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It's Fast, Medium, and Strong... NOT "Heavy"! (comments on Gamespy's article)


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Heh, just thought that part of the recent gamespy article on JK2 for the next-gen consoles (how long are they going to be called that? forever?) was funny.


So, sounds like smaller levels, split-screen fighting only (no online play), and no dismemberment. Too bad, really, when you think about how well games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 Arena were done on the Dreamcast. Q3 even had online play that was compatible with the PC version, in addition to the usual split-screen. It sounds like they're really missing an opportunity with those features. I almost smell another "Obi-Wan." Then again, if the majority of fans just play saber duels over and over, maybe that's just what the doctor ordered. Third person button mashing is probably just as good on a controller as it is with keys+mouse. Though I hate to try to have a full force battle with one (especially a gamecube or Xbox controller, ugh).


But, did we really think JK2 could ever be better on a console? It'll make them lots of money though, so I guess everybody wins.


Also odd was how they mentioned that switching lightsaber stances was easier than the PC. Do they mean you have one key for each stance? Because, if I'm not mistaken, in the PC version you can probably bind a script to switch instantly to a specific stance with the touch of a button, and you can already switch to third person view automatically with the saber.


I'm sure that whatever "suprises" the console versions have, that the PC version will also get eventually, if they're smart. The extras that were in UT and Quake3 for the DC were later ported over and released for the PC versions respectively (and in the case of the DC, the DCmappack was required in order to play PC vs. DC online games).


That reminds me, why do rental chains still rent N64 and PSX games, but they stopped renting DC games the day it was announced that no new consoles were going to be produced? Where I live you can still buy brand new Dreamcast consoles, controllers and new games, but you can't buy new N64 or PSX systems (although PSX games are always big at any gaming store). That just puzzles me. Also, places like Blockbuster (at least where I live, in Iowa) rent PS2's, but that's IT, they don't rent Xboxes, gamecubes, or PSX's or N64's, but they carry all of their games. Weird. Sony must have brought over a few suitcases of money more than the other guys... ; p


The other thing that I think is stupid is that so many rental places will rent DVD's and VCR's, but not DVD players. That one always seemed like a no-brainer to me.


Sorry for the rant, heh.

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Consoles suck.


PC games own. I haven't played any console games in years. They just don't have the depth that PC games do. Halo might be the expection, although I haven't played it yet (waiting for the PC verison, if Bill ever gets off his ass and puts it on the shelves). I think PC games always will have the better controls, graphics, and in-depth gameplay. I view console games as home arcade systems, the games are flashy and violent, but get boring fast (for the most part anyway some games are always good).


Anyway, that's my opinion. I don't think the console JK2 will be better than the PC verison, not by a long shot. And rest assured, all of the most popular PC games of all recent time have been that way because they had a VERY strong multiplayer verison of it. Just doing that crappy split screen thing is not very smart, in my opinion.

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1. Gamespy has become the console industry's bitch. They and most of the other console review sites just spew console hype 24/7. They overrate all their previews and reviews. The console industry is "the thing" right now. All the crappy developers are stamping out shovelware for the console instead of the PC. It's actually been a good thing for the PC gaming. :)


2. As for game rentals, I think stores rent only for platforms that they think will be profitable. The DC never really took off sale wise and therefore there was never a good market for DC rentals. Me, I miss the computer game rentals they used to have in places. :(


3. The only thing I'm interested in about the JK2 console versions is how they are going to handle the saber combat with the controllers. I think using a dual shock PS2 controller for sabering could be fun if done correctly.

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I am a PC snob too. The last console I owned was the SNES!


I am glad to hear that consolers will not be playing online with us PC'ers. I was dreading the day JO would be released on XBOX and thousands of new newbs would be taking up room on our servers.


I f'n hate split-screen multiplayer games! Very lame.


I think that consoles are only good in a few cases -- sports games. They are much better than the PC for sports games, but PC's blow them away when it comes to shooters, RTS and multiplayer support.


Plus -- 640X480 resolution with no anti-aliased graphics -- PC is just so much better looking!

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I like both.

With PC you get more content and quality, but you also get errors, incompatibility and a slew of problems you don’t' get with consoles. Granted XP/Win 2K have far better stability than the 98/ME builds, but you get the point.



Open lid>put disc in>play.


Besides, playing Final Fantasy on a PC just isn't as cool as plying it on a couch in front of a 50" wide screen.


Besides, having some friends over and getting liquored up and beating up on one another at JO sounds pretty fun.


As for GameSpy, you have to consider the source.

Their articles/reviews are always the same "fluff pieces".

"It's the next big thing".

"It will totally change the way you look at gaming".

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I don't like consoles because they can never be upgraded like Computers can, Mouse+Keyboard forever > game controller (at least for FPS's) and even then there are USB game controllers for 3rd person action on PC.


PCs might have broadband fees, but games on console are quite expensive; ports of PC games to Console can be 30$ more than their PC cousins (Giants citizen kabuto for one example).


Plus PCgames have much more replayability what with customization with skins and SP/MP maps and Multiplayer of course. Well, there are MMORPGS going to the consoles but you have to buy a KEYBOARD to communicate? Another 30$ added to the stack. Most fps's have 32 players and up while non-online consoles have only 4 or 8 with those adapters, even then multiplayer still sucks big ones because of the fps killer that is 4 person gaming on the same screen.


Consoles are becoming more and more like PCs... a keyboard there, major PC Video card company-powered graphics inside, and game ports to and fro each system.

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I like both of PCs and consoles.


PC is more flexible, but more problems and sometimes you can't play a game. And PCs are harder to play with your friend when they are over at you house.


Consoles are great also because you can take them places. When I go on vacation I can take my console with me. I can only take my PC with me if it is a Laptop. And consoles I plug them in and they WORK!!!! I don't have to fix them they work!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well I also like both. I mean, I love the PC games with multiplayer and the best graphics and everything else that is great about it. But I also like just being able to sit on the couch with some friends and race or play some football.


The PC has the best graphics and speed, but thats just it, the PS2 or Xbox will never be that good and I don't think they are trying, IMO (don't flame me:D) They are shopping for a diff type of person I think.



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I like both as well, but it all depends on the game. For controllers, some consoles are pretty good, and the things don't need to be calibrated as often (if at all).


For arcade style games, and for RPGs (though I'm not much for them) consoles usually have the edge in my book. First person shooters just feel nicer with a mouse and a high res screen, but as I've said before, I enjoyed Q3 and UT on the Dreamcast.


Consoles are the cash cow for the gaming industry, I concur, and if these review sites want to "jump on the bandwagon" that's what they have to cover. But yeah, as a PC gamer, it sucks to feel like you're being snubbed sometimes. Anyhow, oh well...


PS: The keyboard connector for the DC was only $20 when it came out ($9-10 now, new).

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Consoles are the cash cow for the gaming industry, I concur, and if these review sites want to "jump on the bandwagon" that's what they have to cover. But yeah, as a PC gamer, it sucks to feel like you're being snubbed sometimes. Anyhow, oh well...

Actually the quality of the PC games has gone up considerably once all the Shovelwares left the PC for the console system. God help those poor console bastards.

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Actually, I'd disagree. There are just as many crappy games coming out for the PC as there ever were. Just check your local bargain bin (granted, once in awhile there's a diamond in the rough, but you get the picture). Often it's these bottom-of-the-barrel games that out-sell even quality hits in terms of sheer numbers (despite all the Quake-cons and gamespy hype machines)...


Sure, the "big name, top 10" games always at least sound good, but lots of games get released every year that are total crap, or just recycled from last year's "popular hits."


Console games are always a mixed bag, but they usually have their target market cornered, and they can charge higher prices...


What gets me is the way in which consoles can launch with almost the same basic 40 or so titles, with just slightly altered stats and updated graphics, and still sell like hotcakes, just because it's the latest thing. But then again, maybe that's the gaming industry in a nutshell...? (or maybe I'm being cynical again)

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Well, sure, there's still crappy games out there. But I feel the overall quality of PC games are consistingly higher every year.


As for console / PC selling, you'll notice that's it's almost all about word of mouth. CS went from a simple HF mod to the most popular multiplayer game of all time. And The Sims is the best seller game of all time and it's still growing in popularity. In addition, everyone is pissing themselves over Doom 3 mostly due to brand recognition. Now, imagine cutting the cost of PCs by 75% and adding 100 million children to the mix and you've got the console industry.

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