow. You certainly don't have anything to show for yet. How about some screens for this mod you are 'making'?"


Which one sounds better to you? Showing interest is one thing - trying to be sarcastic instead of courteous is another.


I'll get you WIP screens as soon as we can - we have a lot of things to work on for the first build, and I don't want to give rehashed MP screens when we want something more concrete to show. We still haven't even finished Jabba yet. Until we do, we can't do anything.

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Originally posted by Manquesa

uhh, many have asked about that and recieved hell for it. Be carefull what you ask for here, read some of the other posts here, you'll see what i'm talking about. They don't seem to like people showing an interest in their mod.




i thought you werent interested in this mod, why did you come back to the thread? :naughty:


forum drama.... horrible, horrible addiction. gotta love it. :)

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thanks, good ideas need to be in capital letters; it really shows, in fact, how important they really are.


thats nice that you all are doing fine, i must say.


actually, my dog died a few years ago. my cat is doing good though, although he hates the current drought we got; tonight i had KFC for dinner; it was good... i personally like popeyes' better, but the only popeyes round here is in the ghetto.



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here is my first contribution... his name is Luke, he is a jedi like his father before him. I hope this improves on the Raven textures (altho the only way i could get the hair to have no seams was to use their texture.. poop i hate doing that)







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