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how do you bind move's


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Originally posted by jumbalumba

i think just type bind (anykey) then the commands each seperated by ; or somethin not to sure though cuz i don't do it, and ppl that hate, just can't do it, and it's not cheating.but yah, just type it in the console


Welcome to the forums. :) Many of the dissenters to scripting know how to script. Its not really that hard. Depending on what your binding (like the blue lunge to a single key) it is most likely considered cheating & will earn you the wrath & ire of your fellow gamers.

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I don't know if it's cheating or not. I can tell ya it's dangerous cause when you bind more than one thing to a key, control of the game is locked until it finishes executing all the commands. One mistake could mean your swinging at nothing crouching/jumping while your oponent sits behind you and hacks you to pieces.


I can answer your question though because I'm a veteran of scripting for Quake 3.


1. create a new text document.


2. Open your text document and type:


bind <keyname> "command 1; wait; command 2; wait; command n"


3. save your text file and give it a unique name.


4. Rename your text file to a .cfg file extension.


5. Place the file in your gamedata\base folder


6. During the game, open the console and type "exec ConfigName"



That's it. I wouldn't recommend trying to script saber moves though. It can be done sure, but the time it takes to execute the commands in a bind varies depending on the latency of the server. An advanced saberist will cut you to peices in the time it takes you to execute a move on certain servers.


NOTE: I'm sure some will see this post as teaching others how to cheat, but there really are some useful things you can do with scripting without binding keys to execute special moves. I myself use scripts to toggle crouching/standing, running/walking, and even a script for demo recording. I'm still trying to figure out how to bind force push to a single key, man that would really help against Dark Siders.

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If you want to learn about scripting, go to the "Scripts Here" thread in the multiplayer strategies forum. It's quite a few pages long & has lots of examples.




You'll find the answer to your question there too. I explained how it could be done. It's very complicated though & not worth the effort, but it's a good learning tool.


Learning to script can be fun, but I still wouldn't recommend using complicated move scripts against real people. As was pointed out, they leave you open too much, & if you're doing a move that couldn't possibly be done without a script that's cheating & people will get pissed at you.

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Originally posted by ToppDog


Learning to script can be fun, but I still wouldn't recommend using complicated move scripts against real people. As was pointed out, they leave you open too much, & if you're doing a move that couldn't possibly be done without a script that's cheating & people will get pissed at you.


i just whanted to knw how to script i don't care if i don't use move's with them (i don't need that;))

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Since I only tend to play on duel servers, I bind forcenext and forceprev to my mouse wheel, then moue3 to useforce. I wanted to bind seperate keys to saber stances because when you gotta cycle through a couple of stances to get the one you want, your oponent can tell your switching stances because your saber moves around a bit.

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there are any key specified to each stance, only saberattackcycle which cycle through the stances, bound to the mousewheel, ifound its quicker to change faster than pressing a single button.


umm... try pressing F1? lol.


well f1 isnt really convinient in the middle of a fight, bind the keys around your movement keys so its easier.


i use wasd, and this is the light.cfg i use when on the lightside


bind q "force_throw"

bind e "force_pull"

bind mouse3 "force_distract"

bind t "force_heal"

bind r "force_absorb"

bind c "force_protect"

bind f "force_seeing"

bind g "force_speed"

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