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BOFH shows his real face


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this is getting real ugly, ask...

i dont want to defend him. but your behaviour is not cool either. u r giving him to much attention and importance...

and people who are new to the forums wont be able to make a difference between u and him. who is the lamer? they will ask themselves.

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They will probably answer themselves at the same time. Not once did Ask be an ass about having his code removed. He just requested that it be removed. In response, BOFH obviously decided to be an ass about it.


NITEMARE you are going to learn fast who the bad and good guys are here. We are willing to share our work with the community, but we are NOT going to sit by and let someone not only take credit for your work (and not even obey tiny requests) - we're not going to let someone act like they would have done it anyway and that your code is useless. Look at BOFH's line in his thread:


"JK2++ has been removed, JediMod 1.2 is there in FULL"


The only thing left in there that is his are the admin functions and 1 or 2 emotes. Whoopdee doo. Doesn't sound like such an awesome coder now does he?


All I'm saying is don't jump to someone's defense because of one thread. Read every thread he was involved in leading up to it.

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I admit, my behaviour is far from the ideal and calm.


Usually it's hard to make me mad and cross the line of sanity. Several people have succeded. BOFH was one of them.


Sorry if I offended any of you. This was not intentional in any way.

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I agree with ASK, because every person who releases his code has the right to put injunctions on it. If someone keeps copying all the best work, and not giving any credit or requesting if they can use it for their MOD, then it doesn't credit the coder who did it. BOFH guy has been very rude and arogant for someone who has been copying every one elses code.

If he made it himself then fine, a lot of people have thought of having the double sabers etc, and have written their own code for it (i.e. NickR, Jaii, and too many to list :) etc) who are wicked coders who can code anything themselves without looking or using other peoples code.

But BOFH just waits for Dest code to be released, and just added a few minor changes and called it his own. Dest has put a lot of effort into his code, and so have the people who Dest has worked with (e.g. ask, and errr the other guys, soz i have a **** memory :) ) These people including Dest have the right to refuse ANYONE the use of their code, they are not insulting anyway by doing so, it's their right.


So if BOFH wants to tell people to fo, and insult other peoples work just because he can't use it, who is the lamer and kid? BOFH just grow up, ask the people nicely if you can use their code, if they refuse, tough ****, their code, their choice.

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he doesnt have to ask at all. he can do what ever he likes with it. but as soon as he is releasing stuff the trouble comes. its stupid to release a mod that is 90% based on another mod. jedimod is a colection of all the fun features made by various coders here from the beginning of this forum. but not a ripoff of a specific complete mod. i hope he learned his lesson.

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I only just noticed that jedimod++ thing was different to jedimod about a week ago... lol.

I'm just curious, does anybody download BOFH's 'mod'? It's not really better than Dest's.


I know you can do what you want, but I personally think BOFH should work on his own mods, from scratch. As that usually ends with a better result, and satisfaction.


ASk had ever right asking for HIS code to be removed, and there was nothing wrong with it.



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ASk did have every right to ask for his code to be removed.. And I have and replaced it with my own, which works differently.


But, i also had every right to refuse his request, especially because he cannot give his code to someone else, let them release it as public (for anyone to use to make mods of JediMOD 1.2), and then request that they not use the grapple code.. His quarrel was not with me.. it was with dest for releasing it in the source.

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One more thing;


If anything when i write who did what in the readmes, its my own stuff that i forget to comment on or give myself credit for.


And if you people looked after JediMOD++ 2.2, you'd see that 3.0 has all appropriate credit, and JediPLUS does now also.

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this is getting annoying now. ASk had every right asking for his code to be removed, but I suppose BOFH has a point.


Can everybody just stop talking about this now?




PS: No offense BOFH, but I am deleting your jedimod++ or jediplus, or whatever it is. I can't see any difference to the real jedimod, except that you have slightly modified it to accomodate useless extras.


Like I said, you should create your own mod from scratch (in my opinion) or if you must, JUST use the official jedimod as a base, and not stick every new jedimod, into your mod (eg, you NOW have stuck jedimod 1.2 into your also)


However, like I said: no offense lol :p

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JediMOD 1.2 was the last one im incorporating, as now that dest is in school and doesnt have the time to code, I still do (even though i'm in school too). Anyways i also look for the bugs in JediMOD and fix them in my JediPLUS releases, but that wont be happening anymore.... (I've fixed the whole bug with sit and grip also -- thats for the next JediPLUS). Otherwise, I will answer support questions relating to both mods, since i have a good knowledge of JediMOD now, and JediPLUS (because i put additions into it and i've seen the code). Anyone who has any problems, please dont hesitate to ask me whats wrong.

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wow BOFH,

now i hate u 2 !

3 F@CKING posts in one row. man, u gotta learn how to use this damn edit button...


ah yeah and another thing,

i allways like to bash on this, heh: jedimod already is an accomodation on useless extras!

hmm i try and i try but no one shares the same feelings. mabe its ust because every serious forum user just ignores all jedimod threads or even left the forums for good! whatever...


BOFH had no right to release such a useless additon. dont take me for one of your stalkers who want your head. i just critisize the mod for not beeing important enough. just some bugfixes and some new options? thats not enough. thats for your own server mabe, so u got a better version. but if u want to release something it should include some reasonable new features apart of those which where in the original mod...

mabe u can someday bring a little sense and admin usability in this mod or another mod, cuz the mod scene is full of this useless additions which can be called easter eggs...(e.g. thats what the double blade was for)

(no they mabe jump on my neck and let u go heh)

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

BOFH had no right to release such a useless additon. dont take me for one of your stalkers who want your head. i just critisize the mod for not beeing important enough. just some bugfixes and some new options? thats not enough. thats for your own server mabe, so u got a better version. but if u want to release something it should include some reasonable new features apart of those which where in the original mod...

mabe u can someday bring a little sense and admin usability in this mod or another mod, cuz the mod scene is full of this useless additions which can be called easter eggs...(e.g. thats what the double blade was for)

(no they mabe jump on my neck and let u go heh)


What the hell are you talking about? He has every right to release his mod. The JediMod source code was released, it's open source. Anyone is allowed to modify it and re-release it to their needs as long as credit is given, which BOFH did. Just because you think it's useless doesn't mean he can't release it. If you don't like it *GASP* DON'T PLAY IT.

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*ignors last post like it wasn't even writen*


I say we make a petition (or just e-mail jkii.net) and tell them to take off this rip off mod ^_^


and you're wrong Emon, would you rether have a mod that's good and balanced or a copy rip off version that has useless extra features and has a bigger number ? ...wait, don't answer that, I simply don't care...


as you can see, more people hate it then like it, even the people that have their codes in the mod hate it...we're (or I am) actually pissed because the majority of players are idiots and downloaded the higher number version without reading the changes or anything like that, meaning there isn't that many real JediMod servers (I see that has been changed actually), since we can't yell at all the people (which I do anyhow..) we yell at the maker (hahha, maker, haha, can't even call him that)


to tell you the truth, I've seen MUCH better personal edit of JediMod that's only on the clans server, it's not even released....and it's better.....heh....oki, I don't really care...

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What?? How am I wrong!?!


BOFH has every right to release his mod as long as he has given proper credit. You have NO authority at ALL to say he has no right just because you don't like it. If he wants to take what you think is a good mod and turn it into what you think is a bad mod, HE CAN! If you don't like it, guess what? DON'T ****ING PLAY IT! What a NOVEL IDEA!


Your opinion does not affect his rights, at all.


It's not a rip off mod, Dest released the sourcecode so that people could use it for their mods. What the **** is so hard to understand about that?

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and I have the same right to trash on it, don't like my comments...."DON"T ****ING" read them!


My opinion, however, does effect his popularity (and download count ;)), I know I've made a difference and made everyone look at him and his "MODs" in a very different way...


BOFH, listen to yourself for once, that last post you should of PM to yourself...and it's not going to be left alone, no way, I still see peeps unhappy...remark to the rescue, tadada!!!!!


I'm like a foot fungus....can't scratch away that easily :rolleyes: (not that I would know...hehe).


P.S. maybe I should stop listening to ICP...that music is encouraging me further to flame people like that.......yeah right! this is too much fun (not saying I like to flame anyone I see, I actually pick them :)).

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Alrighty, well, I've been following the "DeadlyBOFH thing" for a while, and I'm amazed at how childish it truly has become. I'm sure I've missed a few plot twists to the big story, but I've caught most of them (and thus, my post here isn't related entirely to the goings-on in this thread, but others as well).


One, don't release the source code to your mod if you're going to gripe about someone doing something with it. True, at first enough credit didn't seem to be given, but as I understand it, this has been fixed now. I'll even go out on a limb and say, don't release the source code or even a compiled mod if you're going to gripe about the criticism you receive. Not everyone will like what you did and not everyone is as wonderfully skilled with words as you would like. There's no need to publically humiliate or alienate a member of the community because of it.


Two, if you can't take the criticism, at least take it somewhere else. Reading semi-off topic posts is fun, but whining and ranting is just a nuisance when it's not even constructive whining and ranting (and whining and ranting that doesn't have anything to do with the rest of us, at that). There's no reason to have the mod "removed;" besides how childish and, well, just how wrong that would be, it's actually a pretty good mod. It has its flaws like all mods, but it's updated often and has things from many other good projects included with it.

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Good point avalon, and at this point i would also like to point out that I will not be including any further versions of JediMOD in JediPLUS. 1.2 is the last one and the only one that will be included in future versions. I intend to build on top of the code i've added onto it from this point on. I would like ideas of what people actually want added to it.. This way i can accomodate everyone.


Also, related to my earlier mishaps and trouble making -- I apologize to all i have offended.



Originally posted by Avalon


There's no reason to have the mod "removed;" besides how childish and, well, just how wrong that would be, it's actually a pretty good mod. It has its flaws like all mods, but it's updated often and has things from many other good projects included with it.

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OH g0D@MN!

now it lookslike i took side on remaky boy. i should have included a "in my critical opinion", so i know that he has the rights to do that but just didnt make sense to me, other than fishing for fame...

this thing has gone to far by now, and bofh is just one kid, he has not the whole responsability for all that. if those masters of the code would have been cooler (like me, hehe) than they would have messed bofh without messing themselves up too. but keeping cool is difficult if one has no option to punish the disturbant from above. so in their frutration they had to go all the way down to flamin' buissness...

hey Deadlyf@kkingBOFH, if u want to have ideas and stuff for your next mod ask me. and remember: accomodating everyone is not important. how can the stupid underclas (uhh) know what is good for them? the only features they want are not yet possible or have been included in jedimod. so if u want to do a mod with features that will improve the gameplay, then dont ask only the people, think for your self...

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