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Force powers you would like to see/wish were in Jedi Outcast.


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Originally posted by Redwing

The Force powers from AotC; Reflect and Chain Lightning ^_^


That would be cool but it should make it so they dont take damage either so when that happens to em they dont get back stabed =)


Also i think it would be cool to have force power that makes a force field like the force field thingy that u can pick up (sorry cant remember the name)

LVL 1: 10 seconds, strong

LVL 2: 20 Seconds Stronger

LVL 3: 30 Seconds Very Strong! As In More than 4 DFA's to it.

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Originally posted by Beefotron X

They should have had live dismembering, where cutting off someone's limbs doesn't necessarily kill them.


Each limb you are missing, reduces your max HP by 20.


If you have...

one arm: The larger guns are unusable

no arms: No weapons

one leg: You get off your back at half speed, maximum speed is walking speed, jump height and kick damage are halved.

no legs: The most movement you can do is roll at .75 x walking speed.


Accompanying this would be a regeneration item that gave you all your limbs back, but doesn't recover health.


Much monty python mayhem...

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Force trip- they run and its like an invisible foot sticking out infront of them. This must be followed by some funny fall on you face and curse animation


Force smack- Flag carrier talking ****? No problem target him from far away and deliver a force bitch slap. This would be the pimp side of the force.


Force confusion- Makes your target dizzy for 5 seconds, in which time his screen blurs and is filled with pure acid like visions.


Force shadow- Have your self appear two steps ahead and slightly left of where you really are. This is accomplished by joining a server where you have a super high ping, but I'd like to do this on purpose to piss off the snipers.


Force Noob Wedgy (sp?)- if a player fails to reach a certain score in a certain block of time he is then open to being hung by his undies on strategically placed hooks in all maps.

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Originally posted by DS ChAoS



"Now stand aside worty advarsary"

"Tis but a scratch"

"A Scratch?!? Your arm's off!"

"No it isn't"

"Well what's that then"

"I've had worse"

"You lie!"

"Come on ya pansy"


"Look at you silly bastard, you have no arms left!"

"Yes I have!"


"Tis a flesh wound"

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I would have liked to see a new force power called "kick n00b go bang". You use it when somebody runs at you with their saber off and just kicks you all the time. Then all you do is point at them and a green ball of energy flys from your hand up their nose and they explode.

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Originally posted by Caster

I think that Vader blocking Solo's shot was actually because of his black armour.


I mean... it's all shiny and stuff!


Well, according to the books of the expanded universe it´s a jedi power that let´s the user absorb and channel pure energy through his body, and even counterattack.


It would very nice to have that power on JkII. Imagine absorbing blaster bolts and then throwing boosted lightnings or something else, that I wanna see!!!!!!!

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I'd like to see force levitate, where you could levitate objects the same way that you can force levitate people who are in the ForceGrip.


People who were strong in the force could levitate ships, but others could levitate boxes, etc. and stack them and stuff.


Working in tandem, people could force levitate objects for teammates to use to get to unreachable areas.

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I would like to see a force sense power, like whats others have mentioned were you could sense or see enemies or have some kind of danger sense, like what Obi-wan and Qui-gon sensed when the ship blew up at the start of ep1, but in the game have it like a colored red haze for bad guys and a green or blue haze for good guys but have it not able to pinpoint exactly were the other character is, just a close aproximation.......


Also another power that would be good would a slight direction controll when falling, like in episode II when Obi-wan is hanging on that wire after his encounter with Jango fet, how he swings toward the platform without any prior momentum, the ability to fall straight down and wing into a chosen direction......


And lastly this idea isn't really a force power but have a block controll were your character moves his saber to block lightning from being thrown from enemies, its beened mentioned in this forum already but I think this controll should be available but to jedi knights and high not padawan's.........


If thier is a way to create new force abilities that would be awesome especially if thier was some kind of editor......

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U should be able to levitate ur self /meditate then use levitate force power and float about as the yoda model :( oh man that would be so cool :o


Well im sure there could always be away, we're best talking to Dest or Artifex and decide what powers (if any) are achievable with some kind of 'ForceMod' <---copyrighted :D j/k



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Couple more ideas. Names ripped off of the RPG.


Sever force - A force ability which temporarily cuts off your opponent from using any of his force powers. (with the exception of saber ones, not including saber throw)


Battlemind - increases your combat speed and damage without the distortion force speed gives you.


And yes, i crave for the return of force destruction, dammit.

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force seeing in sp woulda made it too easy


but they could done it so that u only saw their exact position when u were further into the game and better at force stuff

until then u just had a hazy light in their general direction that suggested someone might be there



a cool new force power would've been force posess wher u could posess someones body in mp and make them jump off stuff etc but ur body was vulnerable while u were doin it and force seeing could negate it

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Now you may call me a looney, but...


I would have liked to've seen Force Sight boosted a bit, and maybe made into a Force Awareness. The more points you add to it the better the player's reaction to attacks and Force attacks. Maybe something like:

1) Deflects shots better in a 180 degree arc.

2) Deflects shots better in a 270 degree arc.

3) Deflects shots better in a 360 degree arc.

Perhaps each with certain zones that are better defended...


The influence of AOTC makes me want to see Absorb have the following effects (per star/point):

1) Blocks lightning with the lightsaber (Obi-Wan style). If no lightsaber active player absorbs via normal means at a slight penalty (perhaps lower Force regeneration).

2) Blocks lightning normally with Full Force regeneration (JK/JK2 Style)

3) Regenerates Force partially, and partially reflects it back in the general direction of the caster (Yoda style).


...I'm a looney.


:gben:The Force will be with you always.

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Nice ideas here:)

This grip of yours that could grip the opponents ankle or some other spot would be really cool:) And maybe it would break his ankle (if used at the ankle) so it would be harder to move

And of course the thing that Yoda does in Ep2. We could send the lightningnoobs' lightning back at them:D


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A great way reflect. The way that it could absorb anything, but still have draw backs are.


1. You have to stay still

2. It takes more force power to absorb more shots




I think there should be more counters to Destruct if you add it.

It was to powerful in JK and MOTS. The force jump then point down was spamed too much. Even worse that the back stabers. Though as far as I know Lucas Arts didn't Nerf it yet.

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