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Midgit Yoda

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Alright. I've had just about enough of people like Tru weed Smoka not being banned. Look at all the threads he's made with nonesence and bad language. Get the banning modification for VB like D wanted you to do and ban this mo fo. If there is no banning, prepare yourselves for a horrible flame war because I'm sick of him. Post about me mother ****** ( I didn't type the F word I bleeped it lol hahaha). Post about me pansy man.

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You ever wonder what drives people to do this? I sure as hell would like to know. Its those things where you sit there and go "GODDAMN that stupid". Granted there will always be the slow and dim-witted....but this is a bit much.


I wouldn't doubt that tru does this to chat room and other forums. But whats the point? what satisfaction do you recevie from doing such a thing?


then again there is a lot of unexplained phemoneons, this could be one of them.











sorry, i am having a hard core creativity block, and this isn't helping.

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every post has the posters ip logged so you could find his ISP (internet service provider) and tell them what hes been doing and dicontinue his service (ive seen it done to bad people and hackers)



just a thought


or somthing because for the people who think they know where he is call his ISP and find his address


or something i dunno


edit: you have my vote

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Massassi's admins have gotten people's ISP to revoke service several times. It recently happened with some looser called BigScaryTheBear and BigFuzzyTheBear who was fludding the EC with "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" it was like 50 pages. He even got a new ISP, and then they removed his service AGAIN.

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Well, there is nothing I can to to ban him. But you guys can do the 'report this post to a moderator' (Those don't go to me).

I have however made it my goal in life to see that him, and people like them don't get the chance to redeem themselves. I pull up their profile and delete each and every one of their posts one by one. Kind of a game, really. A nice stress release.


Also, can I close this now? There isn't much left to say about this, as he has no doubt been taken care of. That, and I'm sure there are far better things to be talking aboot.

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