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What's the strangest thing you got voted off/kicked for?

Luc Solar

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Razorace, you are missing the entire point here. And you put too much into "throwing dirt at him" We pretty much just annoyed him every time we beat him saying stuff like "poor little wanker, want a cookie?" Basically we were "being asses" to an admin that was being an even bigger ass. You don't kick someone from the server cause they beat you.

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Originally posted by Keeper

It wasn't HIS server. He was an admin/mod/whatever there. And HE was the one being rude to start out with. Or have you not read my first post at all?

It doesn't matter, you still shouldn't be rude. It only sinks you to his level.
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Wow.... in JK2 i dont even put up with this crap. Ill go in there and ruin the game if they piss me off, in Tribes 1 when people did this to me i hacked admin in the server, and kicked everyone then crashed it, many times 2, for 3 hours straight once. If you wish to know how ill gladly tell ya, just IM me at Dale7007... Also there is a way to change the text of what people say in Quake 3/Jk2/SoF2. :). Dont be their ***** though seroiusly. Take revenge, wait till the admin leaves then create Hell for everyone so noone wants to play on his server. You may say "That doesnt make you any better than him!!" Well guess what im one evil son of a *****then.

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Originally posted by Dale7007

Wow.... in JK2 i dont even put up with this crap. Ill go in there and ruin the game if they piss me off, in Tribes 1 when people did this to me i hacked admin in the server, and kicked everyone then crashed it, many times 2, for 3 hours straight once. If you wish to know how ill gladly tell ya, just IM me at Dale7007... Also there is a way to change the text of what people say in Quake 3/Jk2/SoF2. :). Dont be their ***** though seroiusly. Take revenge, wait till the admin leaves then create Hell for everyone so noone wants to play on his server. You may say "That doesnt make you any better than him!!" Well guess what im one evil son of a *****then.




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Ive been kicked countless times just because of my name and plenty off times voted off because of winning.


I refuse changing my name and almost always play as Lando so that people dont get the wrong impression(there r no jewish models im afraid) but anyway a lot of ignorants never heard of Monty Python or humor for that matter so i get kicked anyways.


Actually i kind of enjoy pissing people off about my name cause then it hurts so much more when they start hunting me and they get squashed....muuhaahhahaha...


And NO im not a nazi....i just play the violin and masturbate a lot....:-P


....ulrik of denmark

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I got kicked off of HEL back in the 1.02 days for capping 2 times a minute for 10 min.


Did it thru 2 rotations of bespin and that was it. Don't think i ever went back to the HEL server, and I made a point to ruin them every time they got in a game with me.


A friend of mine is admin for his clan's sof2 server and we religiously torment the poor bastards who join it. The most evil and trite things u can think of, we do.


It can be a lot of fun to terrorize a bunch of people who don't realize yer holding all the cards.


The good thing about that kind of sick pleasure is that if you have any kind of intelect whatsoever, it quickly expires. Usually after an hour or so we give up and go play a serious game somewhere.


BTW, there's a few aimbots for sof2 running around, you guys had probs with cheats yet?





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Originally posted by Lucky

BTW, there's a few aimbots for sof2 running around, you guys had probs with cheats yet?


I heard about these, but to be honest it hasn't become that apparent yet. If i have been playing against people with aimbots then they should be ashamed of themself, I still come top 2 or 3 at the very least. Far worse are the knife wielding maniacs that run around never ever using their guns, thats why I only play random generated maps now.

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Back in my first days of JKII playing, I used the name NSync Rules!!!! as a joke. Twice I was kicked off a server for having that name before I could even pick up a gun. Once, I even got to explain myself, telling everyone it was a joke and that I can't stand Nsync. While I was finishing typing my retort to some stupid remark, I was kicked.

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So im on my home server, messing around, some dude starts to get annoying with many stupid remarks. Calling people n00bs and lamers and chat killing right and left. I warn him a few time, then i got to kick him. /rcon clientkick 1 :enter:. Oops that was my number damnit, lol i had kicked my self off ym own server. Of course i reconnected and he was lauging his ass off about it /ban



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Just there i was on this bespin server and there were 4 guys jumping about and fighting maybe getting ready to duel on the docking bay and i did a big force push and they all fell of......serves them right for not picking good force points :( i got 4 kills and got voted off to boot :eets::D

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