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Not Jabba, ...but a Hutt


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I tought something like that bug would happen, i have a "no cut off body parts" version, so i could not test that. in fact i am a pacifist and i am happy with that.


the reason that bug happens is that the hutt model has only one leg and its not attached like normal legs for separating it. that happens probably when you cut off his tail. happens that frequently and how does it look like? needs to be fixed or is it a good ester egg?


Plasmacoolant, it would be great if you can give me some sounds. most importent are movment, pain and diing sounds, if you can get them out of the movie. or anybody else if you get accross something.


and what about the bot, is he ok with using forces and weapons?

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I realised yesterday in the scaling mod that you can't scale the model horizontally. I thought one number was for height, and the other was for width, when in fact the other is for saber.


Still TCK could update the mod so you can scale the x, y and z axis seperately. You can do this in NPCs.cfg.

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Still TCK could update the mod so you can scale the x, y and z axis seperately. You can do this in NPCs.cfg.


If that can be done that'll be nice. Mention it in the coding forums. Hopefully someone runs with it. However, this particular hutt does not need to be scaled horizontally being that he pretty much stands upright.


In regards to the two hutt thing, I think you should fix it. If it happened scarcely maybe not. But it happens often.

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Hey Duncan, I've just had a great idea!


After you get done with your Hutt model, could you make Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis (one of the 12 jedi on the council during ep1 and ep2)! He's the one with a mostly humanoid upper body and then a snake-like lower body (meaning no legs). He also has lots of white hair as a beard and lots of white hair wrapped around the top of his head.


I would imagine that he would move just like your FANTASTIC Hutt model does!!!!!! :D


Look here for yourself...



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Deetox187 sent me some sounds that are great. it gives much more atmosphere. i will add that as soon as possible.


I try to fix that 2 body bug and also the head off texture bug.


Does anybody know how many texture it needs for caping the cuttoff of bodyparts?


Padawan_7, a Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis model would be a real challenge. If you know of some more pics (from the side and so on) let me know, i will think of it.

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Of corse it is posible to make the Hutt fatter, even that fat that he looks like Jabba. but then his arms will be inside the body. You know, i can change the body to whatever i will but the skeleton is unchangable, no way without new animations. so i have to balance between fatness and skeleton fit in. this scale mod would be a posibilety, but it needs a scale only in the horisontal.


that there is no blue saber has nothing to do with the model, its probably some mod.


i know Jabbas nose is not symetrical. but i made a symetrical one for the hutt, i tried to look him younger. does it work?

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Hey Duncan,

Great job!!

Man, it took me too long to finally check out this model. I'm really impressed. You've taken on two really interesting and challenging models and come out on top with each. Very nice! :D


About the possibilities of making it fatter (I completely understand the limits and I think it looks fine as is) but could you possibly make just his lower torso (belly area) slightly larger. Much like your Gamorrean. You've probably experimented with how wide you could get, but just in case I figured I'd chime in with that ;)


This is also a model that would be great to include with a large skin-pack. If you posted on the skinning forum, I'm sure you could get a few bites from some of the very talented skinners over there.

Don't get me wrong, your skin is great. I would just love to see some variety with your excellent model. I've always kind of figured that the Hutts may have skin variations much like frogs have in our world. So, some black and orange, Dark greens, purples, and even some tatooed ones would be pretty cool.


Thanks a lot for your work Duncan!





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I am just experimenting a bit with making biger the hips and the tail. it should look good feed. he will have some kilo more but dont expect to much.


Its a good idea to make more skins for the Hutts. would be fun to have some tatooed ones. will see if somebody is interessted.

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Of corse it is posible to make the Hutt fatter, even that fat that he looks like Jabba. but then his arms will be inside the body. You know, i can change the body to whatever i will but the skeleton is unchangable, no way without new animations.


I believe musashi made a new skeleton for Jabba. You can check with him.


Edit: Another thing. The scaling mod also remains proportionate in that it increases the width and height equally. When I scaled the hutt it looked fatter just because of its bigger size. Perhaps if you do fatten him enough and round him out you can get the Jabba effect by scaling him to the correct size.

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I was surprised at the quality of this Jabba model, given the constraints of the JK2 skeleton on the player model. The model is very impressive. I have had your Gamorrean for a while, and was impressed with that as well.


My only complaint would be the skin, as some of the textures for the skin, at least, seem too based off a photo. I have to give you credit for that, though, as the photoskinning you have done is also quite impressive.


Are both of these models complete? I noticed you mentioned that for Jabba, but I did not know if the Gamorrean was complete as well.


Let me know


Keep up the good work!



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Both are not finished yet, the Gamorrean is nearly ready, he only needs LOD support (perhaps some new sounds) and that will i do when all bugs are found.

The Hutt model has still some bugs i am working on and unnice movements. i have to add LOD there too.


You are right, the textures were taken from photos. I have no idea how i could do it different, cause i am nooby to that.

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