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Sabre snobbery


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First off : I have no problem with people who want to use the sabre ( i do myself now and again).


so please go easy with the flames :)


I play FFA DM with Force and Guns allowed exclusivly. Its what i enjoy. I also use guns for the majority of the time for the same reason.


Some of the people that I encounter (bear in mind what type of servers i play on) actually mind me shooting them! Think about this for a moment......they join a FFA DM server with guns allowed and are surprised when people shoot them!


Earlier today i was playing quite happily on a server doing well with my GUN ( i know i'll go to hell for it) when this person joins the server and starts calling me a lamer for shooting him and others; he had only just joined and started bitching right away.


The reason for this was that he wanted to run around waving his lightsabre with other likeminded folk without being shot. SO WHY COME TO A GUN SERVER? He started trying to get me voted out but failed as (thankfully) the others were also shooting/didnt care.


I had a decent reasonable conversation with one "sabre-man" about the reason why he thought guns were cheap/lame. His arguement was that using guns takes little or no skill (especially compared to a sabre).


But if using a gun requires little or no skill.........why are some people so much better at it than others?

We've all played other games like half life and seen the score boards showing just how differently people do with guns alone so clearly there has to be some sort of skill involved.


Talking of skill : (referring to standard 1.04 release not mods)

When a gun is shot in the computer game you either aim it on target and score a hit or you do not. Its down to where YOU aim the gun.

With the sabre in the current version all combat relies upon a random number generator to decide victory on some level. Think about that for a moment.


There seems to be a lot of sabre only servers available on the internet for people to choose from so i guess deep down the people I encounter want to play with the gunners as well.

This leads me to believe that they only complain because they are getting pasted all over the walls so frequently with little return on their losses that they get a little frustrated. (it does in my experience seem to be the case)


I just get really annoyed with people having a go at me for doing what i am allowed to do and should be doing in the game types that I play. Anyone else out there feel the same? Bored with all the whining of the sabre peeps when you shoot them? I am, but you probably got that by now!


Its not like i'm a bad person or anything. I dont chat kill, i vary my weapons, i use the force , i just rarely use a sabre. Also if i see a couple of people having a private sabre fight i mostly leave them to it and look for someone else to kill.


I still get a lot of attempted and successful votes to kick me from servers though. For shooting people in a FFA DM + GUNS server. Jesus, That pi**e* me off big time.


I don't want complete segregation or anything radical like that, I just want a little lee way to shoot people.....


I enjoy fighting with the Jedi and some of them are really good at what they do. I was having continual fights with this one Jedi earlier who was giving me a tough fight every time we met. It was excellent fun for both of us and we both had our victories and losses (as you would expect with 2 alright players). Why cant all the sabre people be like him ? Because most of the ones i see are not good enough at their trade to compete is my immediate thought.


I have also done some duelling and got my a$$ thoroughly kicked by people that were a lot better at it than me. I got a few kills but mostly got beat. Which proves that there is skill involved in the sabre side of things as well or i would have got a roughly 50% success ratio. ( i did already know there was skill in it and do not question that at all)


Does anyone have any other reasons why gunners are "cheap" or "lame" that we could potentially resolve or argue endlessly about?


Are there any people out there who actually agree with me or am i really a "M*THERFU**ING A$$H*LE" amongst the other things i have been called? (is that censored enough? Sorry if not)


As far as i'm concerned its your choice what weapon to use in the game as long as the rules permit it so when i kill you with my stormie rifle it was your fault that you died not mine. So please dont bitch about it to me 3 seconds later or try and get me kicked.



(Pickle00 clicks send and straps on his flame proof shielding)

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I've gotten this before. "N00b, go play quake!" (as if I'd play Quake... :rolleyes: )


I've never understood this. Like Zerowing said, the solution to this is very simple. But people insist on pissing and moaning about it. "Real jedi dont use guns!" Whatever, real jedi dont exist. Dork.



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That's exactly it, you hit the target there Shock. The fact is that for the most part the people playing with sabers or guns or both all have one thing in common, they are fans of the game. However some saber-only-users (and I am in no way implying all saber fighters here) are more than fans of the game, they're fanatics of the fantasy. To them this is their one big shot at becomming a Jedi or Sith, and when some hotshot gunner comes along leaving them just a stain on the sidewalk they get ticked. They feel Jedi are above the abilities of gunners and sincethat the game doesn't agree with this they demand gunners go gun somewhere else. I'm personally an advocate for both guns and sabers. It's not a one or the other game people. But the fact is I have just as much fun slicing and dicing as I do sniping your *ss. If people want to shortchange themselves and just fight with either the saber or guns, then fine. But when you do that you should accept the weaknesses that accompny your choice.

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I still do not understand why people complain so much about gunners. I think it adds a little variety to the game. I have friends that use guns exclusively and it is an impressive thing to witness someone go head on with a saber user only using the bryar pistol. I especially enjoy adding a few guns only bots such as Jango, Thrindel, and Boba in the Mandalorians.pk3 and they seem to handle themselves quite well.

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The fact is, the very essense of the Jedi Knight series is Sabers+Force+Guns (and explosives of course). It's the variety of tactics and playing styles that it encourages that makes it fun (and its very true to the style of Star Wars in general).


Sure, some people play nothing but sabers, but the point is, the stuff is put there for a reason: to be used and ENJOYED.


If people can't learn to counter something, and playing some other game type is their bag, fine, but let others have their fun too, is what I say.


Personally, I prefer to have the option of using all the weapons and items, although I do play saber duels occasionally. It's all good. ; )


Whining WILL get you no-place though... spend your time improving your skillls instead!

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:vadar: i am a sabre user myself i dont mid getting shot at its the point of the game u have to get used to the fact its only a game i used to play counter-strike i ran around with a knife gtting slaughtered cause i couldnt get close to ppl u shuldent get frustrated its only a game i use guns insted of my sabre sometimes i prefer using force powers tho lvl 3 grip rox :bdroid2:
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At last!!!!!



Other likeminded people.


Whoooooooo hooooooooo.


What serves do you lot play on ? Maybe if I come there i will not get booted all the time. I'm in the UK so i tend to go for the servers that are also in the UK, Gamesdomain, Jolt etc


and remember if you see a vote to kick someone you can press NO if you want them to stay in the game.


I have a few more things to moan about if anyone wants to hear..... :)


SERVER ADMINS - Put SABRE ONLY in the name of your server if that is what the game type is. I hate wasting my time picking the wrong games.


KICKING - At least voice your concern, dont just start a vote to boot someone for anything. (other players, remember, if you do not have a problem with the player they are trying to boot click NO on the vote. That will help prevent a small clan or group of players from being able to boot gunners as easily.


AMMO - There does not appear to be enough. But there you go.


SCORES - I have never understood why the Quake games do not report the number of times that you died and use that in the ranking for the end of the match. That might stop the DARK RAGE spamming i have seen.


Time to boot up the old games playing machine and have a rampage.


CYA later.

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I play NF SO Duels mainly, that's what I bought this game for (the saber battles). I do however come from a GUN background (Half Life TFC, Red Faction, Elite Force, RTCW etc etc), and I started playing this game in FFA and I certainly wouldn't complain if I were using a saber in a FFA server and got shot! Anyone who does is a complete idiot IMO. :rolleyes:

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Lexx, you really wouldn't believe the number of people that do mind it though. ROFLMAO. I just had a go now and people were having a go at me. Sabre people were in the minority as well and they still started crying.


Its good to hear a voice of reason though.



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Im a saber user myself but i dont mind guns. I think it pisses ppl off simply cuz u can lob flechette balls or repeater secondary into a crwod and take out a bunch of ppl where that is impossible with a saber (hence ppl saying no skill)

My only quarrel with guns is:

I feel that absorb needs to be fixed so that you can pull a gun away from a gunner using absorb. This would make it fair for the saberist. Dont start telling me about star wars and say u cant pull the saber away (the "reality" of the sw universe..i know that...i trying to figure a way to balnce out guns and sabers better...soemthing a patch should have done (1.04 is unbalnced)


My thing is simple. you have a flechette gun i have a saber....if i can get close enought to you so i can pull your weapon...you are a poor gunner and deserve to lose that weapon


some feedback on this please would be appreciated.

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I generally only use absorb when i am going over bridges and near edges to avoid the push/pull/grip people but to not have my weapons nicked, hmmm. might run a little low on force though but i like it!.


Yeah if you manage to nick my guns then i must deserve to lose them. Thats your advantage over me. I would not say that it meant i was a poor gunner though, after all i am fighting Jedi !!! You lose guns a lot so you have to learn how to make the best use of all of the guns.


Like i said earlier i think fighting the Jedi is excellent fun, i love a good scrap and that quite often means all my big guns are yanked away and i have to finish them off with my Bryar or Stormie rifle. This makes it more fun for me.


and yes i can understand why people would be annoyed with grenades going into a crowd of Jedi having a private fight, that is a little weak.

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What are we discussing anyway? OF COURSE it is silly to say it's illegal or cheap to use guns. Anyone who has the guts to say otherwise, come right up to me.


However, and this is my point, saying *EVERYTHING* in a game is balanced as is, is faulty logic. Sabers vs guns aint as balanced as they could be right now.

How many hits from a flechette does it take to kill a saberuser? How many hits from a sabre does it take to kill said gun-user?

And remember lads, the gun-user has the range advantage. I won't include force in this equation at all, the weapons should be somewhat balanced as is.


Up the saber damage a bit and the complaining will stop (yeah right! AS IF it would ever stop! LOL).


But still, sabers are more cheap than guns, because precision doesn't count when swinging a saber wildly, as everyone does. Guns require accuracy.

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Originally posted by pickle00

and yes i can understand why people would be annoyed with grenades going into a crowd of Jedi having a private fight, that is a little weak.


Soo????? If you don't want to be killed in a saber fight, them


1. Go into duel mode, so that no one else can interfere.


2. Exit out of that server and go to a SO sever.




Its called a FFA, becasue its a Free for all . Meaning that there are no rules, more kills = better. (well, maybe there is one rule: no chat killing :) )




Another thing, people would read my post and say "But I like have more than one person dueling me, it makes it challenging!!!"


Well then make a FFA SO server on a duel map :)




Another thing, people will also read my post and say "But there can only be one duel on a map at one time!!!"


Well then go to a server running a mod that allows multiple saber challenges on a map.

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personally, i think having gunners and sabers in the game adds twist. I honostly enjoy blocking laser bolts and stuff. I find it easy to kill gunners, because a lot of them are stupid and just run up to u with repeaters blazing. The skilled gunners are the coolest. What i don't like is people who complain that "real jedi don't need guns" for one, jedi don't exist, like said above, but for two, if they did exist, they would be able to handle gunenrs anyway.

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As I see it, sabers vs. guns doesn't NEED to be balanced. The only place where pure saberists vs. pure gunners comes about is in Jedi vs. Merc (a mod which was recently added and Raven admitted that it wasn't very balanced... being thrown in as an "extra bonus" and for variety) and Jedi Master.... a mod that is akin to "tag" anyway, so being "it" (the saber+force guy vs. the non-force gunners) is supposed to be hard.


All players, in a normal game, have the ability to use guns and force as well as the saber. That's why in a regular game (unless you've chosen saber only) you start with a Bryar pistol (a gun) AND a saber. Sure you can choose to start with a Stun Baton instead of a saber, but you can't choose to start with no gun!


So you can use your saber when it's smart to use it, and then use a gun/explosive when its smart to use that. Insisting that every situation require that the saber being balanced against all weapons, I think would just go to the logical extreme of making the saber the ultimate weapon, and the only thing good players would ever use. Sure, you might say, these are "Jedi" but this isn't a role playing game, and the weapons are THERE, might as well use them, right?


What makes JK2 unique is the Force and Saber. That doesn't mean that the saber requires MORE skill to use, it only means that people coming over from more traditional FPS games have one more weapon to learn. However, the biggest difference is made by Force, since regardless of what other weapons you use, you have to master the Force to survive, ultimately.


My 2 cents (again) ; )

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