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The true meaning of forum jargon


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Good player -- you and your friends


Noob -- a person who beats you using a move you didn’t see coming in time to dodge


Whore -- a person who beats you using a move you still won’t, or can’t, learn to see coming in time to dodge.


Spam -- hitting someone more than once


Exploit -- a place on a map or move that you never thought of or spotted yourself (or just cannot do/find)


Lamer -- anyone who disagrees, beats, ignores or otherwise shows everyone in the server that you are inadequate


1.02 -- a time when, so you claim, you used to win fights (ye, rite)


Unfair -- see bug


Blocking -- missing the opponent


Bug -- being hit by the opponent


Skill -- something that can be seen only in special mod nobody else has yet perfected but you know exactly how to create (see also 1.02)


Cheap play = [only applicable to other people] winning


Lag -- … a … pisser


Raven -- the people who are there so that your failures are never your own fault


Realistic sabre combat -- [no definition can be given of this because it is totally goddamn meaningless]

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Supposedly, by posting this list, you and your friends are sanctimoniously excluded from its unflattering categorizations?


You must be the good player(s).


You miss the point entirely, even in your satire. If the removal of all the labels and the players who wear them constitutes your idea of a "good game", then maybe Raven is totally not responsible for the game that JO has become. You're absolutely right. WE failed. We, the players, are entirely culpable, because WE destroyed JO. The fact that all the patches we called for led to the type of player you represent, a take-no-prisoners, gruff-and-tough move abuser.


Of course! No game can ever be improved, no move is ever unbalanced or unfair, no move unreasonably exploits built-in vulnerability. There are no bugs, no players who didn't reach the top of the high score list without pure and utter SKILL. Every mod sucks. Every version you don't play, sucks.


Go play battleship. There's only one attack and it levels the entire playing field. No whiners, no realism debates, no n00bs, no lamers. And best of all, no variety.


You'd feel at home there.

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ummm..very funny :D but...don't like the one about 1.02, because in all fairness, 1.02 was the patch. not because I owned, but because it was just the best one. You would see that if you played with ti long enough and leard the details of it. I mean really learn. Like, counter DFA, beat heavy users, it was all quite balanced back then.

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The truth has been told! You sir, joking or not, have hit the nail on the head with this post. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for the way we have treated Raven and each other over this game title. Maybe if the rest of us will lighten up to your way of thinking we would wind up a night of JK2 with a smile and a "better luck next time" attitude instead of the way we have all been acting for the last few months. Thanks for the look into ourselves...........this made me laugh but I also take some of this to heart. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Chaynsaw


Go play battleship. There's only one attack and it levels the entire playing field. No whiners, no realism debates, no n00bs, no lamers. And best of all, no variety.


You'd feel at home there.


You guys don't move your ships around during gameplay in Battleship?!

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Yeah...when there are two "good" players who know each other, they're both walking around, bowing, doing flashy moves without a single spam....acting like cool jedis.


But if a n00b (=someone they don't know) comes close, the other starts to lightning spam him while the other spits out profanities and DFA's the "n00b" in the back while he is facing a wall, afk with the sign above his head. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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