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What's the strangest thing you got voted off/kicked for?

Luc Solar

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I just thought of this after being kicked out of a game for the very first time just now.. (yes, it seems I'm pretty easy to get along with. :) )


Okay, so there I was on a public FFA sabers only server in the middle of a huge fight when a guy misses me with a DFA. I kick him and he dies.


He says it was lame and tries to DFA me while I reply with a "?", but misses.


He then tries to kick me to death jumping around aimlessly hitting nothing but air. I kill him a couple of times and receive a "n00b-faggot!"- type of message every time.


Then he goes on a non-stop-DFA-hunt to get me, but I sidestep and kick him once every time. (DFA's aren't really that hard to avoid if you see them coming :D )


Obviously I should have understood that as an admin, he has the right to DFA 24/7 without getting penalized even though he misses 19 out of 20. So...he used his l337 admin powers and kicked me from the server :rolleyes:


Yes, I was kicked (not voted) off the server for kicking someone who was stuck with his saber in the ground.

Now, I know what it is like when people spam kick...but jesus..how lame can you get? Is this a new rule that I haven't heard of yet? No kicking when someone misses a DFA and is helpless?


I bet there are lots of funny stories out there about getting voted off or kicked. Please share :)

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Well I haven't got kicked off any server on jk2 YET but I know what you're talking about with immature admins.


I was playing CS the other day and I killed someone through a wall cause I had seen him walking behind it..... ooh!


He admin_csayd "THrough the wall? :/" so I responded with a ":D", joking around, and a moment later a command was entered to kick me, but the name was wrong since he had an "S" for the "$" in my name.


I said "Dude I don't hax!" and he said "You're going to die" "Bye bye now" 2 seconds later I was looking at my console -_-.


I hate it when people do not use the full features in a game, like kicking or shooting through walls, and when they are faced with someone who uses it, they whine/complain and get mad, then sloppy and you kill them yet again... then they proceed to spam you with l33t talk insults.


THe frustration multiplies exponentially when they have admin powers :X.


PS. The sad thing about all this is CS is supposed to eb cheat free thanks to the VAC

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I've been killed a lot of times just for killing the host. One time, the host was just crawling around like he was constipated. So I DFA'd him (killed him) and then he said, "WTF!?". Then kicked me.


I hate it when you start chasing somebody and they stop so you start backslash (in 1.03) or DFA and kill him but he brings up his console right when you are in the middle of your attack. So when he dies, you get kicked.

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I killed some guy when his clan was playing and he wrote


"you're dead now stupid noob"


Then after he died another five times in his fruitless mission, he wrote


"Duel me then noob"


after going on and on about how great he was and how bad I was going to get killed he finally put his saber up.


Well he died in about 5 sec's (this was 1.02) so he said I was lucky and challenged me again. This time he rolled backwards to avoid another quick death, but ended up rolling off the side of the Pad in the bespin map.


I was then told that I had hacked the game and that I had obviously pushed him off the side. The stupid admin believed him and kicked me.


Pushed in a FFA duel? Now that is a retarded admin and a stupid reason to get kicked.

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iv had this happen to me 2 times in a row once when in a battle in bessben i pussed a guy that was jumping in midair and he fell of the side of the cliff and died and he was the adaim he kickedd me for it i dindint get it



then another time the adim was kicking people by votes and every one blamed it on me and the really adaim kicked me one minite later im back there calling him god for kicking cause right after he kicked me he stopped kicking people you i hate immature guys or girls like that its so gay

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Originally posted by jedi qin-jon

iv had this happen to me 2 times in a row once when in a battle in bessben i pussed a guy that was jumping in midair and he fell of the side of the cliff and died and he was the adaim he kickedd me for it i dindint get it


My point was that you CAN'T push in a FFA duel. This guy just made that crap up so people wouldn't laugh at him for acting like he was a saber God and rolling off the side of the pad like a noob.

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Recently, I've been weilding much Jedi Love with mind-trick.


I joined a server called "Bring it on BITCH" (yeah, yeah, my mistake), and used mindtrick to boot one of the players off a catwalk in NS_Streets. He shouts "*****" and suddenly I disconnect.


I reconnect, and ask "Did you kick me?" "YES" "Why?" "*****, THATS WHY" Kicks me again. I reconnect. (it was kinda fun to see what he'd do next)


I kill him again, this time coming out of mindtrick into a DFA, catch him totally by surprise and carve him in half. "***** ILL BAN YOU" "Again, why?" No response.


Finally, he closes the server. I concluded he was running the server from mommy and daddys computer. I cant wait until school starts again...



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I feel compelled to preface my remarks with the following: Immature server admins's flunkies allege, after performing shoddy research and utilizing threadbare scholarship, that a number of their enemies are planning to compromise the things that define us, including integrity, justice, love, and sharing. To get right down to it, immature server admins would have us believe that its remarks are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. I would like to digress here. I have long been under the impression that I am tired of hearing or reading that oppressive slimy-types make the best scout leaders and schoolteachers. You know that that is simply not true. Immature server admins's readiness to call me feckless has to be the most egregious example imaginable of the pot calling the kettle black. And that's why I say to you: Have courage. Be honest. And do something good for others. That's the patriotic thing to do, and that's the right thing to do.

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Psionic, you are the most hilarious poster around. :D


I was kicked once my because of my name. I went onto this FFA server with about 4 others there. Their names were like San-Tria Laarn, you know 'proper' sounding Jedi names.


So along comes Dyslexic Jodi and thus was "disrespectful to the Jedi ethos" (I quote).


Kick. I didn't even get to swing my saber!


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Psionic, can you put in your own words how these people were merely joking, subsequently restoring my faith in humankind?

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I can only hope the readers of this letter are as outraged as I am at jedi wannabes. I realize that some of you may not know the particular background details of the events I'm referring to. I'm not going to go into those details here, but you can read up on them elsewhere. Some day, I want to compile readers' remarks and suggestions and use them to provide information and inspiration to as many people as possible. But you don't have to wait for that. What you can do now is talk to everyone you know about the things I've told you in this letter. Use every medium available to you. Use the Internet. Use your telephone. Use radio and newspapers. And whatever you do, never be afraid to speak out against the evil that are jedi wannabes.

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Sum1-Dude why are you killing me?


Seraph-Im a jedi...Youre a merc...Jedi kill Merc


Sum1- Well stop its getting annoying.


Seraph- I jedi. U Merc. Jedi Kill Merc


Sum1- Well go somewhere else.


Seraph- Do you own this server?


Sum1- No.


Seraph- Are you an admin?


Sum1- No.


Seraph- Isn't this a ffa jedi vs merc vs sith server?


Sum1- Yes.


Seraph- And you attack me when I see you, right?




Seraph- Jedi. Merc. Kill.


Sum1- STFU!


Seraph was kicked.


This happends way too much. When I play ffa I want a ffa(Although I follow the jedi vs merc vs sith rules), I want to be able to cut out of the rules a dueling(I always obey those) and just fight. This usually only happends when theres only a small amount of ppl there but oddly enough even tho the admins somewhat like me there and I always obey the rules, theres some people that don't get it.

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Ok, I was playing the ALWAYS CTF server that has a 32 person max, just having fun. Since I can only run at 640x480 on that server I tend to not see who is on what team. I pick auto-team when I join and hope it sticks me on the team that needs players, regardless of score.


K so I am playing and some kid named Frodo is on the opposite team, and he keeps voting to go next map and spamming "faggot" and other offensive things to people left and right. There are about 30+ people on this server, and no way in hell a vote is going to pass. It never has before with that many people on that server. Getting mad, he starts to tk anyone he can find, and knocking his own flag carrier off the map on ns_streets.


After a few maps of this, I finally just say "stfu and play". He starts calling me a fag humper kid who is probably in middle school, and then he takes my name. After a few more maps of the same thing and the whole time him going "I am a fag retard" while using my name, enough people get irritated. We went to dagobah swamp at the next mape and there was a small enough number of people to vote. Well, another player picked one of the people with the same name to be kick, me or him. He picked me on accident and everyone voted yes!!


So I get voted off and decided to stay off the server for awhile. After a while he stoped using my name and using someone elses name. I have seen him on a couple other servers though, using other peoples name and acting like the same jackass.


I rejoined later that day, he was gone, but other people who thought I was him called a vote to kick me again!!! I had to convince them that it was not me but some kid who originally went by the name Frodo, but not sure if that was his real name or not.


Another quick story about being kicked, I went to the same server again, and some guy is tking on spaceport. Someone else asked "why is an admin killing team players?"


I was like, yeah ok admin, whatever. I say "bulls**t", and then thinking about it, I ask "are you REALLY an admin?" and I get a :) back. I say "well kick me then if you are".


He asks "are you sure?". I say yes, and the next thing I know I am looking at the server disconnected screen. heh.

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I got kicked off of the battlefield JK++ server twice because the admin was team killing people, and chat killing people. I told him to stop, then he slapped, muted, then kicked me off the server.


He got really mad because I kept talking to the person I was teaching a few moves by changing my name to the text I wanted to say ;)


Fantom was his name.

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