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Useful console commands here pls!!!

Jah Warrior

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OK there are a million and one threads about console commands, however they all seem to end with the quote - type cmdLIST to see a full list of all the console commands, this is all well and good, but it does not tell you what these commands actually do when you type this.


Now what I propose is a thread listing console commands that are useful and that you know what they are.


OK i'll get the ball rolling:-


COM_MAXFPS - this command governs the upper limit of framerate or frames per second that can be displayed. If you find that your Graphics card seems to max out at 90 fps then try typing - /com_maxfps 200. What this does is essentially remove the upper limit and I found that I could run the game with V-sync enabled at all times which does make the graphics look far smoother and less choppy.



CG_FOV - This command governs the viewable amount of the screen or Field Of View. I believe that the maximum field of view is 120 so type - /cg_fov 120 and you will find that it basicly gives you an almost panoramic view of the battle arena. very useful indeed and it decreases the likelihood of getting disorientated.


CG_DRAWSTATUS - This command is an acquired taste, what it does is remove the health meters, This is very useful if you are a player that panics on low health, what I did was bind two keys as follows -

/bind f1 cg_drawstatus 1

/bind f2 cg_drawstatus 0

With this you can use the f1 and f2 keys to turn the health meter on and off at will. Do be warned with this command enabled you will not be able to see your stance indicator, this can be helpful but it can also lead to almighty c-ck ups. It teaches you to play by instinct in my opinion.




OK this is a game performance related command, it removes the sky and the reflections. If you find that on maps like the hangar that all the reflections are causing hardware lag, then you can simply type the following:-

/r_fastsky 1 - turns off reflections.

/r_fastsky 0 turns reflections back on.

I managed to go from 30fps to 125fps with this setting.




This command basicly draws a graphical representation of your connection status. It is very very useful for admins but i am sure that players alike will find it interesting. It will also allow you to see what other peoples connection is like when in spectator mode by simply following you player of choices player cam.

/cg_lagometer 1 to turn it on

/cg_lagometer 0 to turn it off.


OK now this post is getting a bit long so I will call it a day there until i can remember any more useful ones.

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Go to the links below for the entire Quake 3 console explained, both variables and commands.

Obviously some stuff applies only to Q3, but 90% of the console commands/variables have the same function in Jedi (due to it being based on the Q3 engine).


Most of the stuff put in for Jedi (saber related stuff) starts with "g" (just type g in the console and hit "Tab" for a full list).










*A good base to use if your FPS sucks^^




BTW, a simple yet often overlooked command is \cg_drawCrosshair #

Each # (as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) produces a different crosshair type.

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