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WIP - Pablo-Jill


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i just started modelin about a week ago and decided to do my first model on a jedi named Pablo-Jill, u can see em in ep2 hes one of the jedi. i wanted to post some pics of what i have done before i go away for a week, just to give u guys time to tell me wut u think, and when i get back [on friday] ills tart work again with ur suggestions. ill post some pics, but dont laugh, its only my first time, only constructive critisism please...:p




tell me what u think :)


heres some ref pics i was usin, this is all i could find, if anyone has found any other pics, post a link, that'd be great, thx




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i know how ya feel...i just started modeling about a week ago too. Well...first I had 2 models that i chunked cuz they were so crapish:p . Now I've gotten so far on one model...that I just keep trying to fix it up with suggestions from peeps. siiiiigh.

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Just remember when you get to his hands, he only had 3 fingers,


Try making his feet notso tall/fat. They look really swollen, and they shouldnt. The back of his head still needs a lot of work, smoothing it all out so it's not so blocky of course,


A good model, especially for only having modeled a week!

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thx, ill fix that stuff up when i get bak on friday, till then id love some more suggestions and such for this model, and if any has any more pics of him that would be a great help considering there arent that many that i could find...i think hes one of the most unique jedi, and i want to make him look the best i can, so the more help the better, ill post an update on friday/saturday when i work on it. till then, have a good week;)

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Pretty good for a first time modeler!


Add some more polys to his head (mostly the backside) to smooth things out a bit (it looks too squarish).


Also the areas to the upper-left and upper-right of his mouth (which is located on where we humans have a forehead hehe!!!) should slope along more to the tip of his head. And this tip should be more narrow and maybe a tad bit more long.


Hope that helps you some.


Keep up the good work!

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hey people, just got bak from holidays, good times! hah

i made some updates when i got home, gave pablo hands, and changed his mouth up a little bit. i also added some more polys on the bak of his head which makes it look alot better. i sized him a bit to, made him look more in porportion. tell me wut u think!!


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hey people, just got bak from holidays, good times! hah

i made some updates when i got home, gave pablo hands, and changed his mouth up a little bit. i also added some more polys on the bak of his head which makes it look alot better. i sized him a bit to, made him look more in porportion. tell me wut u think!!

edit: thanks boba, this should work.


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Pablo is lookin good! The back of his head is much better.


Now try making the top of his head taller and more pointy. His nose (located between his eyes ) needs to be well definded (I don't see it yet). ;) And the area above and to the sides of his mouth (the forehead area) needs to be smoother (it's looking too squarish).


Keep up the good work. :D

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Hey dAno,


I just noticed something. Look here...




It says that Pablo has "...a multi-jointed bow-legged stance...." You can see this "multi-jointed bow-legged stance" when he is walking in this picture here....




Although you cannot add extra joints to his legs (do to the JK2 humonoid skeleton) you might be able to twist the lower section of his legs before attaching it to the skeleton so that he can walk "pigeon toed" as seen it the picture above.


Also, I just noticed in this picture....




Pablo has small tentacle-like things hanging from under his nose area. (Look close because that area is kind of shaded in that picture). I figured you would want to include those too. :D


Also here's another pic of those tentacles shown in this early preliminary sculpt.





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wikked, thx padawan_7, lotsa help!:D ill get workin on those suggestions as soon as i can, im kinda sik right now, got a cold, but ill work when i can on it, prolly post an update later tonight, for sure tommorow. so expect that, thx again padawan_7.


if anyone else thinks i should add anything or change anything, plez reply;)

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changed his legs up a bit...i dont got that good of ref pics to tell how he looks standing still legs straight, but if theres any more suggestions on how it should look, itd be appreciated.

i also added the things coming off of his chin, thanks to padawan_7 for pointing them out. i think its comin along real nice, still lots of work tho;)


if anyone can see any errors id appreciate it if u would reply so i can change em around and make em look real good.

oh ya, im gettin better...just have a head cold...:rolleyes:

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