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WIP: Fat Bastard

Midgit Yoda

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Yeah. I've seen that happen. no one cares for some reason. I think that half of having a game made on the Q3 Engine though is the fact that you can experiment. I personally only have default SW people and Yoda in my game though. The rest are all odd ball characters like, Gundams, Dark Helmet (which is truly messed up b/c I couldn't get it to compile correctly, but I'm workin on it), and a few others. My favorite is the gundam HiNu made by Gemini. I LOVE it. I can't wait till Unreal Tournament 2003 so that people will download mods that AREN'T starwars. It doesn't take much brains to produce a full line of Starwars Characters. And actually I'm makin fat Bastard to passify myself. I wanna run around as a fat man lol.

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It would be kewl to have fat bastard. I've had a key binded for a while so when i use reelo model, I change my name to Orange_Fat_Bastard anyways. I think it would work...


I gonna start a website for models that are unreleased on the main sites....hehe. Thats an easy way to fix it isn't it?

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looks good man, are u doing his scottish uniform thing when he steals the mojo, cuz it looks like he has a hat (all the other pics didn't load)


for a taunt how about


"I got bigger chunks of corn in me crap!"

that sounds more like its aimed at someone and a dis in gerneral.

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Not sure of a poly count at the moment (haven't checked). I'm not gonna wry about it though. If it's too high for JO I'll just put it in Unreal Tournament 2003 when it comes out. Also I won't have much time to work on him this week b/c I have a big test in my networking class on the OSI model. Fun... Oh well. By the end of the year I'll be Cisco certified.

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Originally posted by Kranckor

Your not sharing this model with us are you? If not then why are you teasing us with it, because that's pretty messed up and I don't see why these guys are helping since your not going to share it.

lol, who said I wasn't sharing it. I have every intention of sharing it. Besides, it's not like its a big tease. Only like 5 people will DL it anyway haha. Oh well. I'll work on it some more. (I'm also still debating on releasing helmet, but it also isn't done yet so.. oh well heh.)

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Thanks guys. I'm workin on him. hopefully he'll be nearly finished within the next couple of weeks. I have decided that i'm gonna do the fat bastard in shorts and the yellow long sleeved shirt. I would do the one with the kilt but the hat he wears with that suit is entirely too tall and it would cause some clipping errors bad. Other then that He's coming along great. I've finished his face almost, finished his little hat thing, almost done with his entire upper body. Currently I'm workin on his shorts and legs. SO far so good. I'll have some more screens in a few days. Maybe today or tomorrow.

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I dunno...you'd think if something in his signiture was a virus, people would have reported this already somehow...which, in my oppinion, would mean that person wouldn't be there...so thus, if it's stilll there after as many posts as he's had....I can safely assume it's not a virus, and it's safe to say..that it's safe. Pure and simple, huh? Anyway...can't wait to use your models in-game, Midget.

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