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I want a haunted map


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Come on, just for fun. Give me a haunted map!


I remember when I was working on a map in Unreal Tournament.... it was a haunted house. There is a grandfather clock in the main hallway. Once it struck midnight, it would chime a few times, then a loud scream. If you walk into the ballroom, the piano in the corner would start to float into the air with a bluish aura...while playing a spooky song.


If you went into the nursery before midnight, it looks all normal...but if after the clock hits midnight, blood would appear on the walls and floor, a baby would start crying, toys and furniture would start floating around, and the toychest would turn into a portal to the dungeon.


Some of the dungeon rooms would be trapped with blades coming out of the wall, etc...


One of the hallways was different....everything was upside down and slanted. You could look into a room and the bed and table would be on the "ceiling"...but once you walked in, you'd flip onto the ceiling too, seeming like the hallway was switched and the room was fine. At the end of the hall, there was a "T" intersection....left? or right? Once going through one, sometimes it would actually teleport you (without you knowing! Really cool feature in UT, you can walk right into a spot and teleport seemlessly to another without realizing it....because you'd look into where you'd teleport to, but it just seemed like a hallway to you. One example is that toychest, it would seem like the toychest has a hole and falls to the dungeon below..but if you go throgh and look up, nothing there but a ceiling) back to where you started, or the other end of the hallway. This section of the house had 2 stories, if you went downstairs once, it would lead to the lower one, however, if you went downstairs once more, it would teleport you back up top again without you knowing. In other words, you could keep going down countless, and endless stairs forever.



Occasionally, the light would flicker out...and random events would occur. Sometimes spiders crawling out of the walls to attack, sometimes a sphere of light passing through the corridors damaging anything that gets in the way.



Had a few other things, but that's all I'll say about it. I later uninstalled UT, but didn't backup the map...because I never even play it anymore.









SO!!!! Are there any haunted/spooky maps out for JK2? Even if it's not a house.

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Even if they made a map like dagobah and put in a random "ghost" appearance that did something (either you should fear it, or check it out, or perhaps follow it to a few secrets?)


I remember that a map maker working with Counter-Strike made a new cs_estate (newest one)...and someone posted a screenshot of the backroom with the lights off, with a ghost appearing. The map maker said it was a secret he put in it...and for months, people tried to figure out how to find the ghost. There were rumors of people playing and a ghost suddenly appearing, and the "spookyness" factor of the hunt was great. He said on Halloween, he'd announce how to find it. On Halloween, he finally said it was all fake...the picture was fake, and he was playing along. BAH! Wow, that rumor of a ghost sure started a new feeling in playing dark maps...what if....



I remember awhile back in CS, there were rumors of ghosts appearing and dissappearing. Some of these were true (map makers), but some were alot spookier...stories showed that about 6 different named ghosts would appear on near-empty servers. One story consisted of someone being in a server all alone just messing around. Suddenly, something appeard in front of him and told him to follow him (using the built-in voice command)...and it turned around and vanished. Another story talked about playing in a map, and seeing one of the ghosts (Paleface) on the bridge. He ran to it, but he vanished...he later went back inside the building and saw him again, and he even walked up to it and took screenshots....very spooky indeed. IT was greyish, with bluish glowing eyes, with bullet holes in his back. Another story was when some peopel were in a server, one person reported that everyone in the server totally vanished, save one Counter-Terrorist. The terrorist chased after the CT firing, and the CT vanished in front of him. Suddenly, everyone was back in the server. He asked if anyone saw that, but everyone said they just saw him running around shooting nothing. Other reports stated seeing a ghost in a window everyonce in awhile.





Guess what, all of the above were false rumors that started. YET!!! These rumors and stories spawned web sites dedicating to CS ghost hunts, screenshots, meetings to go to servers at night, etc. It was fantastic.


Now, why can't we have this much fun (with REAL ghosts!) in JK2? :(

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Heheh thats great:D


I think its great when secrets are added to maps. Especially secrets that are really hard to find:)


Even though they were just rumors the fact that it spawned ghosthunts and the likes is fantastic:) it really adds another level to the game.


Im not sure wether i'll do ghosts exactly, but i'll definatly be adding some interesting secrets to my maps:)

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My knees were trembling, my eyes were like rocks, I could barely continue on in my weary state. The sounds of clashing Lightsabers and random laser fire filled the air, accompanying the horrid smell of death. And then I saw it, out of thin air, a most frightening sight, a blue glow, illuminating the previously dim street. At first, it seemed as if a warrior with a Lightsaber was preparing to do battle, but it became soon obvious that the blue glow was no Lightsaber. I stepped closer, cautious, perhaps it was some sort of trick?


But it was obvious, this was not the trick of a Jedi nor any living thing. I witnessed a spirit of a fighter long gone, the figure of a man, his skin blue as a clear days sky, blood dripping down its arms and head, and a missing leg. The figure smiled, and vanished before me. Completely spooked, I ran through the nearest doorway, only to enter an empty storage facility, and before me, the body of the spirit, decaying.



This is obvious real fake, but it would be quite interesting if we started making up pictures and stories, and it would be amazingly cool if there were even a few haunted maps. I'd definitely begin the Ghost Hunter Alliance :D


I remember when that happened too, with the Counter-Strike ghost stuff. I never played CS, but I remember it because I was an active member of the Half-Life community at the time. I thought it was really neat how people were using their imaginations, for a change :p


- Dark Lord Bub :vadar:

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Looks like an interesting SP you're working on. :)


Better than most I've seen, and it's still being worked on.


Hey thanks:D


Yes its still being worked on, although coincidentaly enough right now im making maps for a counter strike style mod for jk2:)


Its a little like counterstrike, but it has a twist:)


Thats all i can say:D

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Dude, a haunted house map would rule!


You know what else would? A death star trench duel/FFA map.





I agree that a haunted map would be interesting. But this idear of yours to have a death star tench duel/FFA map is just plain silly! No one could do a duel in space! I am warning you not to become silly again!

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy



I agree that a haunted map would be interesting. But this idear of yours to have a death star tench duel/FFA map is just plain silly! No one could do a duel in space! I am warning you not to become silly again!


You are warning me?


I think not, bucko.


We have a map for everything else, why not have a trench map? :mad:

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