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What ways could LA make an original RTS?


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Lucasarts should make their own engine with star wars movies units in mind instead of trying to copy ideas from other RTS games like command and conqurer, etc. I thought it was stupid to have units like artillery and pummels in the game. It is obvious they wanted to copy other RTS games. It looked fake and cheesy. I would rather buy and play a Star Wars RTS game using star wars specific units. Instead of following other RTS game companies specfications, they should devise their own. No offense I love a good 3-D game but RTS games that are 2-D are more about graphics and sound. You get more types of units for each civilization when you use a 2-D. That is why I like RTS games that are 2-D.

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Originally posted by joesdomain

Lucasarts should make their own engine with star wars movies units in mind instead of trying to copy ideas from other RTS games like command and conqurer, etc. I thought it was stupid to have units like artillery and pummels in the game. It is obvious they wanted to copy other RTS games. It looked fake and cheesy. I would rather buy and play a Star Wars RTS game using star wars specific units. Instead of following other RTS game companies specfications, they should devise their own. No offense I love a good 3-D game but RTS games that are 2-D are more about graphics and sound. You get more types of units for each civilization when you use a 2-D. That is why I like RTS games that are 2-D.


Can we not pick up this ghetto conversation AGAIN?

Have you ever played "FORCE COMMANDER"?

it's awful, it's so obvious that Lucasarts' programming team is weak in contrast with Microsoft, Blizzard and other companies...

ALL the recent lucasarts game are designed by other companies...

JK2 - Q3 Engine

SWGB - AOK Engine

Galaxies - designed by Sony


and same thing with the clone wars, bounty hunter ...

There is nothing wrong with using someone else's engine

JK2 and Unreal Tournament are both using Q3 Engine

It's just that they need to put in more time to develop their games


This is like the 8th time I've typed this crap

SO PLZ stop saying stuff like "I want to see lucasarts make their own engine"....I would much rather see a well-developed LA game based on someone else's engine than to see some crappy game made with some lucasarts engine...

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BTW Arthur, what does ghetto mean, I still don't get it?


Also FoCom was not terrible , yeah it was bad but definetely not that bad.


Finally I think resoucres should be (I'm basing this on RoN again, sorry) Food, Tech (from Knowledge), Ore, Carbon, Credits and maybe something else but maybe not, to avoid further micro.



Look out for my list of "special resources" soon.:)

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In my country a ghetto is a township / neighborhood where poor people live (houses with tin roofs, bad or no water / electricity supply, etc.) - but i don't know what meaning Arthur2 is applying to it?


I think the resource allocation is fine - Food, Carbon, Ore and NovaCrystals - i like it - it is a well balanced resource selection...

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In my country ghetto is a place with a small ethnic community that only lives there and does not go anywere else, almost forced to stay there.


The best example is the ghetto of Warsaw in Poland during WWII.

The city was divided into two parts, the ghetto A and the ghetto B. People who were able to work lived in the ghetto A and the elders and kids lived in the ghetto B. People who lived there were not necessarily jews.

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I got some ideas for SWGB2:


*LA could get away with using the Genie engine again if they really push the specs and this time make the game 3d graphics enabled. The 3d graphics card would handle the laser effects, lightsabres, explosions, trail and wake effects, water effects and enviromental effects.


*Weather effects powered by a 3d graphics card. Wind, Snow, Rain.


*Keep the 6 original civs, make the 2 CC civs units available to the

Trade Fed and Rebellion and add 4 distinct civs. Take a pic. I say, Mon Cal, Trandoshan, Twi'lek, Bothan.


*Keep Ore, Nova, and Carbon (What do you think an AT-AT is made of thin air?) but instead of picking berries and fishing, they should replace food with vapor. Instead of Farms players would build moisture collectors, or thermal gas collectors or something like that which produced a gas that is used to power engines and such.


*Keep air and navy units, Trawlers should become repair units for naval ships. Allow aircrafts to return to the airbase for repairs...they could be queded up inside of it. Airbases would be able to repair 10 units at a time.


*More stealth units


*They have lots of leaders for each civ...Rune Hakoo and such. Give each leader an Attitude. Thrawn and Vader are aggressive, and build massive amounts of units; Nute Gunray uses tricky tactics like pummel drops, jedi rush and such. Queen Amidala and Naboo leaders are pacifist..will only retaliate when attacked and fight to gain ground and hold it. This gives the leaders more flavor instead of the civ just having a name attached to it.


*A Relay Station building that is achieved at Tech 4. Allows players to call in orbital bombardment that does massive damage over a wide area. Requires a spotter unit.


*Units should turn in full 360 degree motion. Mechs should tilt when they go uphil and other animation enhancements.


*Air units should fly in a circle when they are not being given an order. But air units should still spot up and shoot instead of straffe...this keeps them from straying into range of harmful AA turrets when they are focused on something else.


*Bongo subs stay submerged when attacking. All gungan ships should have the ability to submerge, but maybe only the bongo can move when submerged.


* Anti-Personnel device to stop/break up massive troop formations. Mine layer unit.


*Retain side view perspective


*Bounty Hunters become available the same time as Jedi. Blaster Cannons become avialable the same times as Fortresses.


*Unique jedi/sith for each civ..doesnt have to be of that race. I.e. gungans do not necessarily have to have a gungan jedi. Theirs could be Qui-gon Gin.


*Day/Night cycles


*More outer space terrain...less earth-like terrain.


I they did all this for SWGB2 it would definitely feel and play a lot different and would be very original.

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*Keep the 6 original civs, make the 2 CC civs units available to the rebellion


why? for the last ******* time, the confederacy is NOT THE REBELLION!!!!!!!



I have to disagree with space bombardment. In C&C Tiberian Sun, you had an Ion Cannon and that really killed the fun because you could do a lot of damage just sitting on your ass.


Stealth units are not so good. They would greatly affect gameplay because you will just mass them up.


Bounty Hunters should not be available at the same time as Jedi Padawans because the Padawan will be way too weak against bounties.


Oh and the graphic changes and weather effects are fun butthink about what kind of comp you would need!!!!!!!

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Here's what I think for resources: get rid of green Nova and purple Ore. It just looks too "cheap sci-fi TV show"-ish.


So here's the resources I can think of:


:atat: Food: Although farms are a bit out of place, food is a standard resource. I think perhaps more of a focus on the animal nursery idea than building farms would work well for Star Wars. Of course there would need to be more animals available on the map. Animal nurseries actually suit my "resource building" idea above quite well.


:atat: Carbon: This fits moderately well into Star Wars. However, I'd like it to be brown rather than bright blue. Also, trees should somehow be renewed - I'm a big advocate for self-renewable resources. With my "resource building" idea, perhaps a resource building could be built in the middle of a forest or near a forest, and you get a flow of carbon dependent on how many trees are within a certain radius. However, trees can only be "mined" by one resource building at a time.


:atat: Metal Ore: I'm a big fan of this. See my info above about it. Basically it's underground, you need to detect it, then build a resource building on top of it.


:atat: Gas: The same as metal ore except in the air. Needs to be detected, etc.


:atat: Credits: This could work like nova at the moment, except you can't mine raw credits from the ground. So they are needed to buy some things (most likely bounty hunters) but you have to trade other resources for them.


:atat: Spice: Keep in mind not all spice is illegal. It's only good for trading for credits, you can't make anything with mined spice. Similar extraction technique to Metal Ore and Gas.



Resource buildings would only get an attack in later tech levels, or far down the tech tree. Even then, it would be really weak, like trooper level or even just scout level. Then again, it's probably better without. But it's just an idea.

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I don't know about you guys

but some teenagers use "ghetto" instead of "low"

force commander was....BAD

I'd much rather see lucasarts put time into development w/ someone else's engine than to waste time trying to develop their own...since they dun have enuff tech to do so

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I think with your resource ideas we would all be spending WAY too much time on micro-econ-management and not enough time on Strategy...


Arthur2: Thanks for the clarification of the term "ghetto" in your context - it clears things up a LOT. i can see how the slang-version of ghetto could mean "low"... especially in my country!

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Thanks for the explanation, Arthur2.;)




Food: Yeah, I agree. But we should still keep farms, or the troops won't get a balanced deit.:D

Carbon: That's in RoN! I like it exept for 1 resource building at a time. I think it should be like 3 per a designated area.

Ore: Keep ore as it is.

Gas: WTF? Sorry but this is among most ---------------(line cut by censors)----------------- GB2 ideas I've ever heard.

Credits: I agree to credits as a resource, but IMO u should only be able to get it through trade.

Spice: I think given the fact that Spice is found on only a few worlds in the galaxy like Kessel, it should be in but as a "special resource"

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Gas- I am not sure so correct me if I am wrong, Gas could be used as a fuel......


ok, I am gonna pull out Enemy Nations again just to give you guys some ideas

in Enemy Nations, If you run out of Gasoline, your vehicles will slow down to like only 10% of its usual speed... I personally don't think it's a good idea because when I build an army of 150 tanks and cannons, everytime I move them like across the map , I burn 5000 units of gas (per minute) and not to mention that my trucks and cranes are still operating...and the worst thing is that oil wells mine really fast....if you don't look for new ones you'll be short on gasoline very soon.... It's cool idea, I just don't like it....slows down the game



Also some AoM updates:

the farm provides infinite food, no replantation, as long as you have workers working on them you'll get food


I think for the minig why don't we just let workers garrison in the minig structure....easier that way

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If you are talking about the way people use gas in Starcraft

then yeah why not? gas is just another type of resource


I think the current resource structure is pretty good

food, carbon, metal and gas? dunno

I think just keep these resources simple...

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Crazy dog, what's wrong with gas? It'd be mined like on Bespin, but it doesn't have to be tibanna gas. Surely there are other valuable generic gases out there in Star Wars that could potentially be mined?


Also, what's the carbon mining like in RoN? How does it work? Is it exactly the same as I proposed?

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Perhaps you could also make it so instead of building the "plantation" carbon processing building, you could just get workers to cut down trees for quick carbon early in the game. However, this would chop down the tree for good, just like now, so there are huge benefits to eventually building a plantation building.

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Do not follow the path of the other RTS games and make the next RTS game a 3-D ground battle. 2-D is the best and you get more types of units and more units period with 2-D. I could care less about 3-D graphics. They make the next RTS game 3-D and I won't buy it because my computer will be out of date and I don't have a 3-D accelarator card. The next RTS game needs to stick to canon star wars units. Quit copying RTS games and have unecessary units like pummels, aircruisers, and undeployed cannons. They need to follow their own path and make their own engine and use star wars movie units.

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OK joe, 3D might not work very well as of now and the near future, so u may just have that right.



But why are pummels, for example, not canon? This is a game made by Lucas arts (note the Lucas). This would also mean all content is approved by George Lucas. The only cases to avoid things u consider EU are:

1) Trying to predict what happens in Episode 3.

2) If u're running out of money.

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i think 2d and 3d doesn't matter at all

as long as it's 45 degrees (like in AOK/SWGB)

45 degrees is the best for strategy games


well, 3D...

go play AoM and u'll see the control is not that different from AoK, but it's just a lot more detailed...more realistic under 3D

there are more variations


because 3D games are using 3D engines generating 3D models everytime u move...u only need to color the models

look at some Action games for example, cutting off enemy's body parts, the part u cut off is depended on where u swing, there is no limitation...that's the good thing about 3D engine (applies to strategy games, too, well maybe not cutting off body parts, but other stuff....)

but for 2D, u have to draw a pic for EVERY move ur unit makes

that's not very efficient....and it's very limited

besides, there is no doubt that 3D looks better than 2D, take AoM and AoK for example.

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Originally posted by Arthur2

look at some Action games for example, cutting off enemy's body parts, the part u cut off is depended on where u swing, there is no limitation...that's the good thing about 3D engine (applies to strategy games, too, well maybe not cutting off body parts, but other stuff....)

but for 2D, u have to draw a pic for EVERY move ur unit makes

that's not very efficient....and it's very limited

besides, there is no doubt that 3D looks better than 2D, take AoM and AoK for example.



SOF2 ... *mouth waters*

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