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WIP - Pablo-Jill


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Making some good progress :)


The tabards that Jedi wear are seperate, two thick strips of cloth draped over each shoulder and going down usually below the bottom of the tunic(?) underneath. In this case, having it as one peice below the belt area isn't necessarily a bad thing, because they can be shown that way in the skin.


I would add another joint below his knee going backwards, kinda like this:






If you keep the upper-knee at the same level as the JKII skeleton, you shouldn't have any problems. The lower "knee" won't be functional, but it will be there :)

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thx bradfu, ima get started on the two seperate tabards, itll look alot better.

i keep readin over ur idea for:

"I would add another joint below his knee going backwards, kinda like this:




\_ "

that, and i still dont understand wut u mean, like by the angle of the thing u drew, are u talkin from a front view, side view, back view...? im not sure wut u mean...:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys, sorry for lack of updates, ive been real busy goin place to place this summer, but now that im back at skool, ill have more time to work on this model!

i made a buncha changes, made em more in proportion, added the bottom of his shirt under the tabbards, changed the tabbards around to make em look more like a jedi, and i changed the legs to what bradfu suggested, thx guys, lotsa good suggestions!


i also played with the boots again, wut more do i need guys? im talkin before i do the robe, i wanna get the body perfect first.;)

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Hey that looks better. Maybe i was just going crazy who knows. To me it looked like he had a hunch back or something. Hey if this is your first model my hat off to you. Modeling is difficult if you haven't done it before. Duh!!! I hope you consider future projects after this one. Oh and one more thing are you going to put in custom taunts? I know that he don't have any speaking parts but someone could make something up. I don't think the taunts should be in basic but some alien language.

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Hey, lookin' good dAno!


Yeah that's right, Pablo is supposed to have a "large hump on his back." Read here...




And yes, Pablo needs some custom sounds.


Pablo-Jill appears to be named after Visual Effects Supervisor Pablo Helman. (Like Coleman Trebor was named after Animation Director Rob Coleman.) Since Pablo Helman is a native of Argentina, and therefore probably speaks Spanish, I think maybe Pablo-Jill should too. Read here...




Now, normally I would think this would be a very bad idea, however if you notice Ody Mandrell (a podracer from Ep. I) speaks the words "Que pasa? Que pasa? Que pasa?" (Spanish for "What's up? What's up? What's up?"). So if Ody can do it why not Pablo? ;):D

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wow padawan, thats some great research man! :p good stuff, i think that may be kool, have em speak with a spanish accent, but i think it would sound good if he had a low tone. i think hed talk low and long, not fast like Ody Mandrell. if anyone wants to try to make a sound somethin like that, id be happy to load it on my site and put it on the forums, i think gettin a good taunt would make him alot better.

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I don't know any Spanish so i really have no idea. Well If you need any help with the sound umm i think that Mister Punch the creator of Plo Koon maybe can help you. He made his own sounds for Plo they sound good, well given that they sounds are just telepathic messages. Um what was i talking about? But yeah spanish should be good just don't use any commonly known words like amigo or ci or senior. I can't do the tild thing above letters, but you get my meaning.

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Hi guys


I'm spanish... i don't know what kind of **** you need for the taunts, but i'd be pleased to help you. And just for a few laughs, try to say this loudly:


"Tres tristes tigres triscaban trigo en un trigal"

"El perro de San Roque no tiene rabo, porque Ramón Ramirez se lo ha cortado"


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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well rekked, wut kinda stuff do u think would be good for a taunt for em, like say some stuff in english and translate it into spanish, some good sayings for taunts.


hey guys, this may be a stupid question but i wanna kno for sure. im pretty much done the body for pablo, currently its at 1173 vertices, and 1998 faces...im nto sure wut that means, but i kno theres a limit for polys on jk2...but now i gotta do the robe, which will take up alot more i kno that, so wut should i do...? and wuts the limit for polys...?

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bak to the X Y Z thing in 3dsmax, i cant start editing until i find out how to put it bak to the X=red, Y=green, and Z=blue, it makes it alot easier for me to edit, i musta hit a button and it brought it made the X Y Z things grey unless one is selected...and its much harder to edit.

once i figure this out ill be on my way to adding the robe and finsihing the model!! so please!! any help is needed...thx:)


EDIT: hey guys sorry bout that, lol i fixed it, like i said before this is only my first model so beare with me;) ill begin work on the robe...wish me luck! haha

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