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Mod wishlist...

Jah Warrior

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OK there are so many mods out there now that its all getting rather confusing, I find that different play styles for different mods.


So in the hope that some brightsaprk will read this and perhaps take some ideas on board, lets make a thread with all the things we actually want in a mod, I know nothing about coding so don't say this is ridiculous, it is just a wish list.


1:- Model Scaling

2:- Multiple Duels without lag induced by the T&L

3:- Multiple taunts

4:- Server selectable emotes (ie so you can turn certain emotes off)

5:- Control over damage for each swing, as per Duel SE

6:- The ability to get jump level 3 without any kicks whatsoever server side setting

7:- Higher accuracy as per ProMod

8:- equal HP for both players when starting a duel in FFA

9:- Control over the amount of blocking


That will do for now, feel free to add to the list, whether it be gameplay or functionality ideas.

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10.) Incress Force Jump's power (Jump higher!)


11.) Possibly balanced dual/double-bladed sabers. In jediMod they block practiclly everything, and in base double obviously beats single blade.


12.) Add those neato ( :D ) animations from JediMoves ( just the rolls, jump, and flips, w/o the extra stances).


13.) More specials!


14.) Balance size. Make it so a yoda trades his small size (Easier dodging and alot harder to hit), for less damage being delt by them and easier to kill.


15.) Co-op! I know this doesn't really belong here but god damn do I want coop. :D

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A mod where: 1)the old medium style from 1.02 comes back.

2)the sabers don't have sooooo much glow.

3)the special attacks from red are harder to dodge and have less recoil time.

4)fast isn't soooo fast...... I mean, nobody spins that fast.

5)correct model scaling, with distinguishable differences in heightand saber length.

6)Lightsaber combat doesn't use so much jumping!

7)Dismemberment happens not only at death, but at certain points in the battle. Kyle can get his arm cut off at 50 hp, and so on.

8) Tchouky's saber mod is included without that annoying Jedimod.



Also, in a separate mod: (Yeah, like this will ever happen) A Zoids total conversion mod. I always thought the Zoids combat was pretty cool, and claws could be used in the place of the lightsaber or; in the case of the Blade Liger, the blades could become lightsabers. This of course would require a ton of animating and programming, so this would probably take more than one person.

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

3)the special attacks from red are harder to dodge and have less recoil time.

4)fast isn't soooo fast...... I mean, nobody spins that fast.


So you want the red special to be EASIER to hit people with AND you want to make blue slower? That would just suck

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

I mean that the current red special sucks. Make a diff. one. The fast spins are totally unrealistic. Get a comprehensive reading guide, JEDI Nova.

The spins in the movies are just as fast or faster than the ones in the game (except maybe the blue stance spins). :)

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

x)Allow custom music on pure servers: i play a lot better when i have my songs playing


one word





put that in the background, get yourself an internet keyboard (with previous track and next track) and your set to go



thats what i do for both jk2 and wc3:D

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