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No this is not a corny discussion thread, it's another wonderful little diversion! I'm not sure if you know about this but a mathmetician invented this game called life, and it did some very interesting things when people programmed it into some of the first computers. Anyway try out the java version, and take some screenshots of interesting setups!


The Game of Life

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I tried to run it...I need MS virtual machine to do it and guess what? Microsoft says it's not going to be available (again) until service pack 1 comes out...it WAS available back before Sun filed a lawsuit against MS, so as of July 10, it's off their site...and I installed XP at the tail end of July, so it's not even on my machine...add to that, the fact that I can't get it from anywhere else bc they all link back to MS's site!! AAAAARRRGHH!!!!

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