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Darth Homer

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Ok, here's there deal....I'm just starting to kinda freak out. Here's the back story:


I worked at Gamestop for the last three (yes, that's 3) years. I have been faithful to the company the entire time. I was just moved up to the 2nd asistant Manager position about 4 months ago.

Pay raise time came around and I didn't get an increase b/c I was promoted three days past the deadline. That was their only reason.

I turned in my two weeks notice...well, two weeks ago, so Sat. Aug 3 was my last day at work. After three years, they didn't even try to keep me. It was, "You're leaving? Ok, bye." No incintives or nothing. My manager asked if they could offer me more money (I probably would have stayed if they did). Nope, "Not enough room in the budget." said our District Manager.

So, I quit. Turned in my keys today and found out that 2 people have been hired to fill my old position, BOTH earning more than me!! Another reason for me to leave this company in my dust.


However....I do live in an apartment and if it wasn't for my Grandpa's inheritance money, I'd be in real trouble. I've just now kinda come to the conclusion that i'll have to get another job real quick if I want to have money for smaller things like food, gas, and Ep2 on DVD....you know, the essentials. Just getting paranoid now...thinking, "What if i don't get another job...I'll have to move back in with my parents and their slow 56k connection (among other annoyances)!" Just need to get it out of my system and look for help/advice from like-minded people.......that would be you people.

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My advice in getting work, (even though I haven't gotten any) is very simple. Waiter/Busboy for a decent restaraunt. Olive Garden, Western Sizzlin, something like that. And do a good job. It will be part time, but pay like a full time. And most of your money depends on tips, so if you are well dressed and very courteous/helpful then you will make much more money.


If you really don't wanna go that avenue, then get work at a movie theater, with the summer being over those annoying summer job teens will be going back to school. Anyway it's okay pay, (not as good as waiter/busboy) but it's easy work, and you get to see all the new movies for free eventually.


Those are my 2 best suggestions and the ones I will most likely wind up following myself next summer.

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Darth Homer-


Sorry to hear about the crappy treatment at Gamestop. You did the right thing in ditching them...you want a company in which u can grow in and one that pays enough to keep you wanting to grow! My only advice for the next time something like that happens...secure another job before you go job ditching. It helps especially with the bills! A Sh@ttie job is better than no job when it comes to paying the bills! That aside...u are fortunate enough to have some savings to fall back on.U are also thinking ahead when it comes to saying...that moneys for the bills and the roof over my head...and I can't spend that on Dvds. Been there used that savings...and been in a lot of trouble. You don't want to go down that road.


Just start massively pursuing a job. Keeping in mind all the lessons you learned from the last. Look for something that is going to reward you for good work as you progess. I don't really suggest being a waitor though...I had an x boyfriend who was one..and sometimes it payed the bills...but usually during the slow times you need extra income. If you like the video game scene just go to other stores put in your app. Now is like a REALLy good time to get a job. People are quitting there summer jobs...going back to school. Also christmas is coming!! I got a lot of jobs that way. And if you like office work...typing or the like you can always try Temp Agencys - they pay better than minimum wage and you don't have to serve hamburgers. You can get hired onto a major company like I did and sit on your ass all day and read the forums and get payed....enough to afford a...Corolla S 2003, your own place...and Sattelite :o)..


Hope I helped!

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