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Padme v2 model ready

Anavel Gato

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Originally posted by Anavel Gato


No that means that I remodelled her arms and partly her hands. I also tweaked her face a tiny bit.

Separate eyes? I assume you mean 3d eyes/sphere eyes? I think this is a waste for models that aren't used for cinematics. In-game models fly by and you won't be able to tell the difference betweeen eyes that are the skin and 3d eyes.

I also didn't weigh the bones in her face for the same reason.


Thanks for the bot file D.L.!!! :D


That's a shame, I replaced many of the SP characters with better models but many of them don't have those 3d eyes/mouth so I can't use them. I had replaced Jan in SP with your 1.1 Padme model and it looked fantastic. But since the eyes and mouth don't move I took it out.


About that attachment to the Anakin model, can that be added after the model is released? If that could work I'd like to try it with this model and Tercero's upcoming awesome Anakin model which is a month or two away (bearing no unforseen setbacks). I've never messed around with bot files or jkb files though so I don't exactly know how to go about doing that.


Great job on the model Anavel.

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This isnt the easiest thing to do. The root.xsi skeleton does have bones for facial animation, it's just time consuming to rig correctly. I've experemented with it a bit on Palpatine, I have his eyes moving now, and have experemented with the jaw bone as well. I rigged Kit Fisto to do this this the other day, looks funny as hell.




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Originally posted by striderx2048

is it me or does her left wrist doing the taunt look off?


The bug with her left hand that I fixed was the one where with JediMod the second saber floats next to her body and that soem force powers didn't work right.

Now it sometimes looks as if her left hand rotates 360 degrees making her wrist seem really thin. I haven't figured out how to fix that yet :(

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Hey Leo,


Sorry to ask again, but could you send me that link or tell it to me again because the link I recieved in the email after I d/led it, the files were not in a Pk3 and did not work right. Was this supposed to happen or what but could you resend me one and give me instructions to do this again.



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The link seems to be broken


I'm having the same problem Andy. And I'm really starting to get irritated, been waiting for this version. It always seems like whenever a model I actually want comes out the link is dead or the site is down. The rest of the files work, just not the one I want.


Sorry for my tone, but I've been trying to download this for the last 5 hours and it's really starting to piss me off.:mad:

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Its not that JKII.net isn't reliable, its just the FTP program i was using changed the letters on me, and we all know how picky the internet is. if its Padme.zip and I put padme.zip, it won't find it



So, it was just a matters of letters being of the wrong case...And also, you can always edit your post, that way it won't take up a post space where someone else might want to post. And don't try to say that it will raise your label, because kman will see these double postings, and delete the 2nd post, him, or eets anyway.

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Originally posted by Xyphox

Yeah, well JKII.net isn't that reliable. It wouldn't be to much trouble for them to test their links, but they're too lazy. You gotta expect stuff like this.


Bitch bitch nag nag! Bla! :(

I'd like to see you start a site that hosts all the JK2 mods available. I've send mine in today and it's available already. And I'm pretty sure than none of the peeps maintaining the site are getting paid to do it but are doing it in their spare time. So just stop complaining or create your own site.

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you are right anavel gato, it is volunteer work, that we dedicate each day to get hundreds of files sent it, sort them into saber categories and skins and models and maps/types of maps, etc. Well, thats mainly my method. then I have to review each one, make sure it runs in the pk3 form. And also if it doesn't come with a screenshot, even though usually I am supposed to have the author re-submit the file with a screenshot included, I will take one myself to spare the time, I mean I am already in the game, how hard is it to push F12? :) and then I have to upload to a server that is being drained by all the people downloading files i just posted..LOL(like now), and then post the file into the database, so it is time-consuming, but it's nice to check out the hottest files before they hit the database:) and with my job, I also have to do news posts, etc, so that takes up even more time finding news, which usually isn't hard, then i have to confirm the source and accuracy, and then I can post it:)


But keep up the good work Anavel, good looking model.. and I don't mean that in general like what people say about anakin models, although the tercero model and your model would go great together:) anyways, Good Job!

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but if not, it's an interesting bug...


Physically, the model works fine as a npc in sp. I've replaced jan and even added Padme to the npc.cfg file as bespincoppadme.


They spawn, with the naboo blaster correctly in hand, but when an enemy is spawned, she seems to take no interest in the battle. She just stands there with her head tilted slightly and takes blaster shots.


I've gone over the npc.cfg file several times, and all of her stats are set to maximum (intelligance, aggressive, ect) and same problem.


I went back and tried replacing that entry with your previous padme model and she behaves perfectly.


I know it almost sounds like this doesn't belong in the modeling forum, but it is strange that in this case, THE MODEL is causing the behaviour difference.


What am I doing wrong here?

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had to dig a little to find this thread heh..


ok, I stood both the 1.1 and the 2.0 model next to each other, cranked the details to max, and I have to say that the newer model seems to have less front facial detail than the older model. Also, light seems to be shining on it at very odd angles that don't show up on the 1.1 model even when standing on the exact same spot on the map.


Was something changed? I would go as far as to say that the 1.1 (1.0) version was actually cuter than the new one.



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