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Sudden acts of increased agression are so unreliable to predict.


I don't worry about whether the other guy goes nuts, myself. Psychos do put you on defense, but they tend to have more openings that you can go for.



When someone asks me my HP mid-duel, I always lie. If I have a lot, I'll give them a small number, if I have a low HP, I'll give them a high number.


However, I think it's a good idea for the winner of a duel to give his HP after it's over.

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Telling people your HP is a double edged sword:


The best scenario is they start to give up if your HP is too high, or they are lulled into a false sense of security (aka get lazy and play around) when your HP is relatively low.


The worse scenario is they go ballistic on you because you have really high HP that they want to wipe out or you are really low and want to finish you off.



Asking people for their HP is a sign of giving up IMO. N00bs primarily do it to see if the pain sounds of their saber bumps are actually dealing more than -1hp.

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"More then enough"


That's my stock reply. I will tell them after a fight, if I remember. I don't check the hp meter all the time, and sometimes I'm too busy attacking or defending to take my eyes off, so I honestly don't know. And if I won the fight, then "More then enough" was the truth.

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I never answer this.


I always ignoring them.


But what I love is this.


Someguy: hp?


Arceri: ...


Someguy: hp?


Arceri: ...


Someguy: hp?


Arceri: ...


Someguy: hp?


Someguy: hp?


Someguy: hp?


Someguy: hp?


Someguy was sabered by Arceri.


Someguy: U fukin' faggott!!!! u suk yer moms balls faggott, i really hate faggotts like you! go eat a dick faggot.


Arceri: 100/21

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Yeah this annoys the hell out of me too,


Use your flipping ears man, the models have different pain sounds for different HP levels, learn them and use them. I can pretty much guess to within 5-10 hp.


Failing that when people ask i bound a key to say 'Enough to kill you". and another key that says "100/25" this may sound arrogant but hey if these guyus are asking HP? they probably have no clue.


Also on my server I have a key bound to broadcast a server message :- "Keep it moving there is a Queue, remember it only takes one hit!!!!"


The worst thing with HP? timewasters is the inordinate amount of waiting you end up with.

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It has nothing to do with punishing people. People who start typing in the middle of a fight generally annoy me. If they do so durring FFA I will juts kill them and tell them how dangerous it is to type durring a fight. Durring a duel I will wait. But regarding the HP I won't tell...

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I never tell. It's very annoying to be dueling and all of a sudden, the other guy stops and starts typing: HP?


I also have a key bound "I never tell" Usually they accept this. Except one time I am fighting this guy:



Guy: HP?


Me: I never tell


Guy: HP?


Me: I never tell


Guy: HP?


Me: Look, can we just fight?


Guy: your so lame, you suck!


We start again, and what did this gain? Nothing!!! except making people wait. I don't like it. If you want to know, kill me. :D



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What? Immature???


Asking a player's health has multiple purposes. One is to guage the effectiveness of your tactics. Two is to learn how accurate your guesses are pertaining to your opponent's condition. Three, it's just a friendly question. "I never tell"... is fair enough. Don't go around calling people immature, idiots, morons, n00bs or what-have-you if they're just asking you a question.


I'm not overly concerned with winning, so I always tell. Sometimes, not often, I ask. It gives you an idea of who is better or got lucky or misstepped... and if you're new to the game, it gives you a good concept of how damage is doled out.

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