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The JK2 Story Makes No Sense! *spoilers*

Xavier j.p JAS

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read this before you flame me:




there you go, now when it mentions the valley of the Jedi it says that after defeating Jerec Kyle renders the Valley pretty much useless, though it is ued in JK2?


And it goes on to say that after the battle with Jerec Kyle declines Luke's invitation to the Academy. Fair enough that happens, but it says after this he has a conforntation with the darkside and subsequntly joins the Academy.


Eh? Am I the only one who finds this a tadd stupid?


(PS. it alos says that Kyle's saber is green, and mentions nothing about him changing it to blue?)


(PPS. Desann, Tavion the Reborn and shadow troopers are mentioned nowhere)

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the blue saber thing was pretty stupid.

Before I go on, I would like to say I'm not flaming you.

Have you played Jk1? What about the Mysteries of the sith? If you play these games then Jk2 does make sense. You don't need to go to links that tell the story, because they usually embellish for detail.

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in the jedi outcast book. it says kyle gets a NEW lightsaber, not the old one like in jedi knight. NEW.


and the story line does make sense. desann wants a powerfull army of reborn and shadowtroopers. but the only way he can get it is the valley of the jedi. so when galak tells desann that jan and kyle where on kejim he takes matters in to his own hands.


when kyle goes to artus mines. desann will be waiting,so he takes jan to get to kyle to get to the valley of the jedi. ( seen kyle and jan are the only one who knows where it is ) so that is where kyle becomes a jedi agine.




all makes sense.

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The blue saber thing never really made any sense, guess Raven wanted to go by the films. I haven't played the game so using the valley doesn't make sense to me, having that it looks like Kyle released all the Jedi spirits from the valley so there would no longer be any power in it now, so I don't see how Desann could use it to make his army.

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"Deep in the Valley of the Jedi, Kyle confronted Jerec, the very man who had killed Morgan Katarn. The two did battle, and when Kyle slew Jerec, he fulfilled an ancient prophecy. The spirits of long-dead Jedi, trapped in the Valley for a thousand years, were finally freed. With this energy unleashed, the Valley of the Jedi's WORTH AS A WEAPON was effectively eliminated."


Kyle didn't use it as a weapon, right.


About the blue saber:


luke has a green one, that means that kyle can't have a green, then he get's the next best thing: A blue saber.

Try it out in the game: spawn a couple of lukes, it looks stupid when they all have green sabers.

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I don't think that the blue saber thing has ever been resolved offically. But I guess your [EffJi] right, it would look better if Luke and Kyle had different coloured sabers and this proves my theory that Lucas/Raven are going by George's lightsaber colour chart.


Good Evil

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Kyle loses his green saber in dark forces 2 and picks up yun's saber when dueling sariss, bcoz Boc trashed his saber with a stone after the escape from the falling ship.


But I dont remember if he use yuns saber (yellow) in mysteries of the sith....

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If you played as a dark jedi in JK he kept his green saber throughout the game. But then again he killed Jan as a dark jedi.

I thought he used an orange lightsaber in MOTS.


Why Shadowtroopers uses a crystal:

Weren't they created after luke and the guys had kicked their asses in the valley of the jedi?

The reborns got their power from the valley, and the shadows got theirs from the crystal.

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I never got the whole shadowtrooper thing. I can understand the cortosis armor, but all of a sudden I'm fighting guys with cloaking devices and thingies called "Force crystals," with no explanation as to what said crystals do or what they are. I noticed when I picked them up my Force meter would go up to full, but I get the same effect by not using force powers for 20 seconds or so. it was thrown in kind of randomly.


everthing else makes sense, though...they just need to update that databank entry.

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I just bought Jk1 a few days ago and it's pretty fun, I do more gunning than Sabering cause the saber is inconsistent with it's blocking; I have a question, why do Yun and Pic use light side powers? Yun uses BLINDING and Pic uses PERSUASION (Mind trick). Wtf?


Back to the point; Story makes sense to me, Kyle must have owned three sabers; Green (first one) Yellow (mots, im gonna find out how he got it ;) ), and the Blue one that luke gave him o.O.

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in the jedi outcast book. it says kyle gets a NEW lightsaber, not the old one like in jedi knight. NEW.


So there's a Jedi Outcast novel now? Cool, I'll have to check that out... could clear this stuff up.





JK = Green saber. Change to gold saber (Yun's) if you go on Light Path.


MotS = Orange saber (as Kyle). Purple saber (as Mara).


JK2 = Blue saber.



I always thought that Kyle using a green/gold saber in JK1 was fine, since he probably didn't have time to make a new saber, and in MotS, I just assumed that was his own saber that he built himself as "part of his training" (per the EU routine). In JK2 I didn't think it made sense for him to make yet another saber to give to Luke...


However, now that we've seen AOTC and how quickly "jedi in their prime" go through lightsabers, I guess it's just as plausible. Just no explanations are given (in the game).


The way I understood it, the Valley is full of Jedi spirits (both good and evil) and they can augment the powers of other force sensitives (much like the Emperor/Mara or Exar Kun/Kyp Durron in the EU books). The crystals, I inferred from the plot in the game, are able to "trap" some (1 or more, we're not told) of the spirits, thus somehow forcing their power into the user. The reborn may or may not work on a similar principle. This is somewhat speculative, mind you, but that's what I thought they were trying to say.


I suspected in the original transition between JK and MotS, that one way to explain why Kyle went from a Jedi Master to a lower level Jedi was that his powers were augmented by the Valley of the Jedi (and later the Sith Temple). So MotS represents his true level of power. JK2 may as well, however he visits the Valley (he doesn't stay long however) so we may infer that he has a level of power close to what he'd have on his own effort.

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Didn't Kyle use a red saber at the ending battle of MOTS? If so, it's possible that he abandoned both sabers during/after MOTS (maybe due to a Dark Side/Light Side taint on the sabers.)


Also, wouldn't Kyle's highest "true" full Force power be at the ending battle of JK1? At that point he hadn't been influenced by the Valley yet.

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Don't you see its very simple, when luke was holding Kyles saber some teenager borrowed it for a night out on the town, but had to much to drink and smashed it up. Then luke switched it with one of his sabers and hoped that kyle wouldn't notice

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Really dont care, its EU's mess anyway.


Jerec and those other dorks are nothing to desann, someone who can really handle a lightsaber, adn has real force powers, not shooting orange enregy balls, with a blindfold.


Raven did a good job in giving you enough action wih the lightsaber, but not taking away from the more important battles, Tavion, first Reborn, Reborn boss etc.

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