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How to combat GUN users

Psionic Jedi

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First off I am primarily Jedi because I don't want to worry about ammo and all that (t3h f0rce is my amm0!). What really irks me is all the Gunners seem attached to the Alt Fire Repeater or Flechette, and hardly anything else (besides Disruptors, no gripes about that though).


I've tried pushing them (the explosives) away and I end up being too late, the shrapnel balls are already headed my way. Only once in a while I'm lucky and they are deflected, but mostly they don't even explode near their target.


I also use Speed to get closer, but their explosive weapons still push me around and kill me :(. If I use MIND TRICK they are still firing and pushing me around with explosives, killing me even if they can't see me.


I haven't tried Protection yet; I've mostly stayed away from it because of its enormous force cost.


I have no problem with beam weapons; Speed, block block block slash. :D


Any tactics against Gunners are welcome.

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I tend to dodge and fallback a lot if some one is firing explosives at me. Usually the best way to move is up since most of the explosions arc downward they'll have a harder time trying to hit you in the air.


From there I'll try to get close enough I can pull them closer to take their weapon out and also get them much closer to my saber ^_^

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Pull is disabled on the server he's talking about(I think).




Try Speed+Slash verses all weapons, but ppl that know how to use repeaters, golar arms, and rocket launchers.


Verses those keep your focas on dodging, avoid tight area's, and saber throws the safed bet for damage or just dodge till they run out and kill them when they run away. :D

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First of all, without pull, dont even think about getting that close, because they won't get the splash dm that much and close is almost impossible to miss. Simply dodge their shots and run around. NEVER use a finisher unless your VERY sure! Kill them when they run out of ammo, or a very good opportunity arrives.

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I HATE gunners. The alt fire on the repeater and flechette always kills me. When i try to pull them, they just get close to me and therefore have easier to hit me. And its almost impossible to push back those projectiles, since they are too fast. The lag doesnt make it easeir either.

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Well really depends if you're facing a gun user 1 on 1 or more than one. I think taking on most gun users one on one is fairly easy if you're the kind of person that never uses anything other than a Lightsaber, ever (I must be the only one heh). In my opinion for facing gunners, Light side is definately best for a few reasons.


Mainly, light is the best side against gunners because you need great defense to combat the power gunners throw out (randomly most of the time). Absorb keeps you from getting gripped and thrown off or setup into trip mines or det packs or something to that affect. Protect can keep you alive long enough to get close to the person if they're spamming repeater alt fire or fletchette. Heal can derrh heal you when you get hurt without having to run for med kits. Mind trick is good if you know how to ambush people, this is probably best for when you're being a "mid-fielder", which is where you don't actually defend (this is assuming it's CTF btw) or attack, you just disrupt people from mid field, helping with offense and defense by drawing people to you. Anyway, mind trick is good to get the drop on someone who isn't suspecting it, gives you enough time to yank their primary weapon from their hand and get in a few good hits.


Good combination for a Lightsaber only Jedi are these force powers. Jump 3 - Push 3 - Pull 3 - Speed 3 - Seeing 1 (if it's a sniping map, I suggest getting red of speed 3 for 1 or 2 and getting seeing 3 so you can dodge sniper fire). - Absorb 3 - Protect 3 - Mind trick 2 (if possible, you can switch around depends on the person). Throw isn't overally important so you don't really need it, but it against depends on the person.


Anyway, when one on one with a gunner, meet him eye to eye from a distance, usually they stop (dunno why people do this, but 90% of the people out there do, the stare down before battle.. heh cinamatic effect I guess) use this team to see what gun they have, if it's a rocket launcher, get ready to jump back and push. Always try and push these back whenever possible, since if you get good enough at it, the rocket will head back to the user, dealing some well deserved damage, although alot of times they go wide and miss, with practice you can usually push em into the general direction. If it's a repeater or fletchette.. I don't really recommend trying to push these back when within 20 feet, because the fletchettes and bolt come too quickly for most people to react that fast. Although if it's further, definately push, most times the repeater bolt will go back to the owner, makes them think twice about using it. Other weapons are easier to avoid, since most of em are blockable.


Best way to deal with repeater and fletchette are to speed in to the person with protect on and pull the weapon out of their hand, then slice away at him in medium stance (since it's quick and does good damage), the guy now will either go to his one of his lesser weapons, usually a bowcaster or blaster rifle. Bowcaster hurts, but it's easy to block, if he just is still close and shoots blindly, just finish him off by keeping him close and slicing him. This tactic of keeping close is more important, and usually works against a single gunner, mainly because pure hearted gunners rarely use a lightsaber, they'll even use a pistol before they go to the lightsaber, don't ask me why, but that's what they do. This means each slice will usually do a great deal of damage, so take advanage of that.


Now, when there's 2 or more gunners... I recommend disarming both of em if possible, if they both have repeaters or something like it or above, don't even bother you'll be dead before you get there, try retreating and spliting them up, taking them down one by one. Jedis are smarter than most Mercs, most of them run after you blindly, firing wildly, once you get out of range of the other Merc, take the pursing one out. Only way to really deal with pure gunners is one at a time whenever possible, otherwise it's not smart to go in with a Lightsaber, unfornate as it may be, considering a Jedi should be able to kill a room full of gunners.

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if you only use one or two of the attacks available to you in the game ie the saber + force you are going to be at a disadvantage over the players that use the guns as well. In fact i prefer the guns to the sabre as it seems to me that the sabre is a bit random ending up in a hack 'n' slash fest where the winner may as well be chosen by tossing a coin rather than fighting.


I know that this thread is for ways of killing gunners when you are using a sabre but you might consider using one of the other 8 or 9 guns in the game to kill the gunners and then switch back to your sabre for a duel.


Its just a thought.

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DAMMIT GEEZ you beat me to saying that =(. in all reality though if u wanna saber stick to saber only duels/ffa i know that alot of you might disagree with me but guns>sabers period. you wanna debate this? fine i'll give u proof

light stance = 20-30 damage per swing range = 0

rate of fire = fast


lunge = 65 damage and pierces saber defense range =0

rate of fire = fast

downfall = leaves you open on all sides to a counter


med stance = 35 damage per swing range = 0

rate of fire = kinda fast


med special = instant kill range = 1

downfall = leaves you open on all sides to counter but for a really long time rate of fire = hella slow


red stance = 60-100 damage per swing (depends on which part of the saber you hit them with) range = 1 rate of fire = slow


dfa = instant kill range = 2

downfall = leaves you open on all sides to counter but for a really long time too rate of fire = hella slow


now guns i'll only get into the most damaging aspect of each gun


golan flechette secondary fire = instant kill (if both little balls hit you) range = 6 ammo = 15 rate of fire = medium unblockable also causes splash damage


imperial repeater secondary fire = 35-40 damage (i think)

range = 5 ammo = 15 rate of fire = medium unblockable also causes splash damage


rocket launcher = 100 damage or 50 health damage (if you have full shields) range = 10 ammo = 1 rate of fire = medium unblockable also causes splash damage


disruptor secondary fire(full charge) = 100 damage range = 10 ammo = i dunno rate of fire = hella slow blockable by level 3 saber defense or level 3 seeing


dets = instant kill range = 0 ammo = 1 rate of fire = slow unblockable also causes splash damage


now i havent covered every aspect of guns or sabers but i have covered the most damaging and dangerous aspects. to put it bluntly, guns do more damage over a greater range, can affect multiple enemies at once, kill much quicker, and can keep the user if good completely out of danger. simply put a good gunner using force powers can completely own a good saberists using force powers virtually every time. you still dont believe me? look me up on BF's CTF server and i'll prove it to you anytime.

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My advice, to beat the gunner just whip it out...meaning your own gun. Or if you're like me run away within a while they go for someone else and it;s payback time. Word to the wise, these techniques have never worked for me but hey, there's always a first time and who knows, you could be better than me.

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I saw once a good way of getting rid of gun users...I use the same way now myself. It requires that you play with Dark Side and you have Force Lightning and Dark Rage.


Use max level Dark Rage and fast guns...None can defy them..

LOL...and when someone gets too close like a Jedi, use Lightning and Weapons...


Thats the way I usually win in servers where weapons are allowed...


Its Gun to Gun - Saber for Saber

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My advice is stay the hell away from any server that has pull disabled, thats just stupid.


Also the only way I have been able to kill gunners in v1.04 with sabers effectively is by playing JK++ and attaking with Heavy stance swings (one hit kill) and using speed a lot. ProMod is also upping saber damage against gunners.


Guns have the advatage but if you can dodge guns and use speed you can get them.


By the way to all you sabers<Guns people. I have played with many -V- members and I have killed them many times with saber v Guns in JK++. I'm not saying I am better then them or that sabers are better, but I am saying that even a good gunner can be brought down from time to time.

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