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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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Heres a little update on my behalf, I am currently in a transition period, I am moving from MAX to softimage xsi. Its going pretty good, I pretty much have a headache, from the articles and tutorials, Plus the added noise of my printer rolling away all day. I figure as soon as I get this render tree under way, I be able to saddle up to finsih jabba in softimage.


Oh for you modelers, to weight in softimage, all you have to do select a bone, and paint the vertices.........like a brush......instead of enevelops...

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Are the models you guys using all new, can i see a few of them?


Question are you guys going to have you control luke only or Han solo at some times in the game, and are you going to make extra missions where theirs leeway to expand the adventure?


Finally are you going to try to duplicate the battle on endor to an extent

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1.) No, some are current models that have recently been released( within the last 3 months)


2.) Yes, you will get to control multiple characters during some points in the game. This is so you get the maximum movie experience and not a "wow so let's make up a huge story for leia while Luke trains on Dagobah". This is going to be 80% movie, instead of garbage fanfic.


3.) Sure are.

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Will you guys edit the characters then, like animating vadars cape a little, or editting him at all?


also will you make a new saber modification to make the sabers more ROTJ than AOTC and TPMish?

WIll you add more little dialouge for commanders, stormtroopers, etc?

WIll you guys try to change some force abilites too, like rewriting Vadar style of fighting? and will you find a way to give luke rage, or is that impossible at this point?

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Hi guys, I noticed something while watching RotJ for saber combat purposes. The RotJ Stormtroopers seem to have slighty different armor than in the other movies. Their shoulder pad armor pieces seem to stick out a bit more than "normal". maybe it's just the actors inside the suits but it maybe worth checking out....

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

2.) Yes, you will get to control multiple characters during some points in the game. This is so you get the maximum movie experience and not a "wow so let's make up a huge story for leia while Luke trains on Dagobah". This is going to be 80% movie, instead of garbage fanfic.


This means you guys have an icarus scripting decompiler?

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Unikorn. This'll be the only time I say this, because I'm sure everyone is thinking the same thing. Don't be such an ass!


First of all, I am only telling you what I'm being told by Crosis. I don't know the first thing about Icarus scripts, that's Zeus' job.


I'm glad you like to come in here and try to pick apart our work, but please just go away. You are really starting to irritate me with your idiotic sarcastic remarks.


Now, for the benefit of the doubt, since you may have been serious. No, we don't have an Icarus decompiler - and I wouldn't know if we did because it's not my job. So go pick on someone else.


Here's my question to you, oh great holy mapper of Wired Lamp Studios (*cough* just a team of mappers). I am assuming since your maps are so great that you've decompiled radiant just because it has elements that people may have not seen before, or have never tried doing?


Thought not. Take your narrow-minded ass elsewhere.

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Geez, once again soomebody asks a simple ****ing question and recieves hell for it, god damn!


And before you tell me to go away too, this is a public forum and I have a right to browse through and read the various posts in it. If I see something that I want to reply to, i'm gonna reply to it regardless if the originators of the thread like it or not.


Now go ahead and flame me too, I know you want to. I don't mind though, no skin off my back.

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1. It was a normal question. The question was asked because another mod team was building it, yet their dll was 6 mb in size while ours is 200K (i think). So we helped them get their stuff together. I was wondering if it was your team or another team.


2. We got a decompiler, which we are offering to the public as an open source as soon as we are out of beta stage, to help other mod teams with their development. We even offer it to other mod teams at this moment should they need it, yet due to your numerous comments I will reconsider that decision on my part, since appearantly we will have to make decisions on who gets it and who doesn't.


3.(*cough* just a team of mappers)


Wired Lamp Studios consists of :


8 mappers

2 coders

2(3) texturers

2 skinners

2 concept artists

2(3) modellers

1 professional writer

1(2) Project Leader


Some of these people got 2 functions, which brings our "potential staff" to the number in brackets. Check your info before you make such a statement.


So be4 calling me an ass I suggest you check all your posts. 99% of my posts here are to help the community. I wonder what you have "contributed" sofar.


Apart from this post


To be honest, I haven't seen any example from you where there is any itelligible talk in it. Pretty hard to do so without an example, but if all that stuff you just posted is considered intelligible, I refuse to post in that fashion.


all my other posts here have been guidelines on what you should do to increase the chance of success of your mod. If you put that beside you, that is your choice, but trashing me because I gave advice is pretty childish.


Here's my question to you, oh great holy mapper of Wired Lamp Studios (*cough* just a team of mappers). I am assuming since your maps are so great that you've decompiled radiant just because it has elements that people may have not seen before, or have never tried doing?

Thought not. Take your narrow-minded ass elsewhere.


No, but I do am one of the people who is helping Ydnar (who did decompile radiant) with testing his sof2map (which is used to compile jk2 radiant maps). You should really just cool off instead of denying a helping hand.

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We do not SWITCH characters, I haven't tested co-op yet, since at the moment TheSnerd is doing everything for it, and I am already busy with the other WLS projects. but it is MULTIPLAYER, meaning that you can select any model that you want, and the plan is to allow you to play the bad guy as well. Meaning that you can be a reborn in the single player game. The only thing you won't be able to do is save your game (at least that is something that we will implement as last, if we are going to do that)

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Which is why I gave you the benefit of the doubt part of the post Unikorn. On the chance that you weren't nitpicking and really trying to help me, no we don't have a decompiler. I had no idea one needed something in order to do what Crosis had proposed.


Now, if you want to help, then please at least try to make the comments you make clear...as in don't quote what someone said. I've dealt with a lot of jackasses at work today and the last thing I need is to come home and read more messages seemingly nitpicking our work.


And Manquesa, no one is going to flame you. Maybe to you he was asking a simple question, but it wasn't phrased as such. Which brings me to this again:


"Did you guys know you will need a decompiler in order to do that? I can tell you where to get one and how to use it if you need it."


as opposed to


"This means you have an icarus decompiler?"


I'll be honest with you, like I said before. I don't know what the heck an icarus decompiler would do, so asking me would not do any good. Hence, I assumed you were asking me since it was me you quoted.


I am not meaning to be an ass, believe it or not. You can say what you want, all I am telling the community is what I'm being told...and I certainly don't appreciate being bashed for that (after all, I'm just the modeler/implementer, the scripting isn't my job).


I apologize for the attack on you guys Unikorn, but please if you are trying to be of help at least phrase it as such. I'm from Jersey and up there you need to be very clear as to what you are trying to say. ^_^

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Ok, to clear up about the ICARUS scripting. No you don't need a decompiler.


I create all my scripting from scratch. You do not need a decompiler to do the movies, etc.


I actually don't see any point in a decompiler. The only reason you would need one is to decompile other people's scripting.


Raven brought out their decompiled scripts so you wouldn't need a decompiler for that.


I prefer not to steal other peoples scripting so I create everthing myself. Check out my maps and the testwalking.pk3 if it is still up. If not request a link and i'll upload it again.


Hope this clears some things up.


Thanks a lot



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Zeus, appearantly you don't have an idea what I am talking about ;) When you write your icarus script, you compile it afterwards to a compiled version of your icarus script. We do not use our decompiler to decompile other people's stuff.


Our compiler decompiles it and makes your icarus script work in the MULTIPLAYER version of the game. Since you guys were talking about multiple players in a cinematic event, I assumed you were planning on having a multiplayer experience with scripting.


Which would require the need of code to decompile a compiled version of the icarus scripts that you create.


Hope that I am making sense here.

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Originally posted by UltimateZeus

Sorry for the confusion. The reason I didn't know that you were talking about the Multiplayer aspect is because this isn't a multiplayer mod.


ROTJ is going to be a Single Player TC and therefore multiplayer scripting will not be needed, only SP. [/QUOT


Are you guys going to get around not having the sp source, and still make this tc stand out, will it constrain you

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Originally posted by razorace

Hi guys, I noticed something while watching RotJ for saber combat purposes. The RotJ Stormtroopers seem to have slighty different armor than in the other movies. Their shoulder pad armor pieces seem to stick out a bit more than "normal". maybe it's just the actors inside the suits but it maybe worth checking out....


yes. the armour IS different. there are only 3 changes that i know of though; the helmet

the chest plate

and the shoulder pads


the mouth of the helmet in rotj is bigger -- and black. in star wars and empire it was grey and black


on the chest plate you will notice some black dots


.. .

. .

. --- Star wars . --- empire & jedi

. .


and on the shoulders (as you said) the shoulder pads are completely different

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