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forceMod beta - lvl 4 force powers


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I have new qvms that should fix the following bugs


- "Info String Length Exceeded" when setting cvars

- Random MP crashes when loading maps

- Hilt selection screen shaking


I'll email them to each of you, with instructions on how to update your forceMod.pk3 file.


Edit: I just emailed the fixed versions to each of you, without instructions - it's a complete replacement, since the update was about the same size as the whole mod, i just sent the whole thing. All you really have to replace is the forceMod_beta.pk3 file, and it should start working smoothly.


BTW - Sorry if i overflowed anyone's mailbox

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"1" Bot force powers will be upgraded when appropriate if forceMod is on - every force power above level 0 will get another level added on to it

"2" Bots will be given unlimited force points on any force rank (Not all powers, just the ability to be a Jedi Master on a Padawan server) - This means it strip a bot of his level 3 force grip if you're only playing on padawan force rank.

"3" Bots given all Force Powers of highest level on their force side (Light or Dark)

"4" Bots given all Force Powers of highest level on both Light and Dark sides if f_lightdarkmod is on


f_lightdarkmod on "1" is easy with bots, just give them forcepowers on both sides in their jkb files and they get to keep em

On "2", you have to set your force powers using a cvar while in game.


I'll work on getting both of those cvars to work properly.

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also yknow in the game the "force speed" reduces the level speed. i was wondering cooudl it be possible to increase this power to stop time completly


Probably. Some people were kicking around a great idea of slowing down everything within a certain radius of them.

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Just submitted the first ForceMod release beta to jediknightii.net and jk2files.com about an hour ago.


Don't know when it'll be up.


It's got the new jetpack, with options on who can use it (Fetts only, Mercs only, ....) and whether you want to use the forcemeter as a fuel tank.


You can combine dark and light powers too.

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My request? Level 4 Force Drain makes you immune to it. I would 'KILL' for this.


That's reasonable. I'll make it optional in the next version. And no lives lost for it either.

Right now lvl4 Drain will heal you quickly, it's effective, and it also drains weapon ammo from the right type of guns.

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Understood. The drain cost in Promod is comparable to ForceMod - they both charge more per second to have it on.


If you want to see how powerful Absorb can be, set f_absorbmod to "0" in forceMod, and it will use the default (v1.04) cost per second, which makes it much more formidable.

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Isn't absorb supposed to absorb weapon damage? It doesn't seem to work...


It's supposed to absorb 25% of weapon damage and convert it to force power on level 4 - if you watch your force meter, it should go up a little with each shot. Lemme know if it still doesn't work - try having someone shoot you with a rocket or something that does more damage, and tell me if you still can't get it to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, this is the first forum i've been apart of, and i didn't realize the dangers of posting your email (it can be scanned by spammers), so i'm sorry for not realizing this earlier, but if you posted your email, please remove it. :(


If any of you want to test the next beta, just PM me your email or lemme know if i already have it.

And again, sorry about the email requests.

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ok s im really new to coding, i am assuming the VM folder is were the game coding is stored and that it canot be opened (otherwise we'ed have the SP source code) ---- Am i right or What??



anyway i downloaded the MP code, but there is loads of files, which is the one with all force power properties


also would you consider sending me you uncompiled version of the lev4 patch, i would like to have a root around and see how you changed powers

(ps i if i release a mod, i will give you full credit for your help)



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Well, you can open the VM folder, you have to in order to put your compiled *.qvm's in there.


The files that have most of the force power stuff are bg_pmove.c and w_force.c

There are parts scattered in several other files, but those are the two biggies.


As for the lvl4 "patch" code, the original stuff is gone - it's overwritten with a number of new things added for the next release of forcemod. :)


I can help you with the force powers though.

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