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What is your favorite Star Wars game and what would you do to improve it?

Link Antilles

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Rogue Squadron II



1. Add new playable starfighters:

The Outrider

Z-95 (just for fun)

Sith Infiltrator



Jedi Starfighter

Republic Starfighter

2. Add an Episode II based mission.

3. More Imp bonus missions.

4. A hidden chicken walker mission like in the first RS.

5. And alot of other things I can't think of at the moment!

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Me: Jedi Outcast


Improvements (these are going to be only what I would like, not anything actually possible):

1) Use of light saber to cut anything....anything...locked door in the way? no problem *snik snik snik* Now I've got my own door. :D

2) Duels like in the movies, one hit kills, but very high rate of blocking

3) Different outfit for Kyle, instead of "smuggler jogging suit".

4) Ability to pick up and use a second saber...or dual saber for that matter.

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Any one remeber the game Rebellion. You could pick either side Rebels or Imperials. It was awile back though like 5 years. But it was like Galactic Battle grounds but you fought throughout the whole galaxy with Star Destroyers and stuff.


Other then that I'd say Jedi Outcast. That game rocks. I'd say Make a expansion and have Mara Jade in it again she was cool. Like in Mysteries of the Sith.


And add another AT-ST level walking on everything.

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i remeber Rebellion, and when i saw the title that was the game i was thinking of.




1- redo for current hardware, (need better the 640x400)


2-add more units (well more hero units maybe)


3- add vong civ (would need ships, troops, heros, and buildings)


4- add more random encounters (There are a lot of cool things that have been lost in the univers of star wars, (the dreadnot group, can't remeber the name, but had like 200 dreadnots in the group, the maul instatute...)


5- more super weapons, the empire made a lot of superweapons, i think they should be in the game as well



Anyone this Lucasarts will see this and remake Rebellion?

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

i remeber Rebellion, and when i saw the title that was the game i was thinking of.




1- redo for current hardware, (need better the 640x400)


2-add more units (well more hero units maybe)


3- add vong civ (would need ships, troops, heros, and buildings)


4- add more random encounters (There are a lot of cool things that have been lost in the univers of star wars, (the dreadnot group, can't remeber the name, but had like 200 dreadnots in the group, the maul instatute...)


5- more super weapons, the empire made a lot of superweapons, i think they should be in the game as well



Anyone this Lucasarts will see this and remake Rebellion?




The fleet was the Kantana fleet.

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Hmmm. Its so hard to say. I've played a lot of SW games. Rebel Assault II had magnificent gameplay, but sorry graphics. Episode I: TPM was a great game, but it had a few problems, as well. Mainly, I would have liked more levels. I guess my choice would probably be GB. I only got to the "pretty good' skill level, so I didn't ever find a whole lot of problems with it. It wasn't my fav game ever, but its a good game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I hear ya! The tech trees should be different for each civand more realistic. None of this Gungan pummel or Dark trooper or flamethrower-carrying Imperial mounted trooper junk. And, while I'm on this little rant, there should be an option to make the units more realistic. Like, say, troopers would be destroyed in a shot or two, but they would be dirt cheap, and things like AT-STs would be pretty stinkin expensive, but much stronger and more durable. Perhaps just add an option to make the tech trees and units more realistic. Ah well. Not that its ever gonna happen......

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